Cat-killing raccoons on prowl in west
Olympian 8/21/06
OLYMPIA - Raccoons are cute, until they
kill one of your cats.
That is what a west Olympia neighborhood
is learning this summer.
Raccoons have killed about 10 cats in a
three-block area near the Garfield Nature
Trail at Harrison Avenue West and Foote
Street Southwest.
Problem wildlife coordinator Sean Carrell
of the state Department of Fish and Wildlife
called the situation "bizarre, weird."
"I've never heard a report of 10 cats
being killed. It's something we're going to
have to monitor," he said. He added that
they may have to bring in trappers from the
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The problem got so bad that residents
Kari Hall and Tamara Keeton even started a
Raccoon Watch after having an emotional
neighborhood meeting attended by about 40
"It was a place for people to mourn and
cry," Hall said.
At the meeting, they encouraged people to
stop feeding the raccoons. They also decided
to keep their pets and pet food inside. And
they decided to carry pepper spray to drive
off raccoons that attack again.
Keeton and Pam Corwin have decided to
have "cat coops" built so their pets can go
outside and have some room to roam, with
It's not just cats being attacked. Five
raccoons actually ganged up on and carried
off a little dog, who survived.
One thing that makes these raccoons scary
is they have no fear. One neighbor threw
firecrackers at them to try to scare them
off, and it didn't even bug them, Hall said.
"It's a new breed," Keeton said. "They're
urban raccoons, and they're not afraid."
"There's one really big bad dude," she
"He was the biggest raccoon I've ever
seen. He was a monster," added Tony
Benjamins, whose family has had two cats
The raccoons are so bold they bit Lisann
Rolle when she tried to fling three of them
off of her cat, Lucy.
"I was watching her like a hawk, but she
snuck out," Rolle said of Lucy. "Then I
heard this hideous sound - a coyote-type
high pitch ...
"It was vicious. They were focused on
ripping her apart."
Lucy had been a member of the family for
seven years. Rolle received rabies shots as
a precaution.
Rolle still gets upset talking about it.
"I'm afraid of them," she said of the
raccoons. "I carry an iron pipe with me"
when I go out at night, she added.
'They were so cute'
Kim and Tony Benjamins are still mourning
the killing of their favorite cat, Novalee.
She was ripped to pieces, and it was hard to
identify her.
"I see Kim sit by Novalee's grave in
their front yard every day ... talking or
just being with her kitty," Keeton said.
Tony Benjamins said that in previous
years, raccoons would come within 5 feet of
cats with no problems.
"We used to love the raccoons. They'd
have their babies this time of year, and
they were so cute. Even though we lived in
the city, it was neat to have wildlife
But this year, things changed.
"They went nuts," he said of raccoons.
"We got a dog" - a German
shepherd-Rottweiler mix - to scare them
Hall, her husband and a neighbor actually
helped save one cat's life.
"We were right there trying to get him
off the cat," she said. "The cat was
screaming, and the raccoon was ferocious. My
husband and a neighbor grabbed a shovel and
a bat, and they were waving them until it
took off. It was scary."
She said she doesn't know whether
neighbor Kathy Wood's cat, Sweetie, will
One thing that also saved Sweetie's life
is she's overweight.
"It couldn't pull Sweetie under the deck.
But it pulled so hard it hurt her internal
organs," Hall said.
The neighbors hired trapper Tom Brown, a
nuisance wildlife control operator from
Brown said of the raccoons, "They are in
command up there."
He said he's seen packs this big, but
none so into killing. There was one in
Rochester that killed a peacock last winter
and another in Grand Mound that killed three
chickens. But nothing like this.
Brown said there is an overabundance of
food in the area with many fruit trees.
"And the good folks feed them. They're
cute as a bug's ear," he said, adding, "I
wouldn't mind being a raccoon up there."
Normally, Brown said, he can fix a
problem in a few weeks, but he has set traps
there for six weeks and caught only one.
"It was with sardines and cat food," he
said. "For bait, I use what they've been
feeding them."
Brown said he hasn't trapped more because
raccoons are intelligent. They teach their
young, the same as beavers do. He said one
big male boar is the main killer, and he's
tasted blood, and he wants more. He's
usually helped by one or two others.
"The boar's likely been in a live trap
before," Brown said.
Carrell added: "It's highly unlikely you
will ever trap him again, and he'll teach
the others to stay away."
Brown said he's going to back off for a
while until the food supply dries up.
"Then they'll be a little less
persnickity," Brown said.
He said his goal is to make them feel
uncomfortable. Until that happens, they
aren't likely to leave.
"We have our favorite restaurants; they
have their favorite routes," he said.
'It's like a freeway'
Keeton said the raccoons travel their
route so often they've worn a path.
"It's like a freeway in the back yard,"
she said. "It's like clockwork. They come
between 9 and 9:30 every night."
Corwin said the raccoons are brave.
"They come on my deck and beg for food at
my window," Corwin said.
Keeton said she's lived in the area for
six years and never seen anything like this.
She said Fish and Wildlife, the city of
Olympia and animal control - nobody has any
answers on why this is happening.
But Carrell said: "I talk to people until
I'm blue in the face - do not feed cats and
dogs outside."
Donny Martorello, also of Fish and
Wildlife, said if people don't feed
raccoons, or any wildlife, there won't be a
"Raccoons adapt really well living in
suburban environments," Martorello said.
Keeton said she knows people have invaded
the raccoons' territory, but Hall added they
have coexisted peacefully for a long time.
"You've got to watch which ones are bad,"
Hall said. "It's not all of them. We just
have to arm ourselves with pepper spray."
Keeton added: "It may sound silly, but a
lot of the people here truly feel scared and
Tips on keeping raccoons away
Don't feed them.
Don't leave any food out that they can
get to.
Clean your grill. The odor can attract
Don't put your trash can out where they
can get to it.
Keep your lights on. Raccoons like to
avoid being seen.
Keep gates closed to make it harder for
them to get close to the house.
Source: Donny Martorello, state
Department of Fish and Wildlife
Steven Powell is city editor for The
Olympian. He can be reached at 360-754-5423
[email protected].
Aug 22, 2006 11:08 am US/Central
Killer Raccoons Terrorize
Olympia, Washington
Washington A fierce group
of raccoons has killed 10
cats, attacked a small dog and
bitten at least one pet owner
who had to get rabies shots,
residents of Olympia say.
Some have taken to carrying
pepper spray to ward off the
masked marauders and the woman
who was bitten now carries an
iron pipe when she goes
outside at night.
"It's a new breed," said
Tamara Keeton, who with Kari
Hall started a raccoon watch
after an emotional
neighborhood meeting drew 40
people. "They're urban
raccoons, and they're not
Tony Benjamins, whose family
lost two cats, said he got a
big dog -- a German Shepherd-Rottweiler
mix -- to keep the raccoons
One goal of the patrol is to
get residents to stop feeding
raccoons and to keep pets and
pet food indoors.
Lisann Rolle said she began
carrying an iron pipe when she
goes outside at night after
being bitten by raccoons when
she tried to pull three of
them off her cat Lucy. She
obtained rabies shots
afterward as a precaution.
"I was watching her like a
hawk, but she snuck out,"
Rolle said. "Then I heard this
hideous sound -- a coyote-type
high pitch ... It was vicious.
They were focused on ripping
her apart."
The attacks have been
especially shocking because
raccoons came within five feet
of cats without any problem in
previous years, Benjamins
"We used to love the raccoons.
They'd have their babies this
time of year, and they were so
cute. Even though we lived in
the city, it was neat to have
wildlife around," he said,
"but this year, things
changed. They went nuts."
In one case five raccoons
tried to carry off a small
dog, which managed to survive.
The attacks, all within a
three-block area near the
Garfield Nature Trail in
Olympia, are highly unusual,
said Sean O. Carrell, a
problem wildlife coordinator
with the state Department of
Fish and Wildlife, adding that
trappers may be summoned from
the U.S. Department of
Agriculture to remove problem
"I've never heard a report of
10 cats being killed. It's
something were going to have
to monitor," Carrell said.
Meanwhile, residents have
hired Tom Brown, a nuisance
wildlife control operator from
Rochester, Washington, to set
traps, but in six weeks he has
caught only one raccoon. He
and Carrell said raccoons
teach their young -- and each
other -- to avoid traps.
Brown said he had seen packs
of raccoons this big but none
so into killing.
"They are in command up
there," he said.
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