Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
URGENT BULLETIN followed by opponents of Prop 1 VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 1 ON NOVEMBER BALLOT By Richard Marshal, Jerry Bacigalupi and Louise Gliatto October 2014 A thorough review of the proposed Proposition 1, “California Water Bond”, for the November ballot shows a punchbowl full of giveaways to numerous conservation groups and pork for various favorite programs of some legislators. This proposition contrary to its billing as creating new and improved water supplies actually does very little to develop additional storage facilities which California desperately needs. The nominal cost of the bond is advertised at approximately $7.12 Billion dollars yet in actual fact the bill together with interest amounts to a total cost to taxpayers of nearly $14,500,000,000 dollars further damaging the state’s financial structure. This limits the future opportunity for California to correct its water needs. The drought problems we are experiencing now would not be taking place if adequate efforts had been followed through by the State of California on carrying out the original California Water Plan developed in the 60”s. Instead the various water bond issues Californians have previously approved Sixteen Billion Dollars which have been redirected to carry out various environmental groups’ objectives and particularly the private goals of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Department previously known as California Fish and Game. Under the guise of providing clean water and wildlife habitat the CDFW has been fronting public monies to assist conservation organizations such as Nature Conservancy to acquire ranches and conservation easements to establish CDFW control over the rural economy putting ranchers out of business and in some cases closing down access roads into mountainous areas. In addition they have purposely set out to utilize environmental organizations to shut down ranching and farming utilizing the endangered species act to assist together with environmental lawsuits to destroy large rural farming and ranching areas most notably in the Northern part of the State. This bill originally specifically called for the largest dam removal project in the United States by the removal of four perfectly sound Klamath River Dams. These dams not only provide water storage, recreation, and flood control but also significant hydropower to over 70,000 homes and sustain a vital fish hatchery needed to replenish fish stocks. These dams produce clean non- polluting power for our Northern neighbors producing cattle, grain crops, and a significant amount of feed for the dairy industry. The plan to destroy these dams has been based on faulty and manipulated scientific reports prepared by State and Federal Agencies to serve a political end for a few politicians and the enviros who feed them money. This bond issue is not going to help alleviate the water storage problems of the state as the stated amount of $7.12 billion will only utilize approximately 2.7 Billion less than half of the bond issue amount to water storage projects. The balance of the bond funds go primarily to pay off numerous conservation organizations and provide a bankroll for California Department of Fish and Wildlife. There is language in this bill under section 79736 (e) which has $475,000,000 available to the Natural Resources Agency for multiparty settlement agreement (such as the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, Dam removal) acted upon or before December 31, 2013. Please get the word out to your members and other organizations that they should not vote for this bond issue and send a message to the legislature and Governor to go back to the drawing board and produce a bond issue that really will add water storage capability for the State and leave the Klamath Dams in place. We urge a NO vote on the water bond on this November ballot California State Granges Jim Beard, District 4 Supervisor Sierra County, California
Siskiyou County Republican Central Committee Siskiyou County Water Users Association Scott Valley County Protect Our Water Yreka Tea Party Patriots Democrats Against Agenda 21 Americans for Prosperity CA Tea Party Coalition California Republican Assembly Siskiyou County Granges Craig Huey Report CA Assemblyman Tim Donnelly California Eagle Forum Sierra County Republican Central Committee
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Page Updated: Sunday October 26, 2014 10:06 PM Pacific
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