Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
< PLF wins lawsuit against California water theft by federal government October 5, 2009 Bills and Laws and court rulings *** Top 10 Stupidest New Laws in California for 2017, by Former California State Assemblyman: Backpacks for cow farts, felons voting, early release for rape and sex trafficking of minors, legalize child prostitution, ...
Agriculture faces host of new state laws in California, AgAlert, CFBF 12/22/21. Farmworker overtime, hen living conditions, pot and ag, animal housing, veal, slaughter rules... DEQ meeting announcement and Press Release: VIDEO Today: Governor Kate Brown, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Tribal Leaders and Owner of Klamath River Dams to Announce Historic Agreement in Virtual Event, followed by DEQ Press Release 11/17/2020 Newsom appoints Yurok attorney Amy Cordalis of McKinleyville to California Water Commission, Times Standard 1/14/2021. "...Cordalis is a member of the Klamath River Renewal Corporation Board of Directors..." Executive order aims to conserve land, biodiversity, "an executive order from Gov. Gavin Newsom aimed at conserving 30% of California's land and marine areas by 2030," AgAlert 10/14/2020 California Gov. Newsom Urges Billionaire Warren Buffett To Back Klamath Dam Removal, Without any follow up flood control systems, the area would be at risk,..’ California Globe 8/1/2020. “The Klamath dams are amazingly important up North,” explained dam engineer Kyle Richardson, who studied the dams for his Masters dissertation. “Protecting endangered species are important, but no one has really thought about what dam removal can bring. Without any follow up flood control systems, the area would be at risk. Electricity would have to come from elsewhere, and it wouldn’t be solar or wind most likely. That means fossil fuels and gas, and that means pollution from power plants. But it would be especially disastrous for the many farmers in California and Oregon. We’ve seen what dam changes did to the farmers in the Central Valley. Getting rid of the dams and reservoirs would just get rid of that faucet entirely, having them rely on the natural ebbs and flows largely, and that’s reckless. There is much more danger in tearing down the dams than keeping them up. It’s not even close.” California workers’ comp benefits expand, CFBF 5/13/2020. "Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order last week requiring that "any COVID-19-related illness of an employee shall be presumed to arise out of and in the course of the employment for purposes of awarding workers' compensation benefits..." U.S. Democrat Reps letter to FERC requesting immediate transfer to Klamath Hydroelectric dams so they can be destroyed, 4/7/2020. KBC NOTE: This is contrary of the will of the vast majority of the Klamath Basin Residents in Klamath and Siskiyou Counties where the hydro dams are located, and local Oregon Senator Linthicum, Oregon Rep Reschke, and Northern California U.S. Congressman LaMalfa. State Water Board Issues Key Documents That Further Efforts to Remove Klamath River Dams 4/7/2020 CA Department Of Fish And Wildlife Commissioner Wants To Close Sportfishing Season Due To COVID-19 4/7/20. New Laws 2020 Edition - California Capitol Update Friday, January 10, 2020, CFRW. "SB 104- California is now the first state in the nation to offer free healthcare to illegal immigrants who are between the ages of 19-25. We already provided this to illegal immigrant children, this is an expansion of that program....Governor Newsom unveiled his 2020 budget this week and it clocked in at $222 billion, the largest spending plan in our state's history...In just a decade, our state budget has grown by almost $90 billion... "Despite the $64 billion in additional Medi-Cal spending, researchers at the National Bureau of Economic Research did not detect significant improvements in patient health", according to Assemblyman Kiley. Furthermore, "after a $39 billion increase in education spending, the National Assessment of Educational Progress finds that Californian's 8th grade math and reading scores continue to decline". And finally, Assemblyman Kiley stated that "despite $7 billion in additional spending on social and welfare programs, the Census Bureau reports California continues to have the highest level of poverty in the nation." Rules will change implementation of federal ESA, CFBF Ag Alert 8/14/19 California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 7/12/19..diesel vehicle mandates, environmental, labor, rural crime, water, wildfire, wildlife... California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 7/5/19. H-2A housing, harassment liability, excessive union organizer privilege, employer mandates, Klamath relief bills, pesticides, taxation, broadband representation, cattle guards, $130M drinking water fund taken from Greenhouse Gas Fund, wildfire bill, accidental take of protected species. Farm Bureau testifies in favor of new water rule, CFBF Ag Alert 6/19/19.California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 6/14/19. Cap and Trade: $65M Ag Diesel Engine Replacement, $28M healthy soils, $34M Dairy Methane Reduction. $30M annually land acquisition, timber bill, fur trapping, endangered bumble bees, Delta Fisheries Management.
Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 6/7/19 CFBF Legislative Review 4/19/19...ag employee housing, pot, marketing, hemp, pesticides, ESA-protected Tricolored Blackbirds. California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review KBC 4/12/19. California fire risk shows urgent need for prevention work, Chico Enterprise-Record 4/11/19. "Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency on wildfires, designed to expedite forest-thinning projects and other programs..Cal Fire and the state Board of Forestry estimate 23 million acres in the state’s responsibility area could benefit from fuel reduction. And those treatments aren’t one-time efforts: they must be repeated every few years to be effective...Among the biggest complications in forest management are California’s strict environmental regulations...The reviews can take years." California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 3/22/19 California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 3/8/19: emission reporting mandates, climate change, forests, construction mandates in high fire zones, wildlife. California judge upholds wolf protection, H&N 3/1/19. CFBF Legislative Review 3/1/19: Air quality, pot, climate change, zero greenhouse gas emissions, environmental regs, hemp, food, rural health and safety, drinking water fund, groundwater recharge, wildlife trapping, wildlife, ESA accidental take. California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 2/22/19. California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 2/15/19. Governor Newsom's intentions, budget and appointments, truck emission mandates, rural crime, utilities, $51.3million for safe drinking water, wildfire bills. California adds protections for Klamath spring salmon; Klamath spring chinook a candidate for CESA listing, H&N 2/8/19. "The decision was in response to a petition filed last year by the Karuk Tribe and the Salmon River Restoration Council." KBC Note: The Karuk Tribe has stated that Klamath irrigators are "the enemy," they want to get "rid of all the farmers," and after the dams come out they will target "Keno Dam." Cal Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review, 2/8/19. More taxes, more 'restoration' 'conservation' and 'management' of rural farmland, water, forestry...
CFBF Friday Legislative Review 2/1/19: biotechnology, Governor Newsom's proposed 2019 spending, bill to eliminate the cannabis cultivation tax and reduce the excise tax rate on commercial cannabis, proposed indoor heat illness prevention standard, land use.
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 1/27/19: CLIMATE CHANGE - California Air Resources Board adopted plan for San Joaquin Valley farmers: retiring tractors, reduce emissions by conservation, replace ag pumps with electrical pumps, create inspection and maintenance program. AB 178 - To exempt California disaster victims from $15,000+ new residential home solar mandate, California Assemblyman Brian Dahle 1/11/19 California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 1/11/19. Governor Newsoms' appointments, State Budget Proposal of $209 billion, Cap and Trade, Departments: Food and Ag, F&W, Cal Fire, State Water Resources Control Board, Transportation, ...Ag Ed, Cannabis, Commodities, Hemp, Land Use, Pest Management, Water CFBF / California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 12/14/18. "The Commission formally accepted a petition to list Northern California summer steelhead under CESA and formally received the Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (DFW) petition evaluation of a petition to list the 2 Klamath-Trinity river spring Chinook salmon under CESA. DFW determined that the request for listing may be warranted in its evaluation of the spring Chinook petition. This determination means there is little doubt that the Commission will vote to make that run of Chinook salmon a candidate in the near future." CFBF Friday Legislative Review 11/30/18. CFBF Friday Legislative Review 11/16/18. Climate, air quality, ag education, pesticides, Prop 65...
California Farm
Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 11/9/18:
"...regulatory requirement if the goal of retiring 12,000 tier
0, tier 1, and tier 2 tractors by 2024 is not met,'' hemp,
fertilizers, purchase of ag conservation easements, habitat
restoration, climate change briefings, pesticides, proposed
regulations regarding Prop 65, ... California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 10/5/18. Hemp, labor, land use, pests, seed, transportation California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, posted to KBC 9/28/18. Pot, commodities, federal milk marketing order, air pollution monitoring, food safety rules and packaging mandates, land use bill, increased penalties regarding livestock, specialty crop grants, pest control, $3 million for monarch butterfly habitat.
Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review
8/17/17. Proposed bills: replacement of diesel
agricultural vehicles and equipment; industrial,
agricultural and large commercial sector energy
efficiency programs, sellers of electricity to procure a
minimum of 60% of their electricity products from
eligible renewable generation resources by 2030,
forestry, hemp, Farm Bureau opposed land use bill, waste
hauling, wildfire preparedness and response,
WILDLIFE: "...if AB 2528 were to pass the state would
require additional protects for salmonids in the areas
of the state the bill designates as strongholds..." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 6/22/18. Truck rules, CEQA, Commercial Feed, CPUC, Cal Fire and timber harvest, labor, land use, rural crime, taxation... WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA! California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 5/11/18. "...given an additional $2.5 billion funds, the Governor included three main proposals..." "...proposes $28.3 million in 18-19, $21.7 million in 19-20, and 79 positions to fully staff the CalCannabis program at CDFA...." "...Manure management..." "...a new tax on all services purchased by businesses in California..." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 4/13/18. Ag, energy and utilities, depredation, forestry, taxation, nutrition, pot, land use, water
Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review
3/23/18: land use oversite, nutrition, funding
replacement of diesel trucks and equipment, ag equipment
emissions, anitbiotics, heat illness prevention,
commodities, education. CALIFORNIA - Undocumented immigrant appointed to statewide post in California, Fox News 3/15/18
California Farm Bureau
Federation Friday Legislative Review, 2/16/18.
New Bill
Introductions, Cannabis, Climate, Commodities, Natural Resources,
Nutrition, Water, and New Appointments $375 million in cannabis seized by Siskiyou in 2017, H&N 10/25/17 California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 9/8/17. " require California to enforce the federal Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act (ESA) and their implementing regulations and policies as they were on January 19, 2017. If it is determined that the federal government has weakened any of those laws, California agencies are required to adopt regulations, with extremely limited public input, that are at least as stringent as what was in place on January 19, 2017, requires sellers of electricity to procure a minimum of 60% of their electricity products from eligible renewable generation resources by 2030, ..." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 7/14/17, Bills: Cap and Trade, Commodities, Labor ( requires employers to demand search warrants or subpoenas for ICE enforcement and to notify the Labor Commissioner and employees and their representatives about ICE enforcement and its results), Natural Resources ( would require California to enforce the federal Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act (ESA), and their implementing regulations and policies as were in place on January 1, 2016 or January 1, 2017, whichever version is the most stringent), ( would make several changes to the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) ), Transportation, Water (more requirements and demands). Bills moving through Congress: House Natural Resource Meeting 6/27 for Mark Up of Bills - Important! 6/26/17. Proposed Federal Land acquisitions, etc. Action Alert! SB 252 Hampers Progress of SGMA / Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, 6/26/17, California Farm Bureau Federation 6/26/17 Why California gun owners may be breaking the law on July 1, Sac Bee 6/26/17.
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative
Review 6/23/17, California
Beef Commission assessment, rodent control, 'Call Before
You Dig,' employers to provide 1q2 weeks parental leave
to bond with baby, vineyard assessment, exemption for
Cal/OSHA regulations from regulatory assessment, water
diversions, irrigation ponds, mandate for new water well
permit applicants. California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 5/26/17. Welcome to California! " would require California to enforce the federal Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act (ESA), and their implementing regulations and policies as were in place on January 1, 2016 or January 1, 2017, whichever version is the most stringent...", "...requires employers to demand search warrants for ICE enforcement and to notify the Labor Commissioner and employees and their representatives about ICE enforcement and its results. Penalties for violations would range from $10,000 to $25,000 per violation," "... restricts employers’ efforts to ascertain a job applicant’s past criminal history and elect to not hire the applicant due to that history," "requires an employer with 20 or more employees within a 75-mile radius to provide 12 weeks of protected parental leave to bond with a new child after that child’s birth, adoption or foster care placement," " would create a state-operated single-payer universal health insurance program intended to provide health care to all California residents," "would expand the extraordinary values, such as scenic, recreational, fishery, wildlife, historical, cultural, geological, ecological, hydrological, botanical, or other similar values to preserve rivers in their free-flowing state designated as wild and scenic under the California Wild and Scenic Rivers Act." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 5/12/17. Millions of $ to State Water Resources, Fish and Wildlife, Cal Fire, "Governor is proposing a significant increase in funds to cover the cost of Proposition 64 (recreational cannabis legalization) implementation." $94.6 Million, $3M to promote California Grown, minimum salary overtime increase, "significant new mandates on agricultural water suppliers, costing districts hundreds of millions of dollars..." well permit mandates..... CALIFORNIA - CFBF Friday Legislative Review 5/5/17: restricts an employer’s ability to consider an applicant’s criminal or conviction history in making employment decisions, water measurement, streambed clarification, expand values to preserve rivers in their free-flowing state designated as wild and scenic under the California Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, imposes significant new mandates on agricultural water suppliers, costing districts hundreds of millions of dollars, well permit mandates, drinking water fund.. California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 4/28/17. WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA! "...would create individual facility GHG emissions caps and empower the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to establish “no-trade zones” and facility declining caps; forbids an employer from granting federal immigration enforcement authorities access to their place of business without a search warrant or providing employee-related records to federal immigration enforcement authorities without a subpoena. It requires an employer to provide notice to employees of known future enforcement action by a federal immigration agency; would create a state-operated single-payer universal health insurance program intended to provide health care to all California residents. SB 562 includes no mechanism to pay for this program. SB 562 passed the Senate Health Committee on a 5-2 vote; would have imposed a state inheritance tax if the federal inheritance tax law is repealed; would require California to enforce the federal Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act (ESA), and their implementing regulations and policies that were in place on January 1, 2016 or January 1, 2017, whichever version is the most stringent; new mandates on agricultural water suppliers, costing districts hundreds of millions of dollars California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 4/7/17. " $52 billion in additional fuel and vehicles taxes, the state’s largest fuel tax in history..." $.20/gallon diesel tax, .12/gal. gas, additional diesel taxes, minimum salary increase, parental leave requirement, ESA changes, expands wild and scenic protections to 1/4 mile on each side of river, streambed and drinking water issues, ...... California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 3/31/17. CARB regulations against diesel trucks, " 500% increase in the sales tax collected for diesel," seed and plant labeling requirement, "AB 450 (David Chiu, D-San Francisco) was substantially amended on March 23 to add language forbidding an employer from granting federal immigration enforcement authorities access to their place of business without a search warrant or providing employee-related records to federal immigration enforcement authorities without a subpoena... $10,000 to $25,000 per violation," Cal ESA changes, "...expand the extraordinary values for 1,362 miles of rivers designated as wild and scenic under the California Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. It would also expand current protections to include the river and adjacent lands within one-quarter mile on each side of the river," new regulations for new groundwater well permit,...) California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 3/24/17. "AB 975 would expand the extraordinary values for 1,362 miles of rivers designated as wild and scenic under the California Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, as well as expand current protections to include the river and adjacent lands within one-quarter mile on each side of the river...Farm Bureau opposes as written." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 3/17/17. "SB 49 would require California to enforce the federal Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act (ESA), and their implementing regulations and policies as they were on January 1, 2016, or January 1, 2017, whichever version is the most stringent..." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 3/3/17. SB 50 would prohibit the filing or recording of a deed for property sold by the federal government unless the State Lands Commission is provided the right of first refusal to purchase the land or the right to arrange for the transfer of property to another entity. Over $3billion for trails and land acquisitions etc. Mandate for Calif. to enforce Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and ESA. Permanent taxes and fees to raise $5.5billion. Gas, diesel and vehicle registration tax, BRING ON OVER 4000 NEW CALIFORNIA REGULATIONS/MANDATES! California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, posted to KBC 2/24/17. "The tally for this year is a total of 2,495 bills introduced with the Senate producing 808 bills and the Assembly with 1,687 bills..." Climate change policies, mandate where prisons and schools buy food, OSHA, prohibits employers to enquire about job applicant's criminal history (murder?, rape?, child molestation?, robbery?) paid 12-16 weeks parental leave, safe harbor, water storage, ... 1/13/17: Federal Register - Bureau of Land Management: Public Land Order No. 7859; Withdrawal of National Forest System and Bureau of Land Management Public Lands in Southwestern Oregon; SUMMARY: This order withdraws, subject to valid existing rights, approximately 5,216.18 acres of public domain and Revested Oregon and California Railroad lands and 95,805.53 acres of National Forest System lands from settlement, sale, location, and entry under the public land laws; location and entry under the United States mining laws; and operation of the mineral and geothermal leasing laws for a period of 20 years while Congress considers legislation to permanently withdraw those areas and to protect the Southwestern Oregon watershed from possible adverse effects of mineral development. California Supreme Court Rules in Favor of State Authority over Mining! – September 2016, The New 49ers. "Now that the California Supreme Court has ruled, my best guess is that any prospector using a motor to remove or process streambed material within 100 yards of an active waterway without a permit (which is not being made available), if caught, is likely to be successfully prosecuted." Link includes link to memo by miner's attorney James Buchal California governor signed climate change mandates and farm labor overtime after 8 hours, CFBF Friday Legislative Review 9/13/16 California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review posted 8/17/16: climate change mandates with no oversight, bills that regulate cow farts and chase dairies out of California, overtime bills that would end up reducing hours that farm laborers would work, wool, stolen bee hives, water control board stuff and more... California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 7/1/16. Proposed bills on climate change mandates, regulations on livestock methane emissions that would "drive dairies out of California", put solar power projects on "not less than 100,000 acres" permanently retired farmland, pay overtime to farm workers for over 8 hours work, expand forest thinning for fire protection, stockponds, water transfers, ground water wells, more... California Senate approves sweeping gun-control measures, Fox News 5/19/16 California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, posted to KBC 4/10/16. "AB 2757 would require agricultural employers to pay overtime premium pay (at a rate of 1.5 times an employee’s regular rate of pay) to their employees after 8 hours in any work day, and 40 hours in any work week; premium pay at the rate of two times the employee’s regular rate of pay for any work after 12 hours in a day; and will repeal the agricultural exemption..." "AB 2700 (Rudy Salas, Jr., D-Bakersfield) passed out of the Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee on consent on April 6. AB 2700 requires the CPUC to update the criteria it uses to prioritize renewable energy projects..." KBC NOTE: Why would they create more renewable energy projects while California governor wants to destroy Klamath River hydropower (the ultimate renewable energy) dams serving 70,000 homes? California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 3/11/16. "The State Water Board submitted the emergency regulation they adopted in January to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) this week. The emergency regulation requires all surface water right holders and claimants to report their diversions annually..." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative and Governmental Update 2/5/16. Includes doubling pay on holidays for some jobs, and Calif. Water Board news, including Tribal Resolution No. 2010-0062 "AUTHORIZE FUNDING FROM THE CLEAN WATER STATE REVOLVING FUND (CWSRF) TO THE YUROK TRIBE (TRIBE) ... 'Western Rivers Conservancy submitted an application to the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program on behalf of the Yurok Tribe (Tribe) for the acquisition of approximately 22,237 acres of forest land in the Klamath River watershed...A credit review was completed on November 4, 2010, recommending a maximum CWSRF financing amount of $18,750,000 for the project, assuming a 25-year term at a zero percent interest rate...' " California farm economy surprisingly resilient amid drought, SacBee, posted to KBC 5/31/15. "An estimated 800,000-plus acres will sit idle this year" Jobless rates in N. California counties remain high. Statewide, Modoc had the 47th highest unemployment rate, H&N, 3/25/15 KBC NOTE regarding federal management of our counties: KBRA permanently would downsize agriculture, OWRD is tying surface water to groundwater and has shut off water even to private Oregon irrigation wells, timber harvest is still curtailed, decimating schools, communities and economies in the region, further decimated by severe wildfires burning forests, communities and wildlife. California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, 2/20/15: water storage, groundwater rights, Cal/OHSA, ... Feinstein shuts off California water talks until 2015, Fresno Bee, posted to KBC 11/23/14
California - Water Bond Proposition 1 Calif. water agency wins damage suit against feds. Judges conclude that the government owes additional damages for failed water deliveries, H&N 8/5/14. "Judges concluded that the government owes additional damages for the Bureau of Reclamation’s failure to deliver enough water to the Stockton-based Central San Joaquin Water Conservation District." Ongoing California drought wreaks significant economic damage. Crop, job losses take heavy toll on state, H&N 7/16/14. In dry California, water fetching record prices, Capital Press 7/2/14. "...growers would ultimately pay $775 to $980 an acre-foot.." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 6/27/14. Proposed bills: unlimited tax increases, renewable resources, GM labels, private property tree harvest regulations, funds to clean up illegal pot farm pollution, billions$ for climate change, river "protection," & "sustainable...", groundwater management, minimum wages, paid sick leave mandates... California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 5/16/14. Proposed bills for billions of $ for groundwater and water management and control, bill to label genetically modified food products, disclosure of extreme fuel costs from California's carbon taxes, more... California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 5/9/14: school districts to impose unlimited tax on property owners, honeybee access, registering stockponds for livestock and irrigation, $18 billion for water projects and conservation, immigration laws, labor laws... California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 5/2/14: Sunset date on Williamson Act, regulatory requirements on fuel, cutting tree without permit on your own property, funds for marijuana farm cleanup, animal antibiotics, GMO labeling, employers to provide paid sick leave, employees to wage lien on employers property if they claim (without proof) they weren't fully paid, billions$ for Clean Water Act desires, groundwater management plan agencies, registration of animal stockponds, California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review Proposed bills: 4/25/14 Pesticide application regulations, GMO food labeling, budget increases for Fish and Wildlife and Water Resources Board, over $4 million to Department of Education, $19 million plus $2 annually to pay FWS overdue tax bills (FWS has $ to buy private land, then they don't pay their decade-overdue taxes), employees could file lean on their employeer's property if they claim they weren't paid, $8.5 billion for clean water, protect rivers, climate change, Delta Sustainability and water storage, Groundwater management, more. Siskiyou, Modoc jobless figures worse than state’s. Counties’ unemployment rates improve, but still lag behind California averages, H&N 4/22/14. "...the unemployment rate in Siskiyou County dropped from 15.5 percent in February to 14.9 percent, while the drop in Modoc County was from 13.5 to 12.9 percent. In comparison, the California unemployment rate dropped during the same period from 8.5 to 8.4 percent, while the national average shifted from 7.0 to 6.8 percent."
Growers of thirsty pot are under fire in
drought-struck California, H&N, posted
to KBC 3/31/14. "...authorities
have found widespread damage, including
miles of irrigation lines, propane tanks,
and rat poison and other toxic chemicals
that end up in streams..." Calif. drought has migrating salmon hitching truck rides, H&N 3/26/14. "California began hauling 30 million young Chinook salmon hundreds of miles toward the Pacific Ocean in tanker trucks to save the fishing industry after a record drought left rivers too low for migration... The hatchery fish that typically migrate through the Sacramento River Delta to the sea are key to the state’s $1.5 billion commercial and recreational fishing industry, according to the Nature Conservancy" KBC NOTE: In Klamath, the Dept of Interior wants the Klamath hydroelectric dams destroyed which provide water for 70,000 homes, water storage, and fish hatcheries. They refuse to haul the fish. Here for their KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. The DOI fired the Bureau of Reclamation's top ethics scientist Dr. Houser because he was a whistleblower, stating that the science does not support dam and hatchery destruction Jobless rates stagnate in Northern California, H&N 3/26/14. "In Modoc County, the rate for February was 13.2 percent while in Siskiyou County the rate was 15.3 percent. The California average for the month was 8.5 percent while the national rate was 7 percent." Final California Water Action Plan, by Cal EPA, CDFA/Calif. Dept of Food and Drug, and California Natural Resources Agency, 1/14/14. Page 11: "The administration will work with Congress to secure the necessary federal authorizations for the agreements and secure the necessary funding for removal of four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River and funding for the necessary basin restoration." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 1/10/14: "...the $217.8 billion in unfunded retirement liability, goes unaddressed again this year...Governor included $618.7 million to begin implementing the California Water Action Plan...The minimum illumination in these (night farm) work areas “shall be 10 foot-candles” ...AB 1437, which goes even further than Senator Hill’s bill and eliminates the use of antibiotics for disease prevention purposes unless there is a documented outbreak...Clean and Safe Drinking Water Act of 2014 (AB 1331) would authorize the issuance of $6.5 billion in general obligation bonds in five separate categories. The five categories include $1 billion for Water Quality and Clean and Safe Drinking Water, $1.5 billion for Protecting Rivers, Lakes, Streams and Watersheds, $1.5 billion for Climate Change Preparedness for Regional Security, $1 billion for Delta Sustainability, and $1.5 billion for Water Storage for Climate Change." New Calif. law requires gun registration; Buyers of rifles, shotguns affected by new regulation, H&N 1/2/14. November sees job loss in Modoc, Siskiyou counties, H&N 12/26/13. Unemployment 10.3% in Modoc, 11.8% in Siskiyou California gun owners warily eye rifle, shotgun database requirement, Sacramento Bee 12/16/13 California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, posted to KBC 9/1/13. Power marketing, incidental take for farmers regarding ESA, minimum wage to $10, limits on farmers checking to see if laborers are legal, Cal/OSHA enforcement, forest management, bobcat trapping bans, ...
WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA! Groups sue to reclassify species; more may be listed, CFBF, posted to KBC 5/21/13. "The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed protections for three amphibians that live in the Sierra Nevada, and proposed to designate more than 2 million acres of land as critical habitat for the species..." We Can See Where This Is Going, Families Protecting the Valley 4/29/13. CENTRAL VALLEY - "Farmers don't have to believe in conspiracy theories. History is their reality. They've seen Lucy pull the football away at the last minute too many times." Modoc, Siskiyou unemployment up, H&N, posted to KBC 1/4/13. "The Siskiyou rate, which was 12.7 percent in October, jumped from 14.2 percent in November to 15.9 percent in December. The Modoc rate rose from 12.9 percent in November to 14.4 percent in December." California is in the final stages preparatory of rolling out control over water. It follows the classic global Agenda 21 pattern, 1/16/13 from Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong CALIFORNIA - Back to Bad Bills, CFRW, posted to KBC 1/12/13: gun law, college tuition, and Governor Brown's increased spending. Modoc County unemployment rates were up in November to 12.8%, Siskiyou County 14%, according to Klamath Falls Herald and News 12/26/12. Cal-Fire Protection Fee (tax) refuted by Siskiyou farmer Rex Cozzalio 12/17/12. Letter to California Governor Jerry Brown. "This is NOT a supplementary tax willingly voted upon by the affected tax base for specifically provided beneficial services. Instead, this is a premeditated raping of an unequally represented affected minority by a benefitting bureaucracy that believes such selective injustice will be unopposed by the unaffected majority, regardless of ethics or breach of law." CALIFORNIA - Judge backs high speed rail over farmers, CBS News 11/16/12. Opponents urge landowners not to ignore fire fee bills, Capital Press 10/24/12.
PRESS RELEASE: HJTA Files Class Action Lawsuit against Fire Tax; Class Action could qualify 825,000 property owners for a Fire Tax refund, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association October 3, 2012 Jerry Brown signs bill banning open display of unloaded rifles, Sac Bee 9/28/12. California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update, 9/4/12. "This is the final recap of legislation acted upon in the final hours of the legislative session on Friday evening and early Saturday morning. Other issues acted on during the final month of the legislative session were included in previous issues of the Friday Review." KBC Editor: Calif. farmworker overtime failed, converting thousands of acres of farmland to solar facilities failed, allowing CDFG to fine Fish and Game "believed" violations up to $10,000 failed...more Petition to the Calif. Fish and Game Commission by CBD / Center For Biological Diversity to list grey wolves as endangered in Calif, March 2012. KBC Editor: One wolf strayed into Calif. this past year, so CBD attorneys and CDFG are gearing up with models, wolf habitat, studies and planting wolves by our children, livestock and puppies. Opponents keep fighting as fire fee bills sent out, Capital Press, posted to KBC 8/15/12. California Coyote Tale, International Liberty, posted to KBC 6/29/12. "The Governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks the Governor's dog, then bites the Governor...." * California Farm Bureau Federation governmental and legislative update 6/29/12. Status of bills: demanding farmers to provide cool water every 10' and shade every 200', demanding overtime for farm workers after 8 hours, ending hunting certain predators with dogs, acquiring prime farmland for green energy production, giving Cal Dept. Fish and Game authority to fine people $20,000 if CDFG "believes" someone violated a code or regulation, limiting use of certain traps, ..... California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, Legislative and Governmental Update 6/22/12: Water, Land, Transportation
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review - legislative and governmental update, posted to KBC 6/8/12: heat illness legislation, discrimination, metering, coho permits, more power to CDFG, marijuana on public lands, predator hunting restrictions, regulations and limits for trappers. N. California jobless figures worsen, H&N, posted to KBC 4/7/12. "February (unemployment) rates at 16.7 percent in Modoc County and 18.8 percent in Siskiyou County." KBC NOTE: Our country used to support American timber harvest, mining and agriculture. Federal agencies and environmental groups have shut down roads and timber harvest, banned mining, and spent billions of dollars to eliminate agriculture in our region. Jerry Brown changes high-speed rail plan, lowers cost by $30 billion, Sac Bee 3/30/12 Wildlife Conservation Board Funds Environmental Improvement and Acquisition Projects, DFG, posted to KBC 3/1/12. "Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) approved $17.9 million in grants funding to help restore and protect fish and wildlife habitat..." Pit River, Watsonville, Willow Creek, Stanislaus County. House Passes Nunes Water Bill, Families Protecting the Valley 3/1/12. "When farmers agreed to the river restoration in 2009, it was because they were promised they would get the river water back when it got to the Delta. But, the NRDC, a party to the agreement, reneged on the deal and sued to shut off the pumps because of the Delta Smelt. Instead of getting the water back, farm water flowed to the sea. Was that a water grab? Yes. Farmers are just trying to grab their water back." SB 810, mandatory California's Medicare for All, failed today. 1/31/12 California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update 1/20/12. KBC NOTE: Included is a bill, which failed, to LABEL genetically modified fish. Our state has reduced fishing, eliminated suction dredge mining, and plans to destroy 4 hydroelectric dams on the Klamath river and hatcheries which produce millions of fish, in the guise of superiority of "wild" fish. Obama then bails a genetically modified salmon firm. And by the way, Obama's food Czar was Monsanto's legal representative. So wiping out the Klamath hatcheries could conveniently be replaced by Obama's pet "Frankenfish." Regional jobless rates jump, H&N, posted to KBC 1/27/12. "Rates in Siskiyou County rose from 16.8 percent in November to 18.3 in December, while in Modoc County the increase was from 13.4 to 14.4 percent. Sham Science Vindicates Sham Scientists! Families Protecting the Valley 1/9/12. "If we told you the President of Resolve is the former Executive Director of Greenpeace USA, you might have some doubts about how neutral they would be. Not surprisingly they found no evidence of misconduct." Jerry Brown appointees help approve higher rural fire fee, Sac Bee 11/10/11. Federal agency congratulates itself for illegal delta smelt biop, Families Protecting the Valley, posted to KBC 10/29/11. " San Diego Superior Court Upholds California Fish and Game Commission Regulations Pertaining to Marine Protected Areas, Rejects Arguments of Coastside Fishing Club, Somach Simmons and Dunn 10/25/11 California approves carbon trading to combat global warming, SacBee 10/20/11 Gun Control, Firearms AB 144, Calif. bills signed by Governor 10/10/11. "The bill would, subject to exceptions, make it a misdemeanor to openly carry an unloaded handgun on the person or openly and exposed in a motor vehicle in specified public areas and would make it a misdemeanor with specified penalties to openly carry an exposed handgun in a public place or public street, as specified, if the person at the same time possesses ammunition capable of being discharged from the handgun, and the person is not in lawful possession of the handgun, as specified..." CALIFORNIA - Jerry Brown signs California Dream Act, SacBee 10/9/11. "The program's expansion is expected to cost the state $23 million to $40 million annually...legislation would encourage illegal immigration and force students who are in the country legally to compete with undocumented immigrants for public resources. "California: A Morality Tale in Three Parts" - a speech U.S. Congressman Tom McClintock gave to the Council for National Policy, posted to KBC 10/8/11. Obama Interior Department Rife with zealots, Washington Examiner, posted to KBC 9/27/11. Central Valley - Judge throws out parts of salmon, steelhead plan, Contra Costa Times, posted to KBC 9/25/11 Angry federal judge (Wanger) rips 'false testimony' of federal scientists, Washington Examiner, posted to KBC 9/24/11 Judge: Salmon protections too costly to water users, Contra Costa Times 9/21/11. U.S. District Court: 2009 salmonid biop found to be unlawful, Central Calif district court decision 9/20/11
California -
California's poverty rate highest in more than a decade,
SacBee, posted to KBC 9/15/11 To: The Honorable Members of the California Redistricting Commission, from Frank Tallerico, retired Siskiyou County Superintendent of Schools July 7, 2011 California water rules rile farmers - Would mean radical changes for industry, Monterey County Herald, posted to KBC 6/25/11 California Democrats may benefit from redistricting, H&N 6/11/11. "California's new voting districts could put Democrats within reach of as many as five more seats in Congress and enough in the state Legislature for the two-thirds majority..." Re-district lines are a sham, by Liz Bowen, president Scott Valley POW/Protect Our Water 6/10/11. California: Brown proposes prison reduction plan: "Corrections chief Matthew Cate said the state must immediately begin overhauling the prison system to meet a November deadline to lower its head count by more than 10,000 inmates." Water and Power Subcommittee to hold Fresno Field Hearing on the Man-Made Drought in California, House Natural Resources Committee 3/21/11 Calif Budget Committee voted to eliminate funding for fairs, 2/17/11
Unemployment rate up in
Northern California counties.
LaMalfa named to committees.
H&N, posted to KB C 2/1/11.
indicate 16.1 percent of people in Modoc County and 19 percent in Siskiyou
County were unemployed..." California - Court Backs Illegal Immigrants, NY Times 11/15/10 CALIFORNIA - Sacramento Bee article this Nov 10: "...Legislative Analyst's Office projects that (California's) looming deficit is $25.4 billion..." KBC NOTE: The KBRA promises further downsize agriculture, Cal Fish and Game, along with environmental groups and the Karuk Leadership have managed to ban gold mining, ripping out 4 hydro dams on the Klamath River will destroy Siskiyou County economy, 3 of Obama's proposed new National Monuments will shut down millions of acres of land to resource use, Schwarzenegger signed away millions of acres in Calif to wilderness. Sept. 2010 unemployment rate for California 12.4% (Calif) Governor signs $10 million Williamson Act bill, Siskiyou Daily 10/22/10 Smelt regulations violate Constitution, Capital Press, posted to KBC 8/28/10 Delaying the $11 Billion Water Bond: What Does it Mean for the Delta? 8/12/10, by Somach, Simmons and Dunn ***Assembly passes ban on carrying unloaded handguns in public, Sacramento Bee, posted to KBC 6/4/10 Reps. Costa and Cardoza Take Aim At NMFS Biological Opinion, Congressman Costa Press Release, posted to KBC 4/30/10. "...tens of thousands of acre-feet of water are now flowing into the ocean. Flexibility in implementation of the NMFS biological opinion would allow more of this sorely needed water to reach the Valley." The Glory that Was San Joaquin, singer Joey Joseph, posted to KBC YouTube 4/30/10 California Unemployment 12.4 percent, Sacramento Bee, posted to KBC 1/24/10
Central Calif - Federal Fish Agency Refuses to Answer Any Questions On Scientific Basis for Its Restrictions on Water Deliveries, Family Farm Alliance, posted to KBC 1/15/10 ESA blamed for low flows (Calif. Central Valley), Capital Press 12/3/09 PacifiCorp will be filing a general rate case with the California Public Utilities Commission today for a rate increase, 11/20/09 ‘It’s just depressing,' Calif Central Valley water shutoff impact, H&N 11/19/09. "His (Keppen's) organization also is part of a lawsuit demanding the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service release its studies on what needed to be done to help fish species such as the Delta smelt, and there likely will be a push to suspend the Endangered Species Act in the region." (KBC Note: Dan Keppen supports the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, which says, "NMFS and FWS expressly reserve the right to make determinations and take actions as necessary to meet the requirements of the ESA and implementing regulations." Our request for Mr. Keppen: Please explain to us why it's ok to enforce ESA regulations in Klamath Basin but not in Central California.
State Legislature approves comprehensive package to overhaul
water system, including an $11-billion bond,
LA Times, posted to KBC 11/6/09
(includes Klamath dam removal
funds) 11/6/09: U.S. Unemployment Rate 10.2%, Highest Since 1983, 10/21/09 Oregon was 11.5%, Calif.12.2% California, Sacramento unemployment fall (to 12.2%), Sacramento Bee 10/16/09 PRESS RELEASE: Hastings Opposes Democrat Leaders’ Misplaced Priorities, Calls for Relief for San Joaquin Valley Farmers and Families, posted 10/16/09 Enviros now going after groundwater, Families Protecting the Valley 10/14/09 (KBC NOTE: in the closed-door negotiated Klamath Restoration Agreement, there is a map of the groundwater areas that will be controlled, from South near Alturas (Canby) Calif, West near Doris Calif, and North through the Upper Klamath Basin. We farmers have no access to the latest drafts that detail the mandates and regulations for our land and water and our deeded rights.) Schwarzenegger pushes lawmakers for water deal, Capital Press 10/9/09 Court orders government to pay for water losses; decision could open door for more districts to seek payment for water shifted to fish, Contra Costa Times, posted to KBC 10/7/09 People need to know about San Joaquin Valley, H&N letter 10/7/09. Schwarzenegger Executive Order: ALL Californians to be vaccinated for swine flu! posted to KBC 10/21/09 (San Joaquin) River restoration: Ready for dry run, 9/29/09 California unemployment rate hits 12.2 percent, Sac Bee 9/18/09
Protecting the Valley, Westlands, CA water shutoff: