Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
Scientific Misconduct
and false science
Dr. Houser
PAGE: Klamath Dam science
whistleblower page:
Dr. Paul Houser,
hydrometeorologist, and expert scientist on "Scientific Integrity," was the highest level scientist in the Bureau of Reclamation, and the only scientist in the D.C. office.
Houser was
for exposing the Secretary of Interior's "intentional
falsification," "bias," and "predetermined intention" to
destroy the Klamath dams.
Stephen Koshy Page: Clay-Core Dam Engineer Stephen Koshy's scientific reports, letters, and government correspondence regarding his prediction of the imminent catastrophic collapse if the Klamath Hydroelectric Dams are destroyed.
* Dr. Stephen Koshy's letters of warning regarding Snake River Dam destruction
"Watch over the legitimacy, and the
truthfulness, of what we call science,"
by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett,
posted to KBC 6/23/14. Top Government Scientist fired for telling the truth about Klamath dam destruction, YouTube, posted to KBC 11/14/13. Reclamation biologists to keep jobs, H&N, posted to KBC 5/4/13. ".. Murillo wrote that Phillips’ memo will be rescinded with an apology..."
Interior denies
spinning Klamath science, 3/25/13, PEER. * Letter from House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar regarding Klamath River Dam science misconduct by Interior in firing whistleblower Dr. Paul Houser. Hastings requests documents regarding communications by March 15. Who did the spotted owl studies? Former Yurok forestry director released from jail; Raymond accused of embezzling tribal funds, posted to KBC 3/7/13. "Raymond and two biologists are accused of using an elaborate system of fake invoices, false purchase requests and electronic bank transfers to embezzle more than $870,000 in federal funds from the Yurok Tribe during a three-year period of wildlife preservation studies." (these included faked spotted owl studies).
Klamath Falls -
Biologists, Reclamation clash
over jobs,
H&N, posted to KBC 2/25/13. "The
complaint focuses on two scientific issues: (1) the discovery of
greater-than-anticipated numbers of endangered sucker in Lake Ewauna, and
(2) a life-cycle model of threatened coho salmon, with preliminary results
indicating that tributary flows are more important than the main Klamath
River, whose flows are managed by Reclamation." Klamath Falls- Government scientist gets fired for telling the truth, townhall.com , posted to KBC 1/20/13 Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to resign, Fox News 1/16/13. "His departure marks the latest in a series of high-profile resignations from the president's Cabinet. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta are among those leaving." KBC NOTE: 8 scientists, including the top ethics scientist/whistleblower for Bureau of Reclamation, recently filed complaints against Interior for science misconduct. Will this resignation make no one accountable?
Flawed Science,
New legal battle over Yuba River, and Klamath scientists accuse government of ethics violations, Families Protecting the Valley newsletter, posted to KBC 1/12/13. "There are similar complaints with Klamath issues where in a complaint filed this week, "a group of federal scientists...is claiming U.S. Bureau of Reclamation officials are threatening to eliminate their jobs because the agency was unhappy with their scientific conclusions." What would those conclusions be? Might they be finding evidence that destroying the dams isn't the correct decision? As a matter of fact..."
Letter from Stephen Koshy, Civil Engineer, Scientist and Administrator, to KBC News regarding devastating consequences of Klamath dam removal, 12/27/12. "I have not heard from the Board of Supervisors or the County Counsel. I gave clear concise and precise engineering analysis that at current technology, the dams can not be breached as long as the 'impervious clay core' of the earth dams are saturated in water. There is no way to safely breach these earth dams, ever. The other issues are regarding the stability of slopes and the sediment." Statement from Dr. Paul Houser, Klamath dams whistleblower 12/13/12 on DOI's firing him for exposing Interior's lack of scientific integrity: "The settlement of my wrongful firing “whistleblower” claim is very good to get behind me. I can’t say much about the settlement, but that it was a good solution for me personally and it did not result in getting my job back. My scientific misconduct allegation is being handled separately and is still under investigation. The Department of the Interior had the final outside panel report delivered back in August/September. I have repeatedly asked the Department for their findings and they indicate that statements will be issued soon." Who did the spotted owl studies? Former Yurok forestry director released from jail; Raymond accused of embezzling tribal funds, posted to KBC 3/7/13. "Raymond and two biologists are accused of using an elaborate system of fake invoices, false purchase requests and electronic bank transfers to embezzle more than $870,000 in federal funds from the Yurok Tribe during a three-year period of wildlife preservation studies." (these included faked spotted owl studies).
Scientific analysis regarding Klamath Dam removal, OPINION by Dr. Richard Gierak of Siskiyou County Water Users Association 12/11/12 * Klamath Basin Area Office of Bureau of Reclamation quit participation in fisheries studies because "tribes, other agencies and interest groups" didn't like BOR studies because it contradicts theirs, BOR Memorandum, posted to KBC 12/5/12 Fired scientist resolves whistleblower complaint with feds (regarding Klamath dam study), Capitol Press, posted to KBC 12/9/12. "While Houser's personnel issue was resolved, the scientific integrity issues he raised were outside the jurisdiction of the Office of Special Council, Ruch said. Kelly has said that Houser's complaints are under investigation."
Tailoring wolf "science" to justify political ends, by Jim Beers, a retired US Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Biologist, Special Agent, Refuge Manager, Wetlands Biologist, and Congressional Fellow. Here for for KBC News Wolf Page. Posted 12/5/12. The Yurok Grift, Questions linger in million-dollar embezzlement scheme after fugitive surrenders, North Coast Journal, posted to KBC 4/14/12. "Field had already figured out that the Mad River Biologists invoices submitted for spotted owl research were fakes...an associate at Mad River Biologists acknowledged that they hadn’t conducted the surveys in question." Former Yurok forestry director pleads 'not guilty' to embezzlement, Times Standard, posted to KBC 8/16/12. "Raymond and his two co-conspirators are accused of using an elaborate system of fake invoices, false purchase requests and electronic bank transfers to embezzle more than $870,000 in federal funds from the Yurok Tribe during a three-year period of wildlife preservation studies." Klamath science-informed process needs improvement, byIn April 2011, I was hired as the Bureau of Reclamation’s science adviser and scientific integrity officer. After I questioned the accuracy of science reporting and summary documents related to the Klamath Secretarial Decision, I faced systematic reprisal and my job as the Bureau of Reclamation’s science advisor was terminated...." * Klamath Dam Whistleblower Dr Houser in Yreka May 7, Klamath Falls May 6, sponsored by Cal Ore Bi State Alliance Humboldt: Federal charges against former Yurok forestry director over $1 million embezzlement, "Raymond, LeValley and McAllister used an elaborate system of fake invoices, false purchase requests and electronic bank transfers to embezzle more than $870,000 in federal funds from the Yurok Tribe during a three year period of wildlife preservations studies... The surveys that allegedly were never conducted primarily purported to be for spotted owl research..." HERE for Science Misconduct page. * KLAMATH DAMS: Full Committee Oversight Hearing on "Oversight of the Actions, Independence and Accountability of the Acting Inspector General of the Dept. of the Interior." Attorney General Miss Kendall questioned by California U. S. Congressman Tom McClintock regarding whistleblower Dr. Paul Houser, Bureau of Reclamation top scientist and Integrity Officer overseeing Klamath Dam science. For exposing integrity issues of the Department of the Interior he was fired by his boss, who happened to be a member of a stakeholder's group advocating for dismantling Klamath River dams, a huge conflict of interest. Listen to the astounding audio of Kendall's responses to McClintock. Paul R. Houser: Dam removal holds risks, uncertainties, Redding Record Searchlight, posted to KBC June 26, 2012
Leaked Interior Department emails point to political motives in mining ban, WLJ posted to KBC 6/9/12. "In what could prove to be a major embarrassment for the Department of Interior (DOI), a clutch of recently leaked emails suggest that the department may have had little to no scientific evidence supporting its January decision to withdraw over 1 million acres in northern Arizona from new uranium mining claims due to concerns about ground water contamination." Hanky-Panky harms Klamath River Watershed, Dr. John Menke, posted to KBC 5/13/12
* Hastings' Statement on Judge Redden's Admitted Bias to Destroy Snake River Dams, followed by: Former salmon judge: Snake dams should come down 4/26/12 HERE for Koshy's website including his biography and letters on Snake and Columbia Dam destruction. Don’t need to be a scientist to know it’s bogus, H&N letter to the editor by Jerry Anderson, Klamath Falls 4/29/12. "The official EIR/EIS Klamath dam removal document) is full of such “bogus” science; hence Dr. Paul Houser, whistleblower."
CORRECTION: This page has been corrected:
Dam Removal Would Be Catastrophic, interview of
scientist Stephen Koshy, DRA, posted to KBC 3/31/12.
Koshy is a civil engineer, scientist and administrator. Alleged embezzler Roland Raymond surrenders to authorities, IndyBay, posted to KBC 3/7/12. "The case stems from ... investigation of over $870,000 in Federal funds appropriated to the Yurok Tribe for wildlife preservation, including the spotted owl research project"...""The science used for implementation of these MLPA (Marine Life Protection Act) closures needs to be fully and independently investigated and verified, following Mr. LeValley's felony arrest. Until then, none of the science in this DEIR can be considered valid..."
Chairmen Question Obama Admin. on Mailing Out $$$$$$$; $2 bills randomly sent in envelopes as incentive to complete (Klamath dam) surveys, Natural Resources Committee 3/22/12. "...the Bureau of Reclamation was unable to provide an accounting of how much had been spent on this survey." "The Obama Administration literally mailed cash to random citizens across the country to find out their feelings on tearing down four dams that they’ve likely never heard of." "Using taxpayer dollars on a slanted survey and the muzzling and
eventual firing of its own scientist who disagreed with the Interior Department proves what many have been saying: dam removal is a pre-determined conclusion from this Administration." Dam Removal Would Be Catastrophic, interview of scientist Stephen Koshy, DRA, posted to KBC 3/31/12 AUDIO: Dr. Paul Houser, whistleblower on Klamath dam destruction agenda by Secretary of the Interior. Houser was Bureau of Reclamation's top scientist ands Scientific Integrity Officer. However the Bureau FIRED Houser when he exposed "intentional falsification," "bias,", "(Interior's) predetermined intention (to destroy Klamath dams,)" KCNR/We the People Radio, posted to KBC 3/18/12. "I don't see that scientific justification (to take out Klamath Dams)." "In this case the science is not as supportive of dam removal as aggressively as The Department wants it to, so they have spun it...:" Here for Dr. Paul Houser page. KBC
News asked Dr. Houser his opinion of
peer review report
and of the peer reviewers?"
Biologist embezzlement case may go federal, Times-Standard 3/14/12. (KBC NOTE: these scientists were involved in spotted owl research). Biologists for hire sell opinions, Times-Standard 3/14/12. "...arrest of Mad River biologists Ronald LeValley and Sean McAllister on charges of using phony spotted owl surveys to embezzle funds from the Yurok Tribe should lead to an in-depth discussion of the long-standing method of obtaining a scientific consultation for any resource project." Whistleblower complaint alleges dam removal ‘spin,' Fired employee says reports ‘intentionally’ downplay negatives of Klamath dams plan, H&N 3/2/12.
Salazar Praises Work of Klamath
Agreements Parties, (decision on
Klamath dam deal delayed,) DOI, posted to
KBC 2/29/12. "Secretary Salazar. “I
am proud of the work of our team of
experts who have completed more than 50
new studies and reports that are
providing significant new information on
the potential effects of Klamath River
dam removal as part of a transparent,
science-based process.” Dr. Houser attachments to letter to Siskiyou Supervisors, posted to KBC 3/2/12 Allegation of scientific and scholarly misconduct and reprisal for a disclosure concerning the biased summarization of key scientific conclusions for the Klamath River dam removal Secretarial determination process, from Dr. Paul R. Houser, Science Advisor and Scientific Integrity Officer, Bureau of Reclamation, Washington D.C., to Office of the Executive Secretariat and Regulatory Affairs, Department of the Interior, posted to KBC 2/27/12. "This Klamath dam removal Secretarial determination is reported to have a cost to the public (taxpayers and ratepayers) in excess of $1B, so a misinformed or premeditated decision could be a gross waste of funds."
U.S. plans to kill barred owls to save spotted owl, San Francisco Chronicle 2/29/12. "The government set aside millions of acres of forest to protect the owl, but the bird's population continues to decline - a 40 percent slide in 25 years." According to Siskiyou County Sheriff Lopey at Saturday's sheriff meeting in Yreka, in the early 80's there were over 22 lumber mills, and now only 2 are functional, and 65% of land in the county is public land. Endangered Species Act / ESA mandates locked up the forests to save the spotted owl. It devastated Siskiyou economy, they have one of the highest unemployment rate. KBC NOTE: Sacrificing the forest, wildlife and owls by rampant wildfires, and communities and economies, all by false science, did not save the spotted owls.
Below conspiracy and
embezzlement by Spotted Owl "Scientists"
Co-Chair of MLPA Initiative Science Advisory Team Arrested, by David Gurney Feb 25th, 2012, Indybay. "...Sean McAllister, and former Yurok Tribe forestry director Roland Raymond, conspired to falsify invoices for spotted owl research, and embezzle funds for their personal use....Mr. LeValley was a key figure in the cover-up of a whale-strike incident in October, 2009 involving an MLPA "Initiative" sonar mapping vessel off Fort Bragg, California. The arrest will undoubtedly bring up more questions as to the integrity of the science, financial practices, and public policy procedures of the totally corrupt MLPAI "Initiative" to create so-called "marine protected areas" on the California coast." KBRA/Klamath Dam Removal: The science: Scientists say they have no agenda, H&N, posted to KBC 2/24/12. Included by KBC are reports by scientists David Vogel, Dr Ken Rykbost, Dr. John Menke, and also Klamath Water Users Association, exposing the unethical unscientific agenda-driven "scientists" Climate Change Weekly: Fakegate Illustrates Collapsing Global Warming Alarmism, Heartland, posted to KBC 2/26/12. "People with sound science on their side do not need to forge documents to validate their arguments or make the other side look bad. Also, people who are so desperate as to forge documents in an attempt to frame their rivals are clearly not above forging scientific data, studies, and facts to similarly further their cause..." (KBC NOTE: in the KBRA, water deliveries to irrigators is based dependant on outcome of Klamath "climate change" studies.) ===================================================== Scientists find holes in Klamath River dam removal plan, $1.4-billion project — dismantling four hydroelectric dams to restore Chinook salmon runs in the upper Klamath River — amounts to an experiment with no guarantee of success, independent report says. L. A Times 6/25/11.
Reclamation Proposes New
Grounds to Fire E-Mailing Biologist, posted 1/16/07. (KBC
Note: here is an interesting scenario that has nothing to do with
Klamath. Rex Wahl was executive director of Forest
Guardians, a radical environmentalist group in NM that has
unconditionally opposed logging. Then the Bureau of Reclamation
made him a GS-12 Environmental Specialist earning between
$55,000 and &72,000 pay plus
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