Supplemental notification on the FERC
PacifiCorp Project
No. 2082-027 Oregon and California NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING AGENDA
(January 09, 2009) On December 24, 2008, Commission staff issued
public notice of two meetings it was convening to discuss an
Agreement in Principle (AIP) for the continued operation and
potential future removal of Klamath Project dams, executed among
PacifiCorp; the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, and the
Interior; and the States of California and Oregon. As explained in
that notice, the AIP is complex and may have a significant impact
on the Commission’s processing of PacifiCorp’s application to
relicense the project, filed February 25, 2004. The notice also
stated that the compatibility of the AIP with the licensing
process and the appropriate procedures for the continued
processing of the application would be discussed. We now provide
additional detail on the purpose, agenda, and conduct of the
meetings. The purpose of the meetings is to discuss, with the
parties, the AIP in the context of the Commission’s relicensing
proceeding, including:
1. the Commission’s policy on settlements;
2. the Commission’s understanding of the AIP; and
3. available options for moving forward. We will, of necessity,
limit discussion to procedural aspects of the relationship between
the AIP and the Commission’s licensing process. For further
information, please contact John Mudre at e-mail address
[email protected] or by
telephone at (202) 502-8902. Kimberly D. Bose Secretary