Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Fighting for Our Right to Irrigate Our Farms and Caretake Our Natural Resources

           Fish Information:   Science, Facts and Opinions

A study: Inverse production regimes: Alaska and West Coast Pacific Salmon
interesting stuff   see study

Are Coho native to the Klamath River? 
Read this  and you decide? thanks Marsh
You should read the info on Marsh's  Coho Page  also 

Evidence pages: Coho Not Native
http://ice.ucdavis.edu/aquadiv/fishcovs/fishmaps.html   links to map:

"The upper Klamath River had runs of 1,600 coho before the 1920s; these coho are now extinct (Klamath River Task Force). "
Quoted from: Endangered Species Petition: Coho Salmon,  Submitted July, 2000 to the
California Fish and Game Commission,   read the whole thing.. 

A fishing story: Coho Fishing Trip story,  by local homesteader  see story

Delisting articles:
Coho Salmon Delisted, End of the Farce  see press release  9/13
Judge throws out threatened species listing,   AP, 9/13  see story
 Judge Hogan Hits A Homer: Oregon Coastal Coho Listing Is Unlawful
Explanation of Coho Decision, by James L. Buchal,   9/14   see story

See article from 1998, when Coho were listed, "The Fish Sniffer".  Funny Zeke doesn't mention the evil farmers of the Basin here, just the loggers .....   story link  

The Suckers: 
Deltistes luxatus and Chasmistes brevirostris
   info and photos

The Biological Opinions     or at least the official ones from 

Fish Data Base, is a sucker a mullet, or a carp? you can find out here

Klamath Basin: Realities vs. Enviro Myths   By Dick Carleton       ( sucker link ) 

An Endangered Species Fights Back By Erin McGinn,  AFBF   April 30, 2001

Coho Salmon are tributary spawners not mainstem spawners  April 28

Klamath Falls: Protecting Suckers by Sheriff Mike (Retired, Coos County) - 
new (link and return)  Thanks Mike   May 1  

Klamath Project ESA Consultations, literally thousands of pages of reports, opinions and assessments for the short nosed and lost river sucker and the coho salmon.. 

Killing Endangered Suckers to Save Them:  The Continuing Collapse of Law
By James Buchal    

Kitzhaber says BPA forsaking fish relief  4/26  Oregonian

Once thought extinct, sucker fish found in Oregon creek   article

Fishing groups ask Congress to shut off Central Valley Irrigators  article 

http://home.inreach.com/rgierak/coho3.htm   Actual Coho Fish counts  
at Iron Gate 1963 to 1997 and Nomination for Delisting of a Taxon of Flora or Fauna from endangered list (Endangered Species Act 1973)

"Last years quota for sport fishing on Klamath for King Salmon was 4200, 
This year will be between 11,600 and 42,000"     See whole story at http://www.usafishing.com/fishwenchMarch2001.html 

http://endeavor.des.ucdavis.edu/kris/BIBLIO/httoc.htm   the Complete: "Long Range Plan for the Klamath River Basin  Conservation Area Fishery Restoration Program"  lots about the Fish and the River.  

Capital Press, December 22, 2000   Michael Lancaster    
Idaho officials differ on salmon science

Capital Press, November 24, 2000 Michael Lancaster 
Group aims to restore science to fish recovery



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