Archive 166 - March 2016
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Democratic leaders damaged the Basin, H&N letter to the editor by E. Werner Reschke, Malin, Oregon, candidate for State Representative, posted to KBC 3/30/16 Matthew 28: 1:8 "Now, after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. And behold there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it. His countenance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow. And the guards shook for fear of him, and became like dead men. But the angel answered and said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He has risen, as He said. "Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is going before you to Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold, I have told you." So they went out quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to bring His disciples word." Sent by Frank Tallerico 3/27/16 Whitsetts appreciated for their work, Letter to the editor by Earl Wessel, Chiloquin for H&N 3/26/16.Klamath County Commissioners' letter to FERC regarding Klamath Dam Relicensing Project 3/23/16. "The Klamath County Board of Commissioners is extremely concerned over the possible Klamath River Dam relicensing versus removal process...There have been numerous studies completed with again, contentious, debatable results..." Letter from Author Elaine Willman, introducing her new book 'Slumbering Thunder'. "In 2016 with the escalated expansion of the Executive Branch federal agencies, BIA, BLM, USFW, BOR, etc... NOW is the time to become informed and push back on the federal government over-reaching in our Western states. Both of these books will help; Slumbering Thunder is a specific reference tool for pushing back." HERE is KBC News webpage for Elaine Willman KBRA/KHSA Special Interest Stench Follows Write-In Candidates, A Smith, 3/25/16. "Now think about the write-in candidates that challenge Dennis Linthicum for the State Senate and E. Werner Reschke for State Representative. A group of self-appointed people met in private to draft candidates...It is no coincidence advocates for the KBRA are also the same people who have drafted these write-ins. This special interest group is also encouraging Democrats and Independents to switch to the Republican party for the primary. People are not switching because they are changing their political views and now want to become Republicans, but to help steal the Republican nomination away from conservatives — the base of the Republican party and the base of this community." Psalm 128: 1-4 "Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways. When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you. Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around the table." Sent from Frank Tallerico U.S. Rep Doug LaMalfa Statement Regarding Klamath Dam Removal Meeting March 16, 2016, California District 1, 3/17/16. "This entire process has been mired in secrecy and appears to have been conceived as a way to exclude the public from the decision-making process on an issue that very much affects them...No government entity, much less three, should be conducting business behind closed doors to avoid pushback from the public...None of the agencies of the Federal or State governments may settle a bi-state water agreement, divest federal land to tribes or others, nor can they appropriate federal dollars. All of those are functions of Congress...."
Klamath River
dam removal goes public.
Opposition runs high at California hearing,
H&N 3/17/16. "...for the Tribes to become
a signatory party to the amended KHSA, the
tribal membership must vote in favor of that
first..." KBC Note: Members of the
public and Klamath Project irrigators are
not allowed to vote; only the farm leaders.
Siskiyou and Klamath Counties, home of the
Klamath River Dams, oppose the deals. Is Ed Sheets a "neutral" facilitator? Letter from Elaine Willman, MPA Ronan, Montana to Ed Sheets, Facilitator of CSKT Water Compact, C.I.T.T., and Klamath River dam-removal "agreements," 3/16/17 It's True - I Did by Dennis Linthicum, candidate Oregon Senate District 28, 3/16/16. "The ideals and traditions that have made America great will be the same principles grounding my candidacy. These are the principles for Life, Liberty, and the freedom of our individual pursuits..."
Linthicum, Reschke enter the political arena, by G.W. Washington. ",
posted to KBC 3/17/16. "...former
Klamath County Commissioner Dennis Linthicum
and local businessman E. Werner Reschke filed
to run as State Senator and State
Representative. The following day, State
Senator Doug Whitsett and State
Representative Gail Whitsett decided not to
run for re-election and withdrew their names
from the ballot..." Oregon 2016 Session Adjourns ending the most destructive month in Oregon legislative history. Newsletter by Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett, Senate District 28, posted to KBC 3/17/16. "The new law doubles the renewable portfolio standard by eliminating the use of all coal-generated electricity in Oregon...The act contains two provisions that functionally prohibit the formation of a municipal utility district (MUD) or public utility district (PUD) in PacifiCorp’s monopoly protected service area. These poison pills serve to eliminate the financial feasibility for any Klamath County MUD or PUD... At minimum, it will result in at a 40 percent increase in power costs to all PacifiCorp customers...PacifiCorp power rates have already nearly doubled since 2005... this new (minimum wage) law will result in wholesale destruction of Oregon small businesses and kill many private sector jobs that those businesses provide...Klamath and Lake Counties have some of the highest percentages of minimum wage jobs in Oregon..." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 3/11/16. "The State Water Board submitted the emergency regulation they adopted in January to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) this week. The emergency regulation requires all surface water right holders and claimants to report their diversions annually..." PRESS RELEASE - Rep. LaMalfa Urges Forest Service Chief to Accelerate Forest Management Projects, Fight Frivolous Lawsuits, 3/1/16 PRESS RELEASE - Rep. LaMalfa Demands Answers on Klamath Dam Removal “Shell Corporation, 3/1/16. "Citing an agreement signed by Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, the State of California, the State of Oregon, and PacifiCorp to create a “non-federal entity” to remove the dams, LaMalfa demanded that Connor explain where Interior derived the authority to engage in removal of the Klamath Dams...We’re seeing an administration that claims to be the most transparent in history engaged in closed meetings, neck-deep in a shell corporation, and requiring stakeholders to sign nondisclosure agreements just to learn how they’ll be affected...” |
Page Updated: Wednesday April 13, 2016 01:44 AM Pacific
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