Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
Archive 19 - November and December 2003 State says Cob plant should be approved, H&N 12/31/03 Water users' fish die-off reports to be used in trial, H&N 12/31/03. Don't give it back, 12/30/03 H&N (regarding National Forest reacquisition by Klamath Tribes.) Winter is time to focus on ag research, Capital Press 12/30/03
Western Farmers Turn
to Selling Water,
12/30/03 LA Times, AP Colorado."What
was once the pride of Rocky Ford — a 13-mile ditch that settlers dug by hand
shortly after the Civil War — will be nearly drained. When the water leaves,
more jobs and local businesses are expected to dry up as well. 'Westwide, over
the next 25 to 50 years, you will clearly see additional examples of what's
happening in the Arkansas Valley,' said Bennett Raley, a Denver water lawyer who
is now the Bush administration's point man for Western water issues." Activists endanger farmers by targeting water, Times News, Twin Falls, Idaho, by Dan Keppen, Executive Director Klamath Water Users Association 12/29/03. TID well water level update 12/29/03.
Pombo eyes overhaul
of ESA, Oakland Tribune 12/29/03
Environmental restoration and water conservation efforts undertaken by Klamath
Water Users and Basin landowners.
Endangered Species Act at
work in Klamath basin, 12/28/03 by
Peter B. Moyle and Jeffrey F. Mount. sacbee.com.
"We found
that in fact the higher lake levels and flows did
not have a strong scientific basis, at least for
protecting the listed species."
Bureau cuts river flows to fill lake, 12/28/03 H&N Proposed power plant unwanted, 12/27/03, Oregonian. Who is 'by KBC'? This is the short version of 'about us'. There justifiably has been confusion regarding "who wrote that?" or "who posted that?" If this does not answer your concerns, let us know. thanks, KBC Judges say no to Tribes' petition---at issue is water claims, 12/25/03 H&N."It's a huge victory for irrigated agriculture," Bartell said. Why give up the forests?, H&N 12/26/03 "Tribal official Jeff Mitchell said, "the tribes would not face as many regulations:" Obviously a true statement as local, federal and tribal authorities cannot enforce existing laws concerning even littering on public land." KWUA releases two Klamath River reports by fisheries scientist David Vogel, 12/24/04. Bill Kennedy health update on the Prayer Page 12/24/03 The deal was made, H&N 12/24/03 Long Lake is a good price, H&N 12/23/03. "When we are able to send clean, cold water down the river late in the season, we will get the respect of those downstream who depend on this water for fish migration. This is a move toward exercising good stewardship of the resources in our hands."
Klamath Tribes' forest plan to regain 690,000 acres of the National Forest now available: www.klamathtribes.org/forestplan htm OTHER PLACES not too far away: USGS moment-by-moment updates on the ongoing California earthquakes. 12/23/03 There is no NEGOTIATIONS page. It is now the 'TALKS' page. "At the Shilo Inn meetings, we are not negotiating agreements or settlements, and none of the irrigators have held themselves out as representing the agricultural community. The community should be assured that any sort of proposed settlement can never be implemented without congressional action, which will require a great degree of local and regional support. There is simply no chance of a "secret deal" being cut on this matter," KWUA Executive Director Dan Keppen." Letter from Dan Keppen, KWUA Executive Director, to Rolling Stones Magazine, 12/22/03. Langell Valley wrong place for plant, and it's not even needed, regarding the proposed COB power plant, 12/22/03 H&N. "We asked the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality how it set the limits for allowable amounts of hazardous pollutants and were told that the limits are based on amounts which would not harm a normal, healthy adult. Of course, he stated, this might cause health concerns for young children, the elderly, and those who already have health concerns, such as the local citizens who have asthma or are on oxygen for other conditions." See COB for more info and articles.
11/19/03 "This is to inform that I have just talked to Dave Sabo (Bureau of Reclamation). Later today, Iron Gate Dam Flow will be dropped from 1600 CFS to 1300 CFS. Apparently, NOAA Fisheries has agreed to this action." .Dan Keppen, Klamath Water Users Executive Director.
Court water victory on Upper Snake, 12/19/03.Boise, Idaho "The Coalition for Idaho Water today hailed the decision by a federal court in Portland to reject the effort by environmentalists to add Idaho water to an existing court case involving downstream federal dams and salmon recovery issues."
KWUA update for 12/19/03
#1 and #2 regarding
KBRT and National Forest Tribal court may rule on forest management, H&N 12/17/03. "In September, the Tribes got a federal grant for $99,809 from the U.S. Department of Justice to set up the court." Heavy snow helps water year, H&N 12/18/03 posted to KBC. In the Klamath Basin, through the wisdom of Dr. Hardy's science, our project operation plan states that if we get a lot of water, the farmers get less. Like this summer when it was wet, the Bureau o f Reclamation threaten to shut off water to the project unless we pumped our groundwater at our own expense. Despite the natural flow study showing that the river used to go dry and fish did not need these elevated water levels, a wet year means the Project may again be in jeopardy. All we ask is BEST AVAILABLE SCIENCE, which is being ignored, and COMMON SENSE. (KBC editor comments) There's no mystery, H&N letter 12/17/03. "It seems the Bureau of Reclamation is wondering why the lake levels have barely risen since the end of the irrigation season. Well, let's see. The federal government with the help of the Rangeland Trust spent thousands of dollars to various ranches above the lake to not irrigate their ranches...." PRESS RELEASE: from Chairman Richard Pombo, Committee on Resources. Judge Bans Winter Access to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, 12/17/03. Closing winter access to snow mobiles will decimate these small communities and businesses, and set a horrendous precedent "What the extremists were not able to accomplish by changing the law, they are attempting to accomplish by using the courts via a handpicked judge in Washington." No commission at stake, H&N Letter to the editor by Rich McIntyre, American Land Conservancy, 12/16/03. Barnes would cost $9.1 million, and according to Barnes neighbor Paul Little, it would store less than 5000Acre Feet, go HERE. More on storage, including Barnes, go HERE. To hear McIntyre describe Barnes, go HERE for audio and story. The Hatfield working group (of which McIntyre is a member) presented Barnes options at a workshop. Some of these options were to open flood this property and/or open to the lake Since the notion of Barnes for storage is ludicrous, this looks like one more federally-funded land acquisition for wetlands, which evaporates twice the water as agriculture. Check out how much ag land has been converted to wetlands in the guise of 'saving water' and 'storage', and how much water it has depleted. KBC editorial. Tribes release forest plan, H&N 12/16/03 "That's when the Northwest Forest Plan, designed to help save the endangered spotted owl, went into effect. Shimamoto said the Northwest Forest Plan guides management on some of the Fremont-Winema national forests and the rest of the forests are guided by a plan with restoration as the core goal.The groundwork report to congress that led to President Clinton's Northwest Forest Plan was written by the "gang of four," four prominent forestry scientists from across the country who came together on the report."
Klamath Tribes will unveil vision for reclaiming lands, 12/16/03 Michael Milstein, Oregonian. "The only logging in the early decades of the plan would be designed to thin flammable forests that have become clogged from decades of fire suppression. The tribes would seek an estimated $7 million to $9 million in federal funding for forest management." Mr Milstein, it would be nice if you came and spent time with the over 5000 people that are not at the table yet who live near or within the reservation. Hear what they say too. KBC editor. Farmers/ranchers want their share of the water, 12/16/03 Mail Tribune. The ESA is also threatening our Rogue neighbors community and economy. "Losing that water would kill the pear industry here," he said. "If that water supply is reduced, not only will it hurt the irrigators, but it will hurt the aesthetics of the valley and dry up a lot of shallow wells," he added. "This could affect almost everyone in the valley." CA extension office mint and onion meetings Dec. 16. Reliable water the reason Klamath Project was built, by Dan Keppen, Klamath Water Users executive director, H&N op/ed 12/15/03. "The community should be assured that any sort of proposed settlement can never be implemented without congressional action, which will require a great degree of local and regional support. There is simply no chance of a "secret deal" being cut on this matter."
Glimpse into Closed Door Sessions, H&N 12/14/03. "Jim Root, board member of the Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust and one of the group's spokesmen, said making the meetings open to the public would have a 'chilling effect'on the discussions." At the table were men from Klamath Tribes, Klamath Water Users, The Nature Conservancy, Hatfield Committee, Water for Life, Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust, and some irrigators. Tribes present their case, H&N 12/14/03 Tribes prosperous until land was taken away, H&N letter to the editor 12/15/03. Scientist Vogel addresses flawed Hardy flows. Key concerns outlined in the report: GO HERE for summary and report. 12/12/03 BOR extends EIS scoping period Due Dec.15 Link to EIS Weekly KWUA update for 12//12/03
* KWUA Releases New
Assessment of Hardy Phase II Draft Flow Study
* Draft Federal Study Shows
that Klamath River Sometimes Ran Dry Prior to Klamath
Project Construction
* KWUA Meets with Oregon,
Idaho and Washington Water Users in Portland
* TID Canal Lining Project
to be Featured at Upcoming Water Users Conference
* Agricultural Reseach
Emphasized at University of California IREC
Friday, Dec 12, Papa
T's restaurant in Malin is holding a
fund raiser for Ben DuVal medical fund. The day's proceeds
from Papa T's will be donated to the fund. Please come!
Ben is a Tulelake Basin farmer, just married, was in a
horrible accident and had his leg amputated.
Tribes, their foes, schedule meetings, H&N 12/10/03 Group questioning leadership of Klamath Tribes, 12/10/03 H&N. Good data on river should ease conflict, 12/9/03 H&N. 2004 water bank blackmail, ESA double standard, and TID targeted again, KBC (jdk), December 9, 2003 Land Trusts and conservation easements, a NEW SECTION of KBC. Are these groups looking out for your best interests? Here is a extensive collection of well-researched information on the benefits and consequences selling easements to your property. 12/8/03.
Undepleted Natural Flow of the Upper Klamath River,' Final Draft by the Bureau of Reclamation, 12/8,03. Here is the Model Spreadsheet, Summary Report, and News Release .
Jay Walley, who was here beside the farmers and ranchers in 2001, had a stroke and now he needs our prayers and cards. See prayer page.12/5/03
* Tribes and Irrigators Continue
Discussions: Community Concerns Grow
* KWUA President Discusses
Project Water Bank at OWRC Conference
* Hoopa Valley Tribal Members
Brave Snowstorm, Meet with KWUA
* Rolling Stone Magazine
Identifies 2002 Fish Die-Off as "Bush Crime"
* KWUA, Hoopas Join NRC Committee
Chairman on San Diego Panel
* Idaho Water User Groups File
60-Day Notice of Intent to Sue Federal Agencies
* Senator Gordon Smith Introduces
Amendment to Safety of Dams Bill
* Chrisman Appointed as New
California Resources Agency Chief
Letter to KBC from Kurt Thomas of KBRT (Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust) to update us regarding the 12/1/03 meeting with KBRT, Tribes and irrigators, 12/4/03 Interior's
Bettenberg....listen to our community! Bush's speech signing Healthy Forest Act into law, written and audio speech 12/3/03. PRESS RELEASE: 12/3/03 Resources Field Hearing Will Study California Wildfire Recovery, Environmental Restoration "Catastrophic wildfire is one of the single greatest threats to our environment today," -- Chairman Richard W. Pombo
Property Rights on the minds of Oregon Cattlemen, posted to KBC 12/3/03. Reservation Deal Protested, H&N 12/2/03. Tribal Chairman's comment regarding the protest of secret meetings and giving the Tribes 690,000 acres of the Winema Forest was, "It's like going into court, you don't invite all the spectators to testify unless they've got a legitimate claim." PRESS RELEASE: Walden, Kupillas to Meet with Veterans Affairs Secretary Over Future of White City Dom, 12/2/03. "Eliminating or substantially reducing the level of care offered at the Dom would have a devastating effect on the veterans of our region who depend on the facility, in addition to the more than 400 local residents who are employed at the SORCC," said Walden. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) had been instrumental in assisting Klamath Basin irrigators in conservation practices. Our irrigators have been more than willing to take conservation measures, with several hundred projects this year. To read about their programs, go HERE
Reservation, by Dr. Calvin Hunt, 12/2/03, H&N letter. "Their
constitution and amendments dated Nov. 25, 2000 Section 2 states:
The Sovereign Powers Authority and Jurisdiction of the Klamath Tribe
and its government shall extend to all persons and activities within
the territory which formerly constituted the Klamath Reservation and
is consistent with federal law. Who owns public land, WorldNetDaily 11/29/03, Henry Lamb. "The U.S. Court of Federal Claims found, in Hage v. United States, that the ranchers, not the federal government, may be the true owners of the property referred to as "public" land. " This is a Klamath Basin and an Oregon issue. Editorial: Indian vs. Indian, Sovereignty can put tribal members at risk SacBee, posted to KBC 11/28/03. HAPPY
THANKSGIVING!! Letter from President Bush, Thanksgiving
In the State of Hypocrisy, speech by Gail Hildreth 11/25/03 to the Klamath Falls Planning Commission. "In a state that already has the most stringent requirements for land use in the United States, I have to ask myself, the planning commission, and all those in attendance here, why the state of Oregon is in the process of further restricting our individual private property rights. ...Meanwhile, the state of Oregon and Klamath County are allowing, uncontested, the siting of the largest gas fired electrical generating facility in the western United States, in a strictly zoned Exclusive Farm Use agricultural area just east of Klamath Falls."
Endangered species
listings may backfire, 11/26/03, Society for
Conservation Biology Emissions Appalling, H&N posted to KBC 11/25/03 Constitution of the Klamath Tribes. "ARTICLE IV - JURISDICTION - "All waters which originate in or flow through the Klamath Tribe's jurisdiction, or which are stored within the Klamath Tribe's jurisdiction, whether found on the surface or underground, are a valuable Tribal resource of the Klamath Tribes, and are to be protected for the present and future use of the Klamath Tribes." More on Tribe, water user, Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust, and DOI Negotiations. Got it right, Three cheers for Cal Hunt, 11/25/03 H&N. "The choices made by the tribal members may not have been the right ones, but they were made, and the taxpayers have paid dearly for those choices." Dr Hunt's article is HERE.
Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) WATERBANK 2004,
"Reclamation is seeking the
public's ideas for ways to develop up to75,000 acre-feet of
water..." 11/24/03.
PRESS RELEASE: Walden on Medicare Reform, 11/24/03 WASHINGTON, DC – "The percentage of Oregonians who are covered by prescription drug insurance will increase from 60.4 percent to 96.6 percent. Some 54,000 low-income Oregonians who are not eligible for the Oregon Health Plan and who do not have any prescription drug coverage will be covered by the new prescription drug benefit." Bureau seeks ideas for water bank, H&N 11/24/03 Property rights writer Jay Wally had a stroke, posted to KBC 11/23/03 Jay was here in 2001 standing by the farmers. He's been on the convoys, helping those who have been violated by our government. He has been here for KBC when we needed a shoulder, advice and encouragement. KBC. "Jay, and his wife Sara, do not have health insurance or life insurance. As the costs of his medical care are rising, the Paragon Foundation is sponsoring a fund on Jay's behalf." Please send cards, and see Prayer Page.
PRESS RELEASE: Senate Gives Final Approval to Silvery Minnow Language, Domenici-Bingaman Work Heads to White House, posted to KBC 11/23/03
Weekly KWUA update for 11/21/01 US FWS Attributes 'Combination of Factors' for 2002 Klamath Fish Die-Off
Savage Rapids removal passed, Mail Tribune, 11/20/03. This is our Oregon neighbors on the Rogue River. We have not heard how this may affect those irrigators. KBC PRESS RELEASE: House Overwhelmingly Passes Bipartisan Healthy Forests Restoration Act, Congressman Walden's office 11/21/03
the spigot won't solve water issues, H&N 11/19/03.
"The United States Fish and Wildlife Service's report
on the 2002 fish die-off in the lower Klamath River bears
an important resemblance to one issued in October by the
National Research Council"
Interior, Tribes, and irrigators look for solutions using false science. The Tribes want 690,000 acres of our National forest back that they sold, Rangeland Trust (KBRT) will use government money to buy Upper Basin water easements, Project Irrigators want certainty in irrigation supply, and the Interior Department wants us to find solutions based on outdated, false science. We interviewed KBRT regarding yesterday's meeting with Interior.. KBC 11/18/03. Bettenberg back for water, land talks, 11/18/03 H&N
Here are the naturalized, or 'pre-project' summary flow draft
1 and part II.
We understand that Dr. Hardy, the author of Hardy Flow Report that
molded the 2003 project operation plan (who took the highest water
years in recorded history to model from) has been hired again to
develop Hardy III, this time with these 'naturalized' flow reports.
Past, present
cloud Tribes' meetings, H&N 11/17/03 No special consideration, H&N letter posted to KBC 11/17/03, by Terri Mander of Sprague River, regarding Tribal land acquisition. Tule alkali content rising, H&N posted to KBC 11/17/03, by Hank Christensen.
Protection Act 'Broken', LA Times, posted to KBC 11/17/03.
top Interior official says the law should be revised to give
economic and other interests equal footing with endangered animals
and plants."
greens stoked a perfect firestorm within California,
Fires point to
need to pass forests bill, Richard Pombo, Chairman of the U.S.
House Resource Committee, posted to KBC 11/17/03 PRESS RELEASE: Walden Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Allow Oregon to Continue Receiving Extended Emergency Unemployment Benefits, 11/14/04. With Oregon being targeted by environmental groups to revert back to a prehistoric fantasy, destroying the logging, farming, grazing, and fishing industries, they are the highest unemployment rate in the nation. Congressman Walden takes care of people. For more on Oregon, go HERE. Tulelake Irrigation District (TID ) well water level report, 11/14/03. For past reports, see TID well reports.
Tribes haven't convinced their Chiloquin community, by KBC news reporter 11/14/03 " 'My father owned land in Merrill, and he sold it, and I want it back!' Dean Haskins of Merrill did not feel that giving them back land that they voted to sell is right." Tribes, public meet again, H&N 11/13/03 Weekly KWUA update for 11/13/03:
* Walden secures $2.6 million to
Reimburse Klamath Project Irrigators
* Conference Water Bill Contains
Important Klamath Provisions
* Rider Would Exempt New Mexico
Water From ESA Uses
* Sea, Salt and Rain: KWUA Reps
Address Southern California NWRA Conference
* Tribe-Irrigator Talks Continue
* Wilderness Society Sticks to
Its Guns: Bush, Farmers Killed Klamath Fish
Energy plant threat to rights, H&N 11/13/03. "These Langell Valley landowners selected their property carefully. They chose to live and work in a rural farming community far removed from the noise, lights and pollution of industrial America. They chose to invest in Langell Valley because of the extremely light traffic load, and because that traffic consists nearly exclusively of their neighbors" PRESS RELEASE from Resource Committee Chairman Richard Pombo, Long, Devastating Road to Healthy Forests, Senate Democrats must stop playing politics and appoint conferees, 11/13/03
Klamath Tribes-a sovereign nation on the dole, by Dr Calvin Hunt, 11/13/03. "There were 2,133 voting members. 77% of the Klamath Indians chose to sell." Tribes field raft of questions, H&N 11/11/03 House will vote on Basin funding request, H&N 11/11/03 Press Release: Walden Secures $2.6 Million to Reimburse Klamath Basin Irrigators’ Operations and Maintenance Fees, 11/11/03 There's room for wildlife, livestock, H&N 11/10/03. Land Trust Tax Favoritism proposal, 11/11/03
talks focus on key areas, H&N 11/9/03. Klamath County Commissioner Steve West brings common sense, and Dr. Ken Rykbost shares Hardy flaws with Fishery group in Yreka, 11/9/03. HERE for story.
Closed meetings continue, H&N 11/6/03. "When
the meetings started, Thomas said he hoped a
solution could be found in 60 to 90 days"
(the community has been told that
the participants do not represent anyone but
themselves, and also that the community would have
total input in any solutions or negotiations. With 2
months of meetings already and absolutely no
involvement from the public, how is it that they
could find a solution in that time period if
they intend to include the community? KBC) Weekly KWUA update for 11/7/03:
* Project
Irrigators Tour Sprague and Wood River Ranching
* Stakeholders
Achieve Consensus on Removal of Chiloquin Dam
* Water Users
Take Their Message to Southern California
* Coos County
Commissioner Addresses Government Buyout of
Coastal Fleets
* Reclamation
Commissioner Announces Organizational Changes
* KWUA to
Participate in NWRA Panel
An Upper Klamath Basin Solution, This 12 point plan, being discussed by the group from the Tribes, KBRT, KWUA and Upper Basin, was given to us by Thomas from Rangeland Trust to post on our website. He encouraged people to contact your representatives to show your support. If you send us a copy of your letters, we will post it. DOI's Bill Bettenburg will be meeting with this group on Friday to show models. Forests' fate causes concern along Sprague, 11/5/03 H&N Area residents concerned about national forest land becoming Tribes' reservation Tribes meetings to give answers, 11/5/03 Several in ag named to enviro task force, Capital Press 11/5/03 Klamath report spreads the pain of habitat repair, Redding Record Searchlight posted to KBC 11/5/03 "Are environmentalists willing to concede that the farms have a valuable place, and work toward preserving a threatened human type, the rough-handed Klamath horseradish grower?" Ag Department forcing law that would target farmers, by Dr Doug Whitsett 11/5/03. "insertion of this statute as an area rule may prevent such common accepted agricultural practices as flood irrigation, pasturing of livestock in an area where runoff could carry their waste products to the waters of the state, agronomic application of any fertilizer, field burning, and even planting trees along the banks of streams where their leaves may fall into the water." Water parties take 3rd tour, 11/4/03 H&N.
Basin farmers, Brookings fishermen tour South Coast, 11/4/03
Curry Pilot,
"In perhaps the most promising part of the tour, Klamath Basin
representatives said they would attempt to lobby a northern
California Congressman to reinstate funding for the Klamath Fisher
Management Council (KFMC). " Proposal Senseless, H&N posted to KBC 11/04/03 "The Council's recommendations to improve the Basin environment included the following from page 2: 'Ridding Lake of the Woods of exotic game fishes and replacing them with native suckers.' " Attitude adjustment eases Basin water war, H&N posted to KBC 11/4/03 A region on the ropes, rural ranchers and farmers fight to survive as their political power withers The Oregonian 11/04/03
Department of Justice will appeal order to reconsider their denial of the delisting petition for sucker fish, 11/02/03, attorney James Buchal, KBC discussion forum. "...the Fish & Wildlife Service refused to consider enormous increases in sucker populations (or a failure to count them properly at listing) as evidence that the fish might not be endangered after all.....All that the District Court’s order required the Service to do was conduct a status review of the suckers.... it has no accurate population estimates for the suckers, even though it has been fifteen years (and millions of dollars in studies) since the 1988 listings." Behind the Inferno, bad policy fuels California's wildfires, by U.S. Rep Congressman Doolittle, 11/1/03. "In California, where overzealous environmentalism often trumps common sense, our forests are suffering from rampant disease and destruction. In just a matter of days, over 600,000 acres of Southern California's forests have been reduced to mere ashes due in part to overgrown forests that have been infected by the largest bark-beetle infestation in the last 50 years."
Oregon's trawl fleet will be
cut by a third, Oregonian
11/01/03. Becky Hyde
from the Upper Basin, some Tribal Members and Project irrigators,
and Rangeland Trust representatives have been meeting.
Irrigators want assurance for irrigation water, Rangeland Trust
wants to buy water easements with Federal $, and the Tribes want
690,000 acres of the National Forest again. Facilitator Hyde sent
KBC these
questions and comments from some of the folks (that didn't walk
out) attending this tense meeting. For more info, go to
Negotiations. |
Page Updated: Friday December 28, 2012 01:52 AM Pacific
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