The Endangered
Species Act
Lompoc Record September 14, 2006,
Commentary by Andy Caldwell
Maybe this is just what we needed.
For the past several years, I have
been trying to get the attention of
our elected leaders at the local,
state and federal level to mount a
campaign to push back hard against
an organization called the Center
for Biological Diversity (CBD).
This organization has served to
establish Santa Barbara County as
ground zero with respect to the
Endangered Species Act. The damage
being incurred is as a result of the
fact that the CBD files lawsuits to
accomplish three goals or means to
their end.
Our elected officials and the staff
at all levels of government that
work for them don't do anything
effective to counter these goals by
way of effectively fighting the
lawsuits or changing the law to
prevent more of the same.
What the CBD does first is they get
species listed. Santa Barbara County
has more species listed than any
other county in the continental
United States!
The CBD then sues to get critical
habitat for the species designated,
which has served to encumber almost
our entire county. As an example, if
you add the critical habitat
designation and range of the species
for the tiger salamander, which
typically occurs on ranchlands, in
areas away from waterbodies, and the
land designated for the red-legged
frog, which typically occurs near
water bodies, there isn't much of
this county left unencumbered! Throw
into the mix another 20-30 species,
and well, you get the idea.
Now, the CBD has moved to phase
three of their plan, which will
serve to limit the ability of
landowners to make productive use of
their property as a result of the
critical habitat designations.
In case you have not been following
this saga, let me digress. The
Endangered Species Act was meant to
save species from becoming extinct.
But by way of litigation and other
means, the Act is now used to
protect every sub-species of a
species, regardless of how plentiful
the family of species is as a whole.
For instance, salamanders are so
plentiful in areas of our country
that have a lot of vernal pools,
because they get a lot of rain, that
the little varmints are legally used
for fishing bait. The bird that has
caused the closure of Surf Beach in
Lompoc is in no danger of extinction
at all, as it has millions of
cousins who are doing just fine
To make matters worse, the law has
evolved to protect not only the
species but all the land where the
species lives or could live! The
logic here is that the habitat
critical to the species survival
must be protected if the species is
to survive. The way the feds figure,
over 4 million acres of land in
California alone is necessary to
ensure the survival of the
red-legged frog.
In phase three of the CBD plan, the
organization and their pals in our
federal government are now planning
on banning pesticides and herbicides
throughout our county in the areas
designated as critical habitat for
the frog. This is going to impact
farmers, ranchers, golf courses, the
Santa Maria Airport, and homeowners
in the vicinity of drainages that
could support the frog, regardless
of whether the frog is actually
present or not.
To think that these restrictions are
going to go in effect throughout
California is mind-boggling. But
maybe this is just what we need to
get the Endangered Species Act
reform measure that has been stalled
in Congress to get moving again.
Maybe some of the right people are
going to finally get mad enough to
do something about this debacle.
There is really no threat of any of
the species on the list going
extinct any longer as a result of
the scientific means we have to
ensure the opposite effect. The
bottom line here is that it is not
difficult to produce frogs and
salamanders in a captive breeding
program by the tens of thousands for
release into the wild. We have such
a program for the condor, why not
for frogs, salamanders and the like?
Neither do we have a shortage of
federal and state lands that could
provide suitable habitat for the
survival of any the species listed
in our county, instead of using
private property.
But of course, that is not what this
is all about is it? The fact is the
environmental organizations like the
CBD and our local equivalent, the
Environmental Defense Center who
often partner with the CBD, are not
really concerned about the future of
the species, they are only using the
species to control land use.
They use the species to defeat
housing projects, the development
and use of farmland, and in some
cases such as Surf Beach in Lompoc,
they use the act to prevent
recreational uses of the citizenry.
Farmers need water and land and the
ability to control weeds and pests
from devouring their crops.
Unfortunately, the wherewithal to
farm is being eroded by abuse and
misuse of the Endangered Species
Act. When will our community leaders
and elected officials realize that
you can't negotiate with these
people - that this means war?
Andy Caldwell is executive director
of COLAB and a 38-year resident of
the Central Coast. His column
appears every Thursday. You may
reach him at 929-3148, or by e-mail
[email protected].
September 14, 2006