Dam Destruction
Articles and Information of other United States dam destruction FERC Staff Issues the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Lower Klamath and Klamath Projects, FERC 8/26/2022. "...The primary issues associated with license surrender and removal of project works are: potential effects on aquatic biota, including Chinook salmon, Endangered Species Act-listed coho salmon and suckers, and other fish and wildlife species; adequacy of measures proposed to restore vegetation on formerly inundated lands; effects on riverine and reservoir-based recreation; effects on local property owners due to effects on waterfront access, wells, firefighting/prevention, slope stability, reservoir aesthetics, and property values, as well as effects on traffic, emergency response times, air quality, and noise during construction; effects of dewatering on culturally important sites and removal of historic project features; and socioeconomic effects on disadvantaged communities...." Ag stakeholders reject White House draft reports on (Columbia/Snake) dam breaching, Capital Press 7/13/22. "...Only Congress has the authority to order the dams to be removed," said Sean Ellis, a spokesman for the Idaho Farm Bureau. "The president can have his own opinion on the matter, but Congress will be the one deciding..." KBC NOTE: In the case of Klamath River hydroelectric dams, Congress did not support dam destruction because the Klamath and Siskiyou counties overwhelmingly rejected the idea, so the states of California and Oregon bypassed our Congressional representatives and promised taxpayer money to support dam destruction, defying the will of the constituents. Their goal is hoped-for benefits to salmon and environment despite the economic and environmental devastation caused by 20 million cubic yards of sediment behind the dams decimating any fish or habitat. Dams are critical for reliable energy grid in Pacific Northwest, Capital Press commentary 6/9/22.
Comments as an intervener to FERC regarding their Draft
Klamath EIS by
Hornbrook, California rancher Rex Cozzalio KWUA / Klamath Water Users Association Response to Draft FERC/Federal Energy Regulatory Commission EIR/Environmental Impact Statement regarding the destruction of the Klamath River Hydroelectric dams 4/18/22. "...The DEIS appears to have ignored the potential, and currently likely, negative impacts of dam removal related to agricultural communities. Those impacts will flow from regulatory demands and constraints that decrease the ability to divert and deliver water for irrigation..."
Siskiyou County comment letter to Draft EIR/Environmental Impact Statement to FERC/Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regarding Klamath River Hydroelectric dam destruction 4/18/22. "The existing DEIS is insufficient to meet the requirements of NEPA to analyze the “environmental impact of the proposed action” and “alternatives to the proposed action.” 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C). These provisions have been interpreted to require FERC and other agencies to carefully consider detailed information concerning significant environmental impacts and to significant alternatives when an action may has significant impacts. Reliance on out of date information that does not reflect the actual impacts of the action is unlawful and is, by itself, a basis for recirculation." KRRC / Klamath River Renewal Corporation (Klamath dam destruction group) attorney Perkins Coie requests an extension with FERC to address significant issues 3/11/22. KBC NOTE: our source writes: "(KRRC) asked recently for an extension...in order to respond to FERC on issue of Historic Preservation Plan. They also got caught by FERC recently on claims KRRC made regarding having an agreement with the California Coastal Commission when they did not have such an agreement. This is regarding the dumping of sediment into the ocean." Another KBC NOTE: KRRC attorney Perkins Coie also represented the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. Siskiyou County comment letter to Draft EIR/Environmental Impact Statement to FERC/Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regarding Klamath River Hydroelectric dam destruction 4/18/22. "The existing DEIS is insufficient to meet the requirements of NEPA to analyze the “environmental impact of the proposed action” and “alternatives to the proposed action.” 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C). These provisions have been interpreted to require FERC and other agencies to carefully consider detailed information concerning significant environmental impacts and to significant alternatives when an action may has significant impacts. Reliance on out of date information that does not reflect the actual impacts of the action is unlawful and is, by itself, a basis for recirculation." Zippy Duvall, American Farm Bureau President speaks on Snake River dams, climate and other crucial farm issues, Capital Press 9/9/21. "...Rep. Mike Simpson, R-Idaho, has called for tearing out the dams, while most of the region’s farmers adamantly oppose it. They say the dams provide irrigation water, electricity and make the river navigable for the huge barges transporting wheat downriver to export terminals on the Columbia River...'Duvall: I had no idea that 10% of all U.S. agricultural exports went down that river, and I had absolutely no idea of the extent they went to to make sure that salmon could come up the river, and the juvenile fish could return back out to the ocean.' " Why we support keeping the Snake River dams, August 6Removing the Lower Snake River dams as part of Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson’s $33.5 billion framework doesn’t promise to bring back Idaho’s salmon...The Columbia River System is the nation’s single largest wheat export gateway, transporting 50% of all U.S. wheat to markets overseas. The Northwest Infrastructure Proposal will slow international trade including the distribution of wheat, soy, corn, wood, autos, mineral bulks and cruise tourism, and has the potential to eradicate the 40,000 local jobs that are dependent on this trade...The removal of the dams will cause transportation methods to shift towards truck and rail, creating greater instability in freight costs, and exposing farmers to potentially higher transportation costs for grain shipments to destination markets, particularly during the fall when corn and soybean shipments from the Midwest are heavy." Simpson's salmon recovery, (Snake River) dam breaching plan a 'nonstarter,' ag reps say, Capital Press 2/9/2021. “Unfortunately, the idea of Snake River dam breaching is a non-starter when it comes for how we move cargo and ultimately for our energy portfolio,” she said. Taking out the dams would make that stretch of the Snake River impassable for barge traffic...Stakeholders also say breaching the dams won’t achieve salmon recovery, pointing to fish declines along the West Coast due to ocean temperatures, runoff and other factors...Barging is the most carbon-friendly mode of transportation, Hennings said...Switching to trucks and trains would likely increase carbon dioxide and other harmful emissions by over 1.25 million tons per year..." Port Angeles, tribe say Elwha water plant never worked, still doesn’t, Seattle Times 7/16/16. "Two dams built beginning in 1910 on the Elwha backed up large reservoirs that acted as giant settling ponds, and impounded sediment carried by the river during the 100 years the dams were in place. In September 2014, the world’s largest ever dam-removal project was completed and, with the dams out, the river is free, once more, to wander its flood plain, and release sediment..." Study finds salmon survival rates same with, without dams, Capital Press 11/13/2020. "Breaching the Snake River dams won’t necessarily improve the survival rate of chinook salmon, because returns of the fish appear to be similar everywhere, including areas with pristine freshwater habitats, a new study finds." Feds affirm opposition to breaching Snake River dams, Capital Press 7/31/2020. " (breaching the dams) would damage the federal system’s other uses, such as flood control, irrigation, navigation, recreation and electricity generation...If the four dams were gone, greenhouse gas emissions would increase, according to the government report. Natural gas-fired power plants would have to ramp up, unless more expensive and less reliable wind and solar power sources were built.Farmers would be forced to move crops, mostly wheat, by trucks and trains. Transportation costs for wheat farmers would increase 10% to 33%, the report estimates. Irrigation water would be cut off for 48,000 acres, costing farmers $460 million a year in lost sales and their employees $232 million in lost wages, according to the report..."
Oregon governor calls for breaching 4 Snake River dams,
H&N 2/16/20. "...The
dams generate electricity, provide some irrigation and flood
control and allow barges to operate all the way to Lewiston,
Court orders EPA to write temperature control plans for
Columbia, Snake, Capital Press 12/27/19. "The
ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is
likely to intensify the ongoing debate over breaching
four Lower Snake River dams in Eastern Washington to
increase salmon and steelhead runs...The
plaintiffs...Columbia Riverkeeper, Snake River
Waterkeeper, Idaho Rivers United, the (IFFR) Institute
for Fisheries Resources and (PCFFA)Pacific Coast
Federation of Fishermen’s Associations.."
Pacific Northwest tribes: Remove Columbia River dams,
H&N 10/15/19. Inslee OKs funding to study removal of Snake River dams, KATU 2 5/21/19
Rethink (dam) Removal, The Malibu Times letter to the editor 3/18/17. "The rationale for spending $160 million or so over eight years to bring down the dam and cart off the silt behind it: To allow Steelhead trout to swim another 10 miles upstream in Malibu Creek. (That is about $1.6 million per fish, I figure.)" ![]() Dam removal across the West a growing concern, H&N plus Mallam's correction 12/4/16. "Local commissioners are drafting a letter in opposition to the potential removal of dams within the Columbia River Basin following their own frustrations with Klamath River dam removal...within the KBRA closed door meetings, the dam removal conversations did not focus only on the 4 lower dams on the Klamath River. The conversations widened periodically to include the need for the Keno Dam to be removed, and then expand dam removal even farther to include the Columbia and Snake River Dams.
Scientists call for breaching (Snake River) dams to save
Puget Sound orcas, H&N 10/30/16
Elwha dam-removal project held back as silt estimate too low, Seattle Times, posted to KBC 1/7/13. "In the project, long predicted to affect more than 24 million cubic yards of sediment, the amount of sediment once impounded by the dams is actually about 34 million cubic yards." HERE for other Dam destruction information. USGS studies sediment issues with Elwha Dam removal to inform future river restoration projects, Columbia Basin Bulletin 10/26/12. Let the River Run: Strategies to Remove Obsolete Dams and Defeat Resulting Fifth Amendment Taking Claims, by Christopher Scoones, Seattle Journal of Environmental Law, 2012. KBC EDITOR: the message is how to deny claims of communities and resource users when they destroy dams, and use the ESA to force dam removal. "The Endangered Species Act (ESA) can be an effective tool for the removal of public and private hydropower and nonhydropower dams..." Gold Ray Dam Removal: Chromium-6 testing continues, Mail Tribune, Ashland 6/26/12: "Environmental Protection Agency draft on chromium-6 effects on human health proposed classifying it as a likely cause of cancer in people when ingested over a lifetime." Federal cuts trim Gold Ray aftermath studies, Mail Tribune 6/23/12. Opinion by Rich: "Unfortunately it doesn’t mean they won’t try to put the money in to remove and it further supports that they just want to push this blindly and aren’t really interested in the consequences. If we were dealing with reasonable people they would spend the time and money to check on the consequences of dam removal on the Elhwa and Condit as well as the Gold Ray before taking any other action." Another Dwinell lawsuit, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 3/29/12. (KBC EDITOR: Board members of Klamath Riverkeeper, a dam removal advocacy group, are also voting members of the KBRA/Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. Go to Craig Tucker Page for more information on the ringleader.
Cabin owners tepid on well settlement offer, PacifiCorp’s proposal follows breach of Condit Dam, The Columbian 12/25/11. "cabin owners sent a letter to PacifiCorp saying they believe the utility is “100 (percent) liable for all property damages incurred due to removal of the lake. PacifiCorp, which owns the land around the former reservoir and leases 53 cabin sites near Condit Dam, disagrees." Some say the removal of Washington’s Condit Dam is a sign of what’s to come on the Klamath River, 11/15/11. Condit Dam destruction: Wells dry up as reservoir is drained, Columbian Staff Reporter 12/3/11. “We’ve been up here 45 years,” she added. “It’s the saddest thing we’ve ever seen happen..."
Storm brings problem of sediment to
light; Chesapeake Bay discolored by
muck after dam’s flood gates are opened,
H&N, posted to KBC 11/27/11. "That
could turn dirtied waters into periodic
oxygen depleted killing fields for
species of marine life they are fighting
to save." Homeowners concerned about erosion, dry wells after (Condit) dam breach, KATU News, posted to KBC 11/12/11. "Before the 127-foot dam was breached, a dock floated on Northwestern Lake. Now it sits upon dry ground, and the lake has been replaced with a muddy canyon, 80 feet deep in some areas...In addition to losing their lake, homeowners say they have also lost water to their houses...But lease holders and private property owners said the last word they got from PacifiCorp is that the company won't pay a penny." Columbia Basin Bulletin, posted to KBC 11/11/11. * Researchers Study How White Salmon River Responds To Dam Breaching; Right Now ‘Lots Of Mud.' “It’s a beautiful natural experiment,” Wilcox said of the opportunity to monitor how the river moves large pulses of sediment that have the potential to snuff out aquatic life...It was estimated that between 1.6 million to 2.2 million cubic yards of sediment would be discharged into the White Salmon River immediately following tunnel’s opening." Hydropower still rules in N.W., by Terry Flores, The Columbian, posted to KBC 11/7/11. "Today, as executive director of Northwest RiverPartners, I advocate for the federal hydropower system on the Columbia River and Snake River dams on behalf of families and businesses that depend on them for clean, reliable power, flood protection, food, and an ingenious river navigation system that contributes $19 billion in trade, commerce and thousands of jobs." KBC NOTE: George Soros-supported radical environmental groups bent on demolishing Western hydro-dams, Save Our Wild Salmon. Glen Spain, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen, is on Wild Salmon Board of Directors, and is an author of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, demanding removal of Klamath River Dams. Wild Salmon is focused on destroying Snake River and Columbia Basin dams. Groups such as "Zero Population Growth" are in their coalition, along with several environmental groups / voting members in the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. Removing the White Salmon’s 98-Year Old Condit Dam Marks the Return of Free Flowing Waters for Protected Fish, NOAA 11/7/11. KBC NOTE: NOAA makes biological opinions for Klamath Project irrigators, which creates river flow mandates. Hole blasted in Condit Dam, with videos, photos and comments, MSNBC, posted to KBC 10/29/11. iacksonal: "...what happens if the salmon don't come back or only a few?...I see no information on that. 7000 homes times 365 days = 2,555,000 home electrical days at what cost in coal, oil or gas? Hydropower ...costs 40% of electricity produced by coal. So these 7000 residents can expect to pay 2 1/2 more for their electricity. You still sure this was a good idea?"
Thomas: Condit Dam breach could ruin perfect salmon fishing spot, The Daily News 10/28/11. "In 2009, the sport catch was 6,967 summer steelhead, ranking No. 6 in Washington... Rogue River - Heavy Metals are Being Churned Up From Dam Removals, Medford Alternative Medicine Examiner, posted to KBC 10/14/11. "In 2008 a local environmental activist had checked with the Three Rivers hospital, according to Curtis Hayden of The Sneak Preview, and found 17.2% of cancer cases were of the intero-gastero-intestinal type (one of the many linked to this contaminant). He checked again two years after all the dams were taken out, and the amount of cases increased to 42.6%. He thinks that there is a sound connection here..." LARGEST US DAM REMOVAL PROJECT TO BEGIN THIS MONTH, PCFFA / Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen Sublegals newsletter. "On 15 September, officials in Olympic National Park will begin the long process of dismantling the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams on the Elwha River in Washington State. This is the largest dam-removal undertaking in U.S. history to date, and the project will serve as an inspiration and a model for similar removals in other parts of the country. "Close to a thousand dams have been removed across our country, but these are the biggest," said Amy Kober, a spokesperson for the environmental group American Rivers....The final cost was estimated to be $351 million dollars..." KBC NOTE: PCFFA and American Rivers are 'stakeholders' in the controversial KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement / Klamath Dam removal negotiations. George Soros is a funder of Earthjustice, that litigates for PCFFA and American RIvers and other KBRA NGO's. Fish fight on the Elwha, High Country News 10/4/11. "On Sept 5 an excavator tore the first chunks of concrete from the Gline's Canyon Dam on Washington State's Elwha River...The next day, some of the same interest groups who pushed to remove the dams sent a letter of intent to sue the agencies making it happen. The groups claim the multi-agency fish restoration plan violates the Endangered Species Act." How government destroyed science in Columbia River Dam decisionmaking, by James Buchal, posted to KBC 12/11/11 |
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