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Archive 80 - January 2009
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Around 1900, Link River, between Upper Klamath Lake and Lake Ewauna, occasionally went dry before the Klamath Project was built. There was no hydropower, no hatcheries, occasionally no fish (fish need water), no artificially-raised river flows or lake levels.  HERE for more

PRESS RELEASE: Oregon High Court agrees to decide Klamath water suit issues. Marzulla Law Firm, posted to KBC 1/30/09. "On January 29, 2009, the Supreme Court of Oregon agreed to decide three issues of State law which will likely determine whether Klamath farmers can recover compensation from the United States for refusing to release water to them in 2001."  

***URGENT! ELECTRIC RATEPAYERS! ALL citizens are urged to attend and/or provide written testimony regarding their feelings on Klamath Dam removal. Tuesday Feb 3, Salem. "According to FERC, the high estimate of removal and disposal of 9000 acre feet of sediment from behind the dams is $4.5 billion, to be divided among 548,000 electric ratepayers, 90% who are in Oregon."

Court to hear water case; Oregon Supreme Court to consider issues involving Klamath irrigators, 1/30/09 H&N.   

More questions than answers; Agency hearing on Klamath River dams draws about 100 in Yreka, H&N 1/30/09.  

FERC hosts Klamath Dam meetings, Siskiyou Daily News 1/30/09

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 1/30/09. Proposed septic regulations update and budget update:  "*Inspect septic tanks ($325 estimated cost) every five years, *Sample & analyze groundwater of onsite domestic wells every five years, *Retrofit tanks if found to be causing pollution ($45,000 estimated cost)"    

Excerpt from Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong's opinion column on Yreka FERC meeting regarding dam removal Agreement In Principle, 1/30/09  

Judge Denies Stay Request To Halt Lethal Sea Lion Removal Below Bonneville Dam, CB Bulletin 1/30/09

Senator Whitsett Newsletter 1/30/09 Senate Bill #76. "The bill is alleged to create the funding resources to enable the removal of the four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River. The mechanism would be to create a 2 percent surcharge payable by all Oregon PacifiCorp ratepayers on their monthly bill for the next ten years.  

FERC sent us their power point presentation from the Jan. 29th meeting regarding the Agreement In Principal, the dam removal document. The commission is trying to figure out what their participation would be with the AIP and possibility of dam removal.

2009 Family Farm Alliance Annual Conference March 5-6

Obama to focus on family farms, Capital Press 1/29/09

1/29/08: *PacifiCorp public meeting in Yreka on Klamath dam relicensing.  *Supplimental notification   *Letter of clarification from FERC

HERE is the Director of DFG's denial of the Karuk Petition for Emergency Regulations. "...the Department must deny the petition because there is no substantial evidence to support a finding of emergency under the APA, including the need to immediately adopt the petition's proposed restrictions on suction dredge mining." HERE is comment by Dave McCracken, General Manager New 49'ers, posted to KBC 1/27/09

Response to Guest Opinion on suction dredge mining, Tom Quintal letter to Pioneer Press, posted to KBC 1/27/09

Calif farmers idle crops, veggie prices may rise, Breitbart.com, posted to KBC 1/27/09   

***Senate Bill 76 - Klamath Dam Removal 75th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2009 Regular Session. (KBC Note: The cost to Oregonians-we've heard from millions up to 4 $billion)

Senator Whitsett Newsletter 1/26/09, Oregon's "Stimulus Package." "(The state economist) is predicting that state government income may be more than $750 million less than he predicted for this budget cycle ending June 30, and as much as two billion dollars less than predicted for the next two year budget cycle...Last Friday, the majority of the Joint Committee on Ways & Means voted to borrow about $177 million to create an economic stimulus package for Oregonians..."

Good News: "DFG is denying the petition (by the Karuk Tribe and environmental groups) to shut down gold mining in the Klamath).  The news comes from Senator Sam Aanestad who met with DFG.  Thanks to everyone for your help." See MINING Page for info on petitions.

For the critters, letter to KBC by Rudy Hiley, 1/27/09

Supervisors vote to support dredge mining, Siskiyou Daily News 1/26/09

Klamath Lake Levels and River Flows, 1/18-1/25/09

From 'settlements' other places: San Joaquin River Settlement must be changed, Capital Press letter, posted to KBC 1/26/09.

Senator hears economic worries; Financial bailout, water agreement among concerns at town hall meeting, H&N 1/25/09. "Steve Rapalyea of the Klamath Basin Alliance and Klamath Falls City Council Member Bill Adams said they had issues with the restoration agreement. Rapalyea said he gave petitions with 1,800 signatures against the agreement to Wyden’s staff, while Adams said the public needs more opportunity to weigh in on it."

Proposed Salmon-Tagging Study Seeks Better Info On Lower River Sea Lion Predation, CBBulletin, posted 1/25/09. "The preliminary cost estimate for the pilot study is $225,000." (KBC note: Sea lions kill thousands of endangered salmon per year,  yet they are still studying whether to control the predators)

Siskiyou Crop Disaster Program deadline is Feb. 27, H&N 1/22/09

USDA Program sends assistance directly to ag producers; proposals due by March 2. Capital Press, posted to KBC 1/23/09

Bureau of Reclamation will begin study; Bids being solicited for groundwater substitution options, storage programs. H&N 1/22/09

SacBee Editorial: Time for new rules on suction mining, Response Dave McCracken, President of The New 49'ers Prospecting Association, posted to KBC 1/22/09. "The (Karuk) Tribe could not and cannot prove that so much as a single fish has ever been killed by suction gold mining under the present regulations, and presumably did not want to highlight its own continued killing of salmon at Ishi-Pishi Falls, notwithstanding its claims of a fisheries emergency."

They're liars, Pioneer Press 1/22/08. "...my neighbor last week was invited down to Hoopa to catch Salmon and bring them back to Scott Valley to sell. So much for them (Karuks) not having a enough fish to feed their families and for ceremonies."

They (Karuks) can't have it both ways, Pioneer Press January 22, 2009, Letter To the Editor by John Robinson, Seiad Valley. " 'The reality is that there have not been many extensive studies on the effects of mining,' admitted Karuk spokesperson Craig Tucker. 'What is available concludes that dredging is harmful to fish and that is certainly the conclusion of our biologists.' These statements are out-and-out lies. There have been numerous studies on dredging that have all come to the same conclusion: Dredging does not harm the environment."

Monumental end to grazing near Soda Mountain, Federal legislation sets stage for buyout of ranchers’ permits, Capital Press 1/22/09

Farmers protest permitting program, Capital Press 1/22/09.

Scientists, Data Challenge New Antarctic ‘Warming’ Study, posted to KBC 1/22/09.

Suction dredge mining - Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors Meeting, by Klamath River miner Jim Foley, posted 1-21-2009. "Karuk Tribe allied with other special interest groups constantly attacking suction dredge mining for the last four years....it was hypocritical for special interests to say that fish need protection from 3,000 suction dredge miners who they allege are killing fish, while at the same time they admit that there are 2.4 million fishermen whose sole reason for fishing is to kill fish....All of this without a single shred of proof that a suction dredge has ever killed a fish." Mining Page

Oregon unemployment rate shoots up to 9%, The Oregonian 1/21/09. HERE for why

Dredge (Klamath) lake to gain water storage space, by letter to the editor by Harvey Houston, Klamath Falls, posted 1/21/09. More SOLUTIONS

Changing course along the water, Medford OR, Mail Tribune 1/21/09. "I'm just against grabbing our land,"

Calif. Senator Sam Aanestad Dist. 4 Update 1/21/09

Text of President Barack Obama's inaugural address, Capital Press 1/20/09

Obama's agenda, how He and Biden will save our country and the world. 1/20/09

Letter of clarification from FERC regarding January 29th PacifiCorp public meeting in Yreka on Klamath dam relicensing, 1/20/09

USDA announces fiscal year 2009 sign-up for $20 million in conservation innovation grants, posted to KBC 1/20/09. Sign up by March 2

Official Animal Identification Numbering Systems (proposed amendments), posted 1/20/09, Comments due by March 16, 2009

Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors meeting 1/20/09. 12. 2:00 P.M. - DEPARTMENT MISCELLANEOUS A. COUNTY COUNSEL –
1. Approve the first reading of a draft Ordinance adding Chapter 13 to Title 10 of the Siskiyou County Code, Demolition, Deconstruction, Removal and Reclamation Ordinance, and set a public hearing for the second reading.
2. Discussion and possible action regarding continued participation in the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement.

Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter, posted to KBC 1/18/09. Includes: Democrats' 2-billion taxes and fees, school choice, and Citizen Participation in Government. "The Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, the Agreement in Principle to remove the four PacifiCorp dams on the Klamath River, as well as the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s imposition of draconian air quality standards on the greater Klamath Falls area, are direct examples of decisions that were completed by the political and environmental elite, before the public had an opportunity to be heard.

Letter by Karuk Tribal Member James Waddell to the Calif. St. Water Quality Control Board regarding Klamath Dam removal, 1/18/09.

NAIS....The latest attempt to steal your land, posted 1/18/09

Rerun - Big (Klamath) Dam Fight, Willamette Week, posted 12/6/08. "The Legislature may end a long-festering dispute affecting one billionaire, a half-million Oregonians and more fish than you can count."

Calif. Delta - Water battle will move to the courts, SAS February Issue 2009.

Columbia - NPCC Heads To Finish Line In Approving New Regional Fish & Wildlife Program, CBB posted 1/18/09. "The Bonneville Power Administration, which funds the program, provided up to $143 million in expense and $36 million for capital projects annually during the past three fiscal years and expects spending to increase to $200 million this year, $230 million in 2010 and $235 million in 2011."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 1/16/09. More bills and laws HERE

1/15/09 Public Klamath Water and Power Agency board meeting

60 laid off at local lumber mill, H&N 1/15/09. For more on Oregon go HERE.

Public lands bills gain steam, H&N, posted to KBC  1/15/09,  followed by Whitsett pleased with boost for OSP

On Suction Dredge Mining, by James Foley, Klamath River, Pioneer Press, posted 1/15/09

Tribe seeks to halt suction dredging on parts of the Klamath River, Redding Searchlight , posted 1/15/09

Klamath Lake Levels and River Flows 1/4/09-1/11/09

Feds distribute timber payments for rural counties, Capital Press 1/15/09

 Waxman sets Memorial Day deadline to move emissions, energy bill, E&E 1/15/09

Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement/KBRA; New off-Project group forms. Organizers seek to represent irrigators in water settlement talks. "...the Resource Conservancy, was denied access to settlement talks despite representing a large number of off-Project irrigators with water adjudication claims. “It’s not fair to have everyone rehash everything for just one group,” Addington said. “It’s like letting the defense into the huddle.”
KBC EDITOR RESPONDS: "Since Hyde's property is in an easement with the Tribes and Sustainable NW, she already sold out having total control of her land. And her partners, the environmental groups, agencies and tribes at the settlement table, are eager for her help to sell out the remainder of Off-Project irrigators."
Anyone is welcomed to send KBC a response to the above article or response at [email protected]

Scott Valley Groundwater Study Plan, Pioneer Press 1/14/09

Important meeting on (Scott) Ground water study plan, Pioneer Press 1/14/09

Don't participate in the Shasta or Scott ITP or EIR, Pioneer Press 1/14/09 by Craig Chenoweth, Etna

(Siskiyou) County says: Let's talk, Pioneer Press 1/14/09

Omnibus public land Management Act of 2009, Senate Bill S22, 1/14/09. Includes 449 pages of proposed wilderness, land swaps, Tule Lake Segregation Center as National Park, ...This will restrict access to parts of Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake, CA. 

Tulelake Irrigation District well water levels posted 1/13/09

Groups (Karuks and Environmentalists) File Petition to Limit Gold Mining to Save Struggling Fisheries, and Response by Jim Foley 1/13/09. "Suction dredge mining is nothing more than recreational genocide. The first gold rush killed more than half our people in 10 years. This modern gold rush continues to kill our fish and our culture," says Leaf Hillman of the Karuk Tribe." (HERE for background on spiritual leader Leaf Hillman trying to kill his wife.)

US Forest Service says use Klamath River as a toilet, "DILUTION IS THE SOLUTION!"--- Our summer desert-like climate produces conditions that will cause the beaches to smell like human urine if people urinate on shore. Urine deposited onto the beaches can create a strong odor and attract insects. The lack of consistent summer rainfall means the urine does not get quickly washed away. If in doubt on a highly-used river, urinate into the water. The dilution factor is so great that the impact on water quality is negligible."

REVISED - Regarding Agreement in Principle on Klamath Dam Removal by Rex Cozzalio, Siskiyou County, followed by opinion on Siskiyou Supervisors at the Klamath Settlement Agreement table, 1/13/09, "the recent, and expected, consequence of the Siskiyou Supervisors agreeing to sit at the Agreement in Principle table..."

Here is an exceptional website supporting California farmers: www.farmwater.org

Benefit Dinner in memory of Nicholas Huffman on 2/7/09. You can buy rafflle tickets for a 4-wheeler

Obama climate czar has socialist ties, Washington Times 1/13/09.

Public meeting of Klamath Water and Power Agency board of directors on Jan 15, 2009

USDA issues final rule for country-of-origin label rule, Capital Press, posted 1/13/09

Regarding Agreement in Principle on Klamath Dam Removal, by Rex Cozzalio, Siskiyou County, posted to KBC 1/11/09

1/12/09 TID monthly meeting, 8 pm. district office (Tulelake Irrigation District board elected Sid Staunton to fill the place of the late Ed Baley for a two year term. John Crawford was elected president of the board, Jim Havlina veep. Gary Wright and Bill Heiney are also on the board.)

(Eagle) Migration to the Basin, H&N 1/10/09

Meeting today with PacifiCorp, H&N 1/9/09. (KBC NOTE: More than 3000 petitions opposing the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement or parts of it mean nothing to the Oregon governor or farm "representatives" who have 74 signatures favoring the "Agreement". As in the following article, Mallams, representing hundreds of Off-Project irrigators opposing the agreement, was no longer welcomed at the table. You must agree with dam removal, downsizing the Klamath Project, ceding our water rights to the tribes, and nearly obliterating Off-Project irrigation and the Siskiyou County economy. What happened to the America that the Greatest Generation fought for, when the people had a voice.?)
PacifiCorp, stakeholders to meet today, H&N 1/8/09. "Tom Mallams, who represents the Klamath Off-Project Water Users, said he was not aware of a meeting with PacifiCorp. He said it was common knowledge that those groups not actively supporting the restoration agreement would be excluded from future meetings."

Tulelake Homesteaders - from Our Greatest Generation, have passed. Fred fought in WWII defending his country; they farmed the rest of their lives to feed a hungry nation.
Fred Allen Robison "After only 19 days of separation, Fred Allen Robison rejoined his sweetheart of 64 years. He died in his home"
Herald&News 1/9/09
Velma Robison died last week. She and her husband Fred homesteaded in Tulelake in 1956. Velma was part of the documentary Homesteading in a Promised Land, a 100-year story told by Tulelake settlers. In the film, Velma Robison < (audio) tells how they felt the day their irrigation water was shut off in 2001: Velma was the heart and soul of our community; we will miss them both.

Velma: "The day of April 6, 2001, was as infamous to the people in the valley of Tulelake as Dec. 7th (Pearl Harbor Day) was to the citizens of the United States."

Salmon Go Acoustic At Research Confab, NW Fish Letter, posted 1/9/09"...the benefits from modifying dam passage for fish was small potatoes compared to the huge vagaries they encounter in the ocean."

Down to Business, Local lawmakers ready for session's start on Monday. "Kulongoski’s efforts to push legislation that would raise power rates to PacifiCorp customers to pay for removal of four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River have Whitsett’s attention as well."

Omnibus bill to get new life in Senate, 1/9/09. (these bills would lock up vast areas into wilderness-no people, no healthy forests, no firefighting)

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review - update of the ongoing Calif. budget crisis, 1/9/09

Shutting off the water pumps to save delta smelt unwarranted, SF Chronicle, posted to KBC 1/9/09

Commentary by Dr. Kenneth A Rykbost on: Water War in the Klamath Basin, by Holly Doremus and A. Dan Tarlock. "I believe you, as many others, do a disservice to the local community as well as the scientific community by publishing one-sided material such as this. It will no doubt serve as additional fodder in the future by those wishing to obscure facts and promote an agenda."

(Siskiyou) County will participate in Klamath dam negotiations, Siskiyou Daily News 1/8/09

Siskiyou to join talks on (Klamath) Dams 1/8/09 Herald and News

Environmental group backs canal for California delta, Capital Press, posted to KBC  1/8/09

Person of the Year - Roy Hall Jr., Pioneer Press, posted to KBC 1/7/08. "As the chairman of the Shasta Nation, he took a stance against dam removal on the Klamath River...'Taking the dams out isn't about the fish...it's about other tribes taking control of our water in this area.' Roy has made the undisputed claim that the Karuk Tribe used the Shasta's Treaty "R" to gain its federal recognition. 'They are dealing with an illegal tribe.' "

Radanovich Urges U.S. FWS, DOJ to issue Correction of Information of Delta Smelt BO, Congressman Radanovich 1/7/09.

PacifiCorp; Notice of Public Meetings Concerning the Relicensing of the Klamath Hydroelectric Project, 1/3/09,  Quote.com

ESA 2005-2006 Expenditures - Federal and state endangered and threatened species expenditures for fiscal Years 2005-2006,  Fish and Wildlife Service, posted to KBC 1/1/08. Includes expenditures, including land acquisitions, for birds, fish, butterflies, mice, toads, plants, etc. (Pg 149) "Lost River Sucker: $682,303,476, Shortnose Sucker: $689,978,803..." Total expense on Lost River and Shortnose Suckers as of 2006: $1,372,282,279.

http://www.fws.gov/endangered/pdfs/expenditures/expenditures_report_fy05-06.pdf  Includes expenditures, including land acquisitions, for birds, fish, butterflies, mice, toads, plants, etc.
Here for expenditure reports from 1998 through 2006.

*****2005 Strategy of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement*****
Posted to KBC 1/9/08: Rerun- Cal/EPA Environmental Justice Action Plan, May 18, 2005.
Lead Agency: State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)

What they did not do on their list of strategies plans was, "In each step of the solution process, public input will be sought." Why are they still holding secret meetings in Sacramento with no disclosure, no public input or awareness, and far from the Klamath Basin where nearly 3000 petitions have been collected opposing the agreement or parts of the agreement in the past few years?)

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