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Important meeting on (Scott) Ground water study plan
Pioneer Press January 14, 2009
FORT JONES - At 7 p.m. on Wednesday January 28, Dr Thomas Harter, U.C. Davis Ground Water Hydrology Program, will be speaking to the Public regarding the Scott River Ground Water Study Plan –Next Steps for Implementation. Dr Harter will present a brief overview of the GW study plan. The Ground Water Study Plan was completed by Dr Harter in December 2007, and approved by the Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors on Feb 12th, 2008. All members of the community are welcome.

The meeting will focus on the details of the next projects outlined in the plan. The first of these is to learn more about how groundwater moves near the Scott River using piezometers, which are “mini-wells”, approximately 2” in diameter. His presentation will include details on how this might be done, the best locations for them, how the measurements would be made and the information used.

Background on the Scott River Groundwater Study Plan

As part of the Scott River TMDL, The Regional Water Board (RWB) requested Siskiyou County to develop a Ground Water Study for the Scott River which would address the following issues:

1. The connection(s) between groundwater and surface water (Scott River);
2. The impacts of groundwater use on surface water flows and temperatures;
3. The impacts of groundwater levels on the health of riparian (streamside) vegetation (trees).

Why? Because groundwater use may be reducing summer and fall flows in the Scott River, where temperatures have been shown rising to levels harmful to salmon. Whether this is the case and, if it is, how large (or small) an impact pumping may be having on the river has never been tested.

For additional information or questions contact the Siskiyou RCD 467-3975 or [email protected]. All members of the community are welcome.

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