Archive 131 - April 2013
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Freedom and liberty are being attacked, by Bob King, HN letter to the editor, posted to KBC 5/4/13. "...In a 53-46 vote, the Senate narrowly passed a measure that will stop the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty..." Oregon Water Fight Revives - Klamath Falls, Wall Street Journal, posted to KBC 4/30/13. Klamath Suckers - Stand up to demand integrity of government, H&N by John Kite, Keno, posted to KBC 4/29/13. "Let’s review the projects USFW has been involved with the past 20 years: The Chiloquin Dam has been removed — the number one priority. Thousands of acres of farmland in the Williamson River Delta have been taken out of production.Artificial Klamath Lake levels have been established resulting in the cut off of irrigation water to farmers in 2001.A multi-million dollar screening system was installed on the A Canal. All this has been done by the USFW’s own admission; it has been a failure. Now, USFW is proposing to spend $135 million over the next decade." CFBF - California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Governmental and Legislative Review, posted to KBC 4/29/13. Junk dealers, booze tastings, fire prevention fee, hydroelectric = renewable, overtime, minimum wage, clean water, flood protection, milk, semitrailers, ag vehicles... We Can See Where This Is Going, Families Protecting the Valley 4/29/13. CENTRAL VALLEY - "Farmers don't have to believe in conspiracy theories. History is their reality. They've seen Lucy pull the football away at the last minute too many times."
Sucker recovery
cost: $135M, H&N, posted to KBC 4/26/13 Final TID groundwater management plan April 2013. Formal protests must be before end of meeting April 25th. HERE for meeting information Oregon Rep Gail Whitsett Legislative Update, posted to KBC 4/21/13: Oregon National Popular Vote Bill, texting while driving $2000, Sustainable award-winning 90-year-old Rough and Ready Lumber shut down by environmental activist community, meth houses, and list of bills. 4/21/13 - Hebrews 1:1-4 God, who at various times, and in various ways, spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds, who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. Sent by Frank Tallerico
CFBF Friday Legislative Review
4/19/13: would acknowledge hydroelectric generated electricity as
renewable energy, end partial sales tax exemption for agricultural fuel,
grant Calif. Coastal Commission administrative fine authority, eliminate
cash purchases of metal, spotted owl and ESA, require state institutions to
buy Calif products, animal cruelty evidence, metal theft, familial status. Oregon legislative Update by Rep Gail Whitsett, District 56 4/12/13. Restructuring PERS, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 4/11/13
weigh in on federal study that opts for the removal of Klamath River dams,
H&N 4/14/13, Followed by: A series of harmonious partnerships in Klamath Basin surface in lieu of KBRA, H&N 4/4/13. Features Klamath Water Users Association, The Nature Conservancy, Klamath Tribes, in partnership with Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust, Klamath Soil and Water Conservation District, Sustainable NW, UKWUA, NRCS, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. HERE for controversial KBRA page.
“Outline of Objections to the Klamath Basin
Restoration and Hydroelectric Settlement
Agreements.” Spain explains why
environmental NGO's and Tribes should support
the dam removal and ag-downsizing 'agreements',
posted to KBC 2/20/10, 12/4/10. (KBC NOTE:
PCFFA/Glen Spain, an author of the KBRA, has
sued against the Klamath Project retaining
an affordable power rate, and are suing Project
Irrigators claim to be compensated for their
deeded water that was withheld by the US
government) Answer to dry water year: conserve, H&N, posted to KBC 4/14/13
Psalm 62:5-8 My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, He is my defense. In God is my salvation and my glory, the rock of my strength, and my refuge is in God. Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your heart before Him, God is a refuge for us. Sent by Frank Tallerico 4/14/13. Tulelake Groundwater Management Plan last public hearing April 25, 2013, 10 a.m. Fire Hall. "At any time prior to the conclusion of the April 25 hearing, any landowner within TID may file a protest to the adoption of the Plan in accordance with California Water Code..." TID well water levels, posted to KBC 4/13/13 Obama's budget, completed April 2013. Includes billions of $ tax increases and fees on resource users. Page 107 explains use of billions of $ of new expenditures acquiring and preserving more land. Billions of new spending on foreign countries. Tulelake refuges are not allowed to continue to feed songbirds at the visitor center to save money. EPA acknowledges releasing personal details on farmers, Fox News, posted to KBC 4/9/13 Tulelake Irrigation District monthly public board meeting 4/8/13 KWAPA special public meeting 4/9/13 Erika DuVal's lost calf, by Erika DuVal, young mother and cattle rancher 4/7/13. "...This morning I had seen a coyote near the herd so the searching for him took on an extra level of urgency...That parable took on new meaning tonight as I was out in the cold wind looking for a lost calf..." Oregon's 4 anti-gun bills by Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 4/7/13. "The disarming of state legislators and their staffs is the last thing that I wish to see. In my opinion, gun free areas might as well be advertised as potential killing zones....(Prozanski's) bill would require any person applying for a concealed handgun license to first-pass a live-fire test at a firing range. The test would require accuracy while repeatedly firing up to twenty shots in 60 seconds or less.This would certainly be difficult to achieve using a handgun, such as a revolver, that only holds six rounds of ammunition. One would have to reload the weapon three times in order to fire twenty rounds in a minute or less." Hebrews 4:13-16, Our Compassionate High Priest: "And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account. Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in times of need." Sent by Frank Tallerico 4/6/13. Siskiyou County Water Users Association April Newsletter, Save the Dams, Save the Salmon 4/6/13
Ridin' Point - Water Meetings, Siskiyou County Spotted Owl Lawsuit, & Economic Impacts, Siskiyou Daily News Column by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong 4/6/13 Judge tells feds to study owls before selling timber, Capital Press, posted to KBC 4/6/13. “Arguably, this means every timber sale in the Northwest Forest Plan area has to have an EIS...The EIS will likely come to the same conclusions, but will delay the timber project by up to a year and use up agency resources...That seems wasteful and unnecessary.” Land Added to Petroglyph Point Unit of Lava Beds National Monument, Lava Beds Press Release 4/6/13. (KBC NOTE: a few years ago Lava Beds goal was to acquire more land and develop a visitor center in the south end of the wild tranquil Petroglyph Point. We have not heard what their final decision is regarding this development.) KBC Note: 2 days ago at Tulelake Fish and Wildlife Refuge headquarters, I was informed that because of The Sequester, they no longer have money to feed birdseed to attract the birds at the visitor center, and no one is allowed to donate birdseed. Feds want $18 million back from timber counties, posted to KBC 4/6/13, Huffington Post. "Thirty-one members of the House this week sent a letter to the Obama administration protesting demands that they return $17.9 million in revenues that pay for schools, roads, search and rescue operations in rural counties as well as for conservation projects." Interior EIS recommends removal of Klamath River Dams; Congressional approval required, 4/5/13. KBC NOTE: After 7 Klamath fish scientists were censored and coerced, the top federal ethics scientist was fired by his boss (who worked for Dept of Interior who was in a KBRA environmentalist stakeholder group,) and after booting out any group from the KBRA "stakeholders" that opposed Klamath dam removal or giving land to the tribes that they sold, the remaining KBRA stakeholders and scientists eagerly support the plan to destroy dams, downsize agriculture, plant endangered fish in the warm shallow Klamath Lake, and ignore the will of the constituents......Our tax dollars, inflated water bills and power rates at work. California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 4/5/13. Bills: bobcat trapping, mandates for buying Calif. agricultural products, Agricultural Labor Relations Act, Immigration Reform, familial status, sweeping power to Calif Coastal Commission, hydroelectric as renewable energy, funding agricultural air quality improvement programs. Oregon Gun Bills Hearing April 5th, Rep Gail Whitsett 4/4/13. Call/Write/Email
Page Updated: Wednesday June 12, 2013 01:08 AM Pacific
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