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Earl C. Danosky, Manager

Subject: Tulelake Irrigation District’s Groundwater Management Plan

Gerald D. Pyle, Asst. Mgr.

Brad C. Kirby, Asst. to the Mgr.

(Final TID groundwater management plan April 2013. Formal protests must be before end of meeting April 25th.)

On April 25, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., at the Tulelake Firehouse (1 Ray Oehlerich Way, Tulelake, CA 96134), Tulelake Irrigation District (TID) will hold a public hearing to consider whether to adopt a groundwater management plan (Plan) for TID’s service area, including the area within the boundaries of TID in Siskiyou and Modoc Counties, California. The Plan under consideration has been developed under the authority of California Water Code section 10750 et seq. for the Plan Area of the state’s Tule Lake Subbasin (1-2.01) of the Upper Klamath River Groundwater Basin. Copies of the Plan and any maps prepared under Part 2.75 of Division 6 of the California Water Code may be obtained for the cost of reproduction at TID’s office (2717 Havlina Road, Tulelake, CA 96134), or via e-mail upon request ([email protected]).

Grace E. Phillips, Office Mgr.

John F. Crawford, President

James E. Havlina, V. President

William J. Heiney, Director

Sidney W. Staunton, Director

Gary A. Wright, Director

Tulelake Irrigation District

P. O. Box 699 * 2717 Havlina Road * Tulelake, CA 96134

Phone: 530-667-2249 * Fax: 530-667-4228 * Email: [email protected]

In summary, the Plan includes the following: (a) descriptions of TID, its water rights and contracts, relevant infrastructure, available water supplies, and area covered by the Plan; (b) description of various provisions of the California Water Code applicable to groundwater management plans, as well as descriptions of local ordinances (such as county ordinances) related to groundwater, and legislation and agreements; (c) management objectives for the Plan area; (d) description of existing groundwater conditions, including geologic conditions, groundwater quantity and quality; and, (e) Plan elements including element 1 related to monitoring of groundwater elevations, quality, pumping, and land subsidence; element 2 related to monitoring and management of surface water flows and quality; element 3 related to determination of sustainable yield and avoidance of overdraft; element 4 related to continuation of conjunctive use to supplement surface supplies during years of surface water shortage; element 5 related to agency coordination, stakeholder involvement, and public outreach; element 6 related to public education and water conservation programs; element 7 related to well construction, abandonment, and destruction policies; element 8 related to management and protection of recharge areas; element 9 related to provisions to update the Plan; and element 10 pertaining to implementation procedures. The Plan under consideration does not propose that TID levy fees or become a regulator of groundwater extraction.

At any time prior to the conclusion of the April 25 hearing, any landowner within TID may file a protest to the adoption of the Plan in accordance with California Water Code sections 10753.5 and 10753.6. Such protests should be filed with TID at 2717 Havlina Road, Tulelake, CA 96134. If a majority protest is not filed by the conclusion of the hearing, TID may, within 35 days of the conclusion of the hearing, adopt the proposed Plan.

Interested parties should plan to attend the public hearing, April 25, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. For further information call the Tulelake Irrigation District at (530) 667-2249.


Brad C. Kirby

Assistant to the Manager

Tulelake Irrigation District




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