Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
(For audio, go
HERE for free download of Real
One Player. Science Misconduct page Related - David Vogel, fisheries scientist now with nearly 50 years experience, 14 working for U.S. Fish and wildlife Service: "In 1986 the U.S. F&W Service staff responsible for whether or not to pursue these (ESA) listings believed there were only 12,000 Lost River suckers in the Upper Klamath Lake...they didn't believe they were endangered. A couple years later...we now know for a fact that numbers were exceeded by tens of thousands of Lost River suckers. Now they flip flop and they say they are endangered? What constitutes endangered?" July 17, 2004 Congressional Hearing in Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Stephen Koshy Page:
Clay-Core Dam Engineer
Stephen Koshy's
scientific reports,
letters, and government correspondence regarding his
prediction of the imminent catastrophic collapse if the
Klamath Hydroelectric Dams are destroyed.
"Watch over the legitimacy, and the
truthfulness, of what we call science,"
by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett,
posted to KBC 6/23/14. Klamath Watershed in Perspective A review of historical hydrology of major features of the Klamath River Watershed and evaluation of Hardy Iron Gate Flow requirements. By Dr. K.A. Rykbost, Superintendent, Klamath Experiment Station, Oregon State University, and R. Todd, Klamath County Extension Office, Oregon State University. HERE for Power Point presentation. 3/25/04. HERE for Dr. Rykbost biography. More on Hardy: Science Page III and X
Biologists identify pot gardens as salmon threat, KATU 9/30/14. Go HERE for numerous articles on huge pot plantations near the Klamath River, on the Hoopa Indian reservation, in our locked-up forests. Dr. T. B. Hardy vs Dave Vogel, Wildlife Biologist, The Water Report - Klamath Basin Science. 1/15/05. Biography of David Vogel
12/2/10: Fisheries
scientist David Vogel sent us some short videos
of Klamath River steelhead and Klamath suckers.
HERE for Videos, Bio
and some Klamath Reports.
Academy of Science News Report: National More comprehensive analysis of Klamath
River basin needed to aid decision makers; 2 studies could assist if
improvements are made, 11/28/07. [NAS free report online:
http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=12072 ] (KBC NOTE: When you read
the dozens of green media releases in the coming weeks, keep in mind this actual
report and recommendations, and also, keep in mind who it is that the
journalists are quoting.)
Klamath Basin Science Conference, Feb 1-5,
Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), or http://jisao.washington.edu/pdo/ 11/2012: Study of ocean conditions and climate as related to fisheries.
Articles and letters by Dr. John Menke
Dr. John
Menke biography, retired professor and range
ecologist, rancher, involved in the Klamath
Basin Watershed.
Scoping Input on the Klamath Settlement Environmental Impact STatement/Environmental Impact Report EIR/EIS Process 7/19/12 Comments on Klamath River Basin Science Conference: Water resources discussed at Wednesday’s meeting, 2/8/10 by Dr. John Menke |