Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
* VIDEO of government employee bragging about stealing land / mines, from 2 WWII vets, produced 1/16/16. "the woman brags about how they wrestled a $40 million mine located in the park for $2.5 million dollars from two "little guys that had been in the 2nd World War" (their words, not mine). She continues, "which I stole the money from Washington to acquire it." Cal Fish and Game WCB spends $30,000,000 in land acquisition, 8/28/14. USDA Announces New Landmark Conservation Initiatives, USDA press release 5/1/14. "...According to the National Fish and Wildlife Federation, annual U.S. conservation spending totals $38.8 billion...Through the 2014 Farm Bill's new conservation programs, USDA is making available up to $366 million for conservation easements under ACEP to state and local governments, Indian tribes, non-governmental organizations and private landowners." A Letter to The Wall Street Journal by Jim Beers, No sucker like an urban sucker 2/25/13, regarding The Nature Conservancy, easements and land conservancies.
Giant Land Acquisition Trust Fund /
LWCF/ Land and Water Conservation
Fund, posted to KBC 3/17/12. "It
gives billions of dollars to the Federal
land agencies without having to go
through the appropriations process. That
means there is no oversight. No
accountability. It gives the Park
Service, Forest Service, Fish and
Wildlife Service and BLM and blank check
to take private land. There is no way
these agencies should have a blank check
to convert private land into Federal
government ownership with the deficit at
current levels. The Senate
Transportation Bill is an all out attack
on Rural America." Wildlife Conservation Board Funds Environmental Improvement and Acquisition Projects, DFG, posted to KBC 3/1/12. "Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) approved $17.9 million in grants funding to help restore and protect fish and wildlife habitat..." Pit River, Watsonville, Willow Creek, Stanislaus County. Re: California Rangeland Conservation Coalition e-update; US Fish and Wildlife Service Seeks Input on Proposed Easement Program, preceded by letter of "Input" by Dr. John Menke, posted to KBC 7/6/11. Dr. Menke's biography. Group invests in future of the Basin, H&N 11/29/11. KBC NOTE: Landtrust partner Oregon Wild advocates considerable downsizing Klamath Basin agriculture. FWS News Release: Fish and Wildlife Provides Nearly $19.9 Million in the Pacific Region Through Two Grant Programs, posted to KBC 5/20/07. "Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne today awarded more than $75 million in grants through two grant programs; the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund and the Private Stewardship Grants Program." (for easements and land acquisitions) A Cooperative Conservation Approach To Policy Development, Presidents Task Force, 4/6/07. Conservation easements IRS threatening easement deals, Rocky Mt. News, posted 1/12/07 IUCN Environmental Law Paper; The Easement as a Conservation Technique, by David B. Gregory, IUCN, posted to KBC 10/25/06. Thank you Julie Smithson for this information, http://www.propertyrightsresearch.org New bill gives major tax breaks for land conservation Leah Justice, TryonDailyBulletin.com A move to make land trusts more accountable, Headwater News 11/1/05 Landowners Warned To Be Wary Of Any Conservation Easement, Livestock Weekly News posted to KBC 10/13/05 Are You Asking the Right Questions about Conservation Easements or Purchased Development rights? by Ric Frost, Policy Analysis, NM University, posted to KBC 8/6/04, written October 2, 2003. Connecting Conservation Easements to The Wildlands Project, by Julie Smithson, posted to KBC 6/20/04. Considering the vast amount of land taken out of agricultural production in the Klamath Basin in recent years, and the amount of land targeted to be 'conserved' by eager conservation groups, this article contains many facts and links explaining the agenda behind the easements. Conservation Easements (CEs) and Purchased Development Rights (PDRs), by Marcia Armstrong 3/28/04 (printed with permission of Marcia Armstrong.) "In my opinion, the worst thing about CEs and PDRs is that they reach into the future and restrict the range of available land use options available to our children and grandchildren. They rob the potential for future owners to get the highest possible economic return from their property." Conservation Easements, Washington Post Conservation Easements, too good to be true, Joyce Morrison 11/2/03 Jay Walley's series: Conservation Easements, http://www.paragonfoundation.org/conservation_easements.htm
More from the Paragon Foundation:
Exercising the Ultimate Private Property Right, By L.M. Schwartz, Chairman, The Virginia Land Rights Coalition, article in the Sierra Times. This is an exceptional, well-researched document. Julie Smithson's website has info on conservation easements; scroll down on the left of her site: http://www.propertyrightsresearch.org/
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