Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
Archive 52
- September 2006
Calif. agency finds removing dams would be feasible, 9/28/2006 OregonianCalifornia Conservancy notes on dam removal, Ferc 9/28/96
PacifiCorp loses challenge of fish ladders over dams
9/28/2006 FERC: Draft Environmental Impact Statement for relicensing of the Klamath Hydroelectric Project No. 2082-027, posted to KBC 9/26/06 Klamath River flows, by Lewie Baker, posted to KBC 9/26/06 (Chiloquin) Dam removal wins votes, H&N 9/26/06. HERE for Chiloquin Dam Page. "The 1992 Biological Opinion developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) states – "the construction of the Sprague River dam near Chiloquin effectively blocked approximately 95% (70 river miles) of the potential spawning range of the Lost River and shortnose suckers in Upper Klamath Lake". FERC Draft EI Statement: Klamath dam removal not planned, Herald and News, followed by LA Times and Oregonian reports, 9/26/06. For more on dam removal go to NO DAM PAGE. Saving the Klamath Salmon: Development of an Intervention Strategy or What to Do Between Disaster Relief and the Dams Coming Down, minutes from the July 20, 06 meeting of PCFFA, NMFS, Karuks, Yuroks Hupas, FWS, F&G, Water Quality, Congressman Thompson's office, ...(discussed was strategies to obtain money, dam removal, money, Dr Hardy studies, money, need of higher flows.) Mt. Hood Review, American Forest Resource Council 9/22/06; information about the Wyden/Smith Mt. Hood Wilderness bill.
What happens to snowpack
trickles down to fisheries, Capital Press 9/22/06 Scream Felice, Scream, Pioneer Press 9/22/06 Road to Jarbidge stays open in federal court decision, Las Vegas Sun 9/22/06. "The 2001 agreement settled a federal lawsuit that charged Elko County had undertaken illegal repairs in 1998 on washed-out portions of South Canyon Road which runs alongside a fork in the Jarbidge River. The river's population of bull trout was declared threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 1999." Dr. Rykbost to give presentation in Yreka on Klamath basin nutrient loading, 9/21/06.(KBC note: Dr Rykbost made a powerpoint presentation, Klamath Watershed in Perspective, at a Klamath River Basin Fisheries Task Force in Yreka 3 years ago, and several of the members tried to run him out including Mark Belchik, Yurok Tribe biologist. Rykbost exposed the flaws of the Dr Hardy Reports. Presently Hardy was again hired by the Department of Justice and Bureau of Indian Affairs to create another report demanding artificially elevated Klamath River flows.) Walden backs Klamath, H&N opinion 9/21/06 Feds consider easing catch limits on Klamath salmon, Oregonian 9/21/06. "Scott Boley, a salmon fisherman and seafood market owner from Gold Beach, Ore. and a former member of the council, said adopting the more flexible standard would help.".... "The Karuk Tribe, which harvests salmon after they swim up the Klamath River, opposes the change, said spokesman Craig Tucker." Ranchers help improve health of Sprague River, Channels restored with help from several agencies, Capital Press, posted 9/21/06 Feds get an earful, Star Tribune, posted 9/21/06. Regarding DOI and EPA listening sessions in Wyomong. Growers host Herger, Pioneer Press, posted to KBC 9/21/06 Tons of pot, FBI and Sheriff take $125 million from Mexican drug cartels Massive law enforcement operation pulls out six tons of Mexican greenbud, by Daniel Webster, Pioneer Press Publisher, posted 9/21/06 Siskiyou County) Drug cartels: The new predator within , by John Martinez, Pioneer Press, posted to KBC 9/21/06, republished from 10/22/03The Tip of the Green Spear, The Economic Ruin of the Klamath and Its Tributaries a future “Model” for American Industry,, by John Martinez, Happy Camp, Pioneer Press, posted to KBC 9/20/06m republished from Sept 24 2003Federal judge reinstates Clinton-era roadless rules, H&N 9/20/06
Budget going up in smoke,
Sacramento Bee, posted
September 20, 2006. "Acres
burned U.S. wildland fires Importance of our Oregon Governor, Guest Editorial by Senator Doug Whitsett, Oregon District 28 , Pioneer Press September 20, 2006Net Loss Inside the Failure Of $8 Billion Effort To Save Prized Fish Salmon, Get Tracking Devices Yet Few Survive Long Trip Through Bonneville's Dams, Protected Sea Lions Abound, Wall Street Journal, posted 9/20/06 2006-2007 Agricultural Safety Seminar Series (coming to Klamath Falls), 9/19/06 Tulelake Irrigation District well water levels 9/19/06 Governors announce pact to aid oceans, Herald and News 9/19/06 (regarding Klamath River) FWS Public Comment: Designation of critical habitat for the contiguous U.S. distinct population segment of the Canada Lynx, 9/19/06 Go to http://www.lynxnothijinks.com for more Lynx input. "future costs are estimated to be from $125 million to $411 million over 20 years ($8.38 million to $27.6 million annually) using a 3 percent discount rate, or $99.9 million to $259 million over 20 years " Pacific Coast – NOAA to Develop Recovery Plans for California Salmon and Steelhead, 9/19/06. Public input due November 13, 2006 Vote to decide fate of dam, Herald and News 9/19/06. (KBC Note: Chiloquin Dam blocks 95% of sucker fish habitat, yet the dam remains and gov't agencies continue to take land out of ag to make wetlands in the guise of helping suckers.) HERE for more on Chiloquin Dam. A howling success, Register Guard, 0/19/06. (KBC Note: perhaps the rural folks should write the urbanites in Olympia WA, the same condescending note about the sweet raccoons that they consider are terrorizing them--they just need to "do everything possible to help change people's attitudes and to increase their understanding and appreciation for these beautiful animals. Read the 'Cat-killing raccoons' article. Cat-killing raccoons on prowl in west Olympia, The Olympian, posted 9/19/06, followed by Killer Raccoons Terrorize Olympia, Washington.(KBC Note: The city folks feel the rural workers need thousands of wolves so the urbanites can enjoy the sound of the wild. Deer, sheep, kittens, dogs, people, livestock have been mutilated by wolves. However it is pandemonium in Olympia when a few raccoons eat a few kittens, with "mourning and crying" Perhaps if a pack of wolves are released on their city lawns they will understand.) ESA other places: PRESS RELEASE: Jumping Meadow Mouse Draws Rebuke of Congressional Panel, posted 9/18/06. "over 31,000 acres of critical habitat was designated for the mouse and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates the economic impact will cost $79 - $183 million over ten years." More on ESA TODAY Wildfire's long-term effect on fish unknown, Billings Gazette, posted to KBC 9/18/06. (Question from KBC to any fish scientist: Were there any studies done in 2002 regarding the Biscuit fire's effect on the Klamath River and tributaries and the fish die-off?) Judge says wildlife refuge hunts illegal, Sacramento Bee, posted to KBC 9/18/06. (Question from KBC to FWS: Will this effect Klamath Basin refuges?) Rednecks, White Trash, and Blue Collars, Part 2, Whiskey and Gunpowder 9/18/06. (KBC note: this is purely for blue-collar entertainment) Sunday Prayer Page: Welcome to the criminalization of Christianity, World Net Daily, posted for 9/17/06 October 20-21, 2006, Merrill; Farmers and FishermenEconomic information regarding Klamath River Dam Removal, from Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou County Supervisor District 5, 9/16/06. In Depth Profiles of Anti-Consumer Activist Groups, forwarded from a KBC visitor, posted 9/16/06 NAIS Prohibition Bill Analysis (S-3862) By Henry Lamb, Technical Review, posted 9/16/06Opposition grows against NAIS, Capital Press posted 9/16/06 EcoLogic Powerhouse 9/16/06PRESS RELEASE: House passes North American Wetlands Conservation Act; Legislation authorizes $375 million for conservation program over 5 years, House Resources Committee, posted 9/16/06 Walk to focus on Link River history, 10 a.m. Sept 16. Dam removal surfaces in blue-green algae issue, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 9/16/06 How the Klamath's polluted, by Jim McCarthy, ONRC in Sacramento Bee , posted 9/16/06, with KBC commentary. ESA Commentary Lompoc Record 9/15/06, "The way the feds figure, over 4 million acres of land in California alone is necessary to ensure the survival of the red-legged frog." For more on ESA, see ESA Today and http://resourcescommittee.house.gov/ESA_Homepage.htm PUC trims Pacific Power rate hike, KTVZ.com 9/15/06 Water Conditions During Upper Klamath Lake Fish Tracking Study Analyzed, DOI and USGS Report, pdf file, posted 9/14/06. Press Release HERE.
Dear Mrs. Prendergast, Pacificorp, September 14, 2006
[email protected],
Joe Greene Research Biologist, Retired.
"I should also point out that the poisoning
occurred on lands encompassing the Yurok reservation and
controlled by the tribe. They themselves must then be held
accountable for their part in the illegal activities that
are occurring in the area under their legal authority" 'Dead zones' spread, thicken off NW coast; Oceanic wastelands may be becoming more severe, researchers say, The Oregonian, posted to KBC 9/14/06 (KBC Note: It's interesting that, according to a commercial coastal salmon troller, the few days that the fishermen were allowed to fish were in the "dead zones." Our government seems to value the survival of the fishermen as much as survival of Klamath Basin farmers.) SOUTHLAND HEAT WAVE Heat Stretches California Power Network to the Limit, LA Times, posted to KBC 9/14/06. "When these transformers were installed, you had neighborhoods that weren't air-conditioned, homes without two computers and five television sets," he said." (KBC Note: On the Klamath River, tribes and enviros want to take out the dams. Do we need any power in California?) See No Dam Page - 9/14/06 CORRECTION: Retired EPA Research Biologist Joseph C Greene's power point presentation on Dam Removal has been replaced with the same one, but giving credit to Gregory B. Stewart, Ph.D.CMER Geomorphologist/Hydrologist Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission. Some of the slides used are the property of Dr. Stewart and the credits were missing in the first power point. Thank you Dr. Stewart, and also Joseph Greene, for your research. Dr. Stewart's dam-removal research is on his website: www.collbett.org/greg Posted to KBC 9/13/06 Bureau of Reclamation Klamath River and Klamath Lake water data update, posted to KBC 9/13/06 PRESS RELEASE: Doolittle to Tour Ralston Fire Saturday, Requests Emergency Funds to Prevent Further Damage After Fire, 9/13/06. (KBC NOTE: This is the 4th year after the Biscuit Fire in Oregon where environmentalists and the Governor have blocked restoration of the burned area and blocked harvest of the dead charred trees. Thus, loggers went unemployed, mills have shut down, and the wood rotted. Oregon is amongst the highest unemployment rates in the nation. This year coastal salmon fishing was curtailed. Klamath Basin farmers were forced to forgo 100,000 acre feet of irrigation water again, even though the Klamath River and tributaries flooded. Welcome to the Klamath River Basin where enviros and gov't agencies have decimated the economies of American resource users.) Bush Administration ESA and NEPA reform listening session in Reno Sept 13, OFS 9/11/06 Interior Department seeks comment, Sac Bee September 9, 2006 Farming practices and water quality in the Upper Klamath Basin, by TID Manager Earl Donosky and UC Davis Agronomist Steven Kaffka, Final Report to the Ca. State Water Resources Control Board (4/16/02) posted to KBC 9/11/06 Fisheries and resource officials meet, by Nathan Rushton, 9/9/2006, The Eureka Reporter National Animal Identification System website Wild wolves again might be at home in Oregon Protected species - Biologists will try to confirm signs that wolves are back decades after being eradicated, The Oregonian, posted to KBC 9/11/06***Tulelake “Walking Wetlands” Tour to be Held September 8 ***Tulelake Butte Valley Fair September 7-10. Blue-green algae impacts debated , Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 9/6/06Supervisor Jim Cook discusses TMDL's , Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 9/6/06An Assessment of the Effects of Agriculture on Water Quality in the Tulelake Region of California, 1995, pdf file, by S.R. Kaffka T.X. Lu and Dr. Harry L. Carlson, University of California Intermountain and Research Extension Center. The Cash Cows are coming (regarding Chadwick group/Klamath Basin Watershed Conference, by Pat Ratliff, Pioneer Press, posted to KBC 9/5/06
loses sheep to
wolves, Star Tribune, posted to KBC
9/5/06 (Wolf introduction is planned for Oregon soon: KBC
California Farm
Bureau Friday Review of bills and laws
September 1, 2006:
Last night was the final night for the legislature to vote
on all bills for the 2006 legislative year. Today's Friday
Review is an update of many of the key bills we have been
following. Bill Kennedy, Chairman of the Board for the Family Farm Alliance, traveled to Redmond, Oregon and spoke to an audience that included Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne, Dale Hall (Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service), Mark Rey (Under Secretary of Department of Agriculture), Rick Otis (EPA Deputy Associate Administrator,Office of Policy Economics and Innovation) and Bob Lohn (NOAA Fisheries Regional Administrator). Attached is Bill’s written testimony, which was submitted for the record on behalf of the Alliance. Posted to KBC 9/2/06 Alliance Responds to Misguided CBO Report regarding water allocation, Family Farm Alliance, posted to KBC 9/2/06U.S. Court of Federal Claims Hands Down Brace Wetland Decision, Eco-Logic Powerhouse, posted to KBC 9/2/06National Fire News: Very high to extreme fire indices were reported in California, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. (Note by Julie Smithson: "...As bad as the 2000 fire season was for many western states, three years since then have seen almost a million and a half more acres burn each year. It is worth noting that many fires below mention difficult access hampering containment, yet the push by federal agencies for more and more "roadless areas" and "wilderness" continues unabated..."
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