Archive 128 - January 2013
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Action Alert: Oppose Oregon’s attack on mining, prospecting, 1/30/2013 Gold Prospectors. "...Senate Environment and Resources committee... is expected to vote on senate bills SB 115, SB 401 and SB 370 as early as of next week..." Senators Wyden and Reid Planning 2013 Omnibus Federal Lands Bill, by Chuck Cushman, American Land Rights, 1/30/13. "Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) want to move quickly before the opposition gets organized. Your Senators are critical to stopping this giant Omnibus Federal Lands Bill." CDFG Director Chuck Bonham met with Siskiyou County Ranchers, Farmers and Gov't officials, by Corkey Small, Buffalo Broadcasting News Service 1/30/13. "The property owners of Siskiyou County will not tolerate the illegal taking of property or water by CDFG or any other agency of the government..." , H&N, posted to KBC 1/30/13. "Should Congress act on the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement this year?" VOTE, and write comments.KBRA/KHSA based on lies and contradictions, by Dr. Richard Gierak, SCWUA 1/23/2013. Dr.Richard Gierak is Science Officer of the Siskiyou County Water Users Association. "...NMFS and DFW say dam removal will increase spawning grounds; yet, BOR documents show there are 20 million cubic yards of sludge behind those dams containing toxic levels of Mercury, Chromium, Zinc and Antimony that could decimate not only salmon, but also hundreds of other species that depend on the quality of water in the Klamath River(3). But if these poisons don’t kill the salmon, our resources agencies have a Plan B..." Examples of outcome of government intervention in a free market economy, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 1/30/13. "Consumers are already paying untold billions to purchase corn distilled ethanol blended gasoline that actually reduces fuel mileage. The federal mandate that requires ethanol blended fuel is also causing a perennial shortage of corn supply that is costing consumers untold billions in inflated food prices."
Klamath dam science Whistleblower and Siskiyou County Supervisor, I Spy Radio, "Last year, we interviewed Dr. Paul Houser, who's become known as the "Klamath Whistleblower" for his efforts to expose how the Bureau of Reclamation was misrepresenting the science behind the effort to remove four perfectly good hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River. We wanted to get an update from him and also talk with Marcia Armstrong, a Siskiyou County Supervisor, to hear first hand what they've been up against." Audio HERE posted to KBC 1/28/13. Agency seeks comments on plan for Klamath suckers Capital Press 1/28/13 Oregon Government Spending, by Senator Doug Whitsett R- Klamath Falls, District 28, posted to KBC 1/27/13
Klamath Falls- Government scientist gets fired for telling the truth, , posted to KBC 1/20/13 "This Legislative Assembly promises to be contentious" Senator Doug Whitsett, Oregon District 28 / Klamath Falls, 1/17/13 Newsletter Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to resign, Fox News 1/16/13. "His departure marks the latest in a series of high-profile resignations from the president's Cabinet. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta are among those leaving." KBC NOTE: 8 scientists, including the top ethics scientist/whistleblower for Bureau of Reclamation, recently filed complaints against Interior for science misconduct. Will this resignation make no one accountable? Josephine County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Gil Gilbertson letter to U. S. Vice President Joe Biden 1/16/13: "As such, any rule, regulation, or executive order repugnant to the constitutional rights of the citizens of this County will be ignored by this Office, nor will this office, or the citizens, allow enforcement of unconstitutional activities by federal officers." Linn County Sheriff Tim Mueller to Vice President Joe Biden 1/16/13. "...I will not permit enforcement of any unconstitutional regulation or orders by federal officers in the borders of Linn County, Oregon." California is in the final stages preparatory of rolling out control over water. It follows the classic global Agenda 21 pattern, 1/16/13 from Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong Psalm 147:17-18: He casts out His hail like morsels: who can stand before His cold? He sends out His word, and melts them: he causes His wind to blow, and the waters flow. 1/13/13 Tulelake Irrigation District monthly public meeting agenda, NOON 1/14/13
See KBC News FRANKENFISH PAGE - Why did Obama bail the Genetically Modified Frankenfish? Why is Obama's food CZAR a Monsanto attorney, who donated what to Obama's campaign, why is Interior firing their own scientists whose findings don't support dam destruction? Why are Klamath River hatchery fish deemed inferior and unhealthy so hydroelectric dams must be destroyed, but Frankenfish are fine according to Obama administration? Genetically modified ‘frankenfish’ to appear in US stores,, posted to KBC 1/12/13. California Farm Bureau Federation Friday legislative review, posted to KBC 1/12/13. Budget, Labor and pesticides. CALIFORNIA - Back to Bad Bills, CFRW, posted to KBC 1/12/13: gun law, college tuition, and Governor Brown's increased spending. Superior Court Rules California Department of Fish and Game Cannot Require a Permit for the Diversion of Water Where There Is No Alteration to the Bed, Bank, or Stream, Siskiyou County Farm Bureau v. California Department of Fish & Game Somach, Simmons and Dunn, posted to KBC 1/12/13. Flawed Science, New legal battle over Yuba River, and Klamath scientists accuse government of ethics violations, Families Protecting the Valley newsletter, posted to KBC 1/12/13. "There are similar complaints with Klamath issues where in a complaint filed this week, "a group of federal claiming U.S. Bureau of Reclamation officials are threatening to eliminate their jobs because the agency was unhappy with their scientific conclusions." What would those conclusions be? Might they be finding evidence that destroying the dams isn't the correct decision? As a matter of fact..." Klamath signatories hope Congress acts on water pact, Capital Press, posted to KBC 1/12/11 Modoc County unemployment rates were up for November to12.8%, Siskiyou County 14%, according to Klamath Falls Herald and News 12/26/12.
All sign on KBRA extension, Water, dam agreement deadline extended to 2014, H&N posted to KBC 1/11/13 OREGON - Budget shortfall, right to bear firearms among topics set for 2013 Legislative session, Senator Doug Whitsett, H&N, posted to KBC 1/11/13 Conservation groups oppose timber sale; Proposed cut on Umpqua National Forest abuts Crater Lake National Park, H&N, posted to KBC 1/11/13. "...the D-Bug proposes to manage bark beetle outbreaks and reduce hazardous fuels in areas of high human use..." Environmentalists seek to halt Oregon road work, H&N, posted to KBC 1/11/13. "...The roads are needed for livestock maintenance and fire response, he said, adding that the work appears to be normal maintenance..." Revolution? by Chuck Baldwin January 10, 2013. "My Line In The Sand Is Drawn Here"
Following is a growing collection of scientists objecting when their science is being suppressed because is doesn't support The Administration's dam-removal agenda and Klamath lake-level and river-flow mandates:
Seven Southern Oregon Fisheries Biologists Allege Censorship, Coercion, NW Public Radio 1/8/13. "Biologists with the Bureau of Reclamation ... found a population of endangered suckerfish in a part of the river other agencies considered a dead zone. The biologists say their manager criticized them for “proving others wrong.” Then, they say, their manager announced plans to reassign them and outsource future fish studies."
*** Klamath biologists threatened with removal; Scientists File Complaint Citing Political Interference and Censorship, PEER 1/7/13. “Scientific differences are supposed to be addressed through consultation, not suppressed by bullying and threats.” Senator Whitsett: Oregon's debt collection 1/8/13. 2013 could be a watershed year for water in Oregon, Capital Press 1/8/13. "We will be opposing that fee," Fast said. "We have a lot of concerns around a water fee that the state would start charging for the use of a resource that private individuals have put forward the groundwork and expense to develop."Tulelake Irrigation District well water levels, posted to KBC 1/7/13 California rice farmer sworn in as U.S. Congressman; Doug LaMalfa discusses his unexpected journey to House, H&N 1/6/13 Elwha dam-removal project held back as silt estimate too low, Seattle Times, posted to KBC 1/7/13. "In the project, long predicted to affect more than 24 million cubic yards of sediment, the amount of sediment once impounded by the dams is actually about 34 million cubic yards." HERE for other Dam destruction information. Judge Slaps Down EPA Bid to Regulate Water as a Pollutant, Newsmax, posted to KBC 1/7/13 Rep. Greg Walden moves to kill $1 trillion coin, Oregonian, posted to KBC 1/7/13.
Page Updated: Friday March 15, 2013 11:01 PM Pacific
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