Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
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Medicine Lake When Medicine Mountain erupted, Medicine Lake was formed. People from all times and races have enjoyed the lake. Christians are baptized there. Indians worship the lake. In 2003 was the first annual traditional gathering of Indians on a large scale..they inhabited an entire campground. Many became lost trying to find the lake because most of them had never been there before. This is being used as a media event for the environmentalists trying to shut down the Calpine Geothermal power production a distance from the lake. Christians asked to reserve a campground for a group camp and they were denied; they are the wrong race. In their first traditional gathering the feds allowed white people to share the public campground. However, after the Indians began storming the white people's camps taking their picnic tables and articles, backup law enforcement was called in to prevent violence. To alleviate future problems, they quit allowing white people in the public campgrounds while the Indians were there. I (a KBC editor) found my personal kayak to be missing. The Indians had turned it upside down so they could use it as a bridge over a water channel so they wouldn't get their feet wet. I prevented one Indian woman from taking someone's power boat. She had never been there before but said everything there belongs to the Indians. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& KBC NEWS: A property owner at Medicine Lake reported to KBC that he spotted a wolf (from a pack known to kill livestock, that wandered into California) in the Medicine Lake headquarters campground June 18th. Howls were heard in that location July 13th. Medicine Lake Campground to close for tribal gathering (July 18-21), H&N, posted to KB 7/16/14. KBC NOTE: In 2003 was the first annual traditional gathering of Indians on a large scale. The H&N article does not explain that there are 4 other campgrounds open to the public that weekend. Medicine Lake campground closed for (10th annual "traditional") tribal ceremony July 18 - 21 2013 Medicine Lake Water Quality meeting, posted to KBC 9/30/11. Funding for studies, BIA, USFS, Sierra Nevada Conservancy, County, TNC, Bella Vista Foundation. Medicine Lake geothermal issue goes back to BLM, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 12/23/10. 7/25/10 - This weekend is the 7th annual "traditional" tribal campout at Medicine Lake. The tribes requested that the Forest Service close all the camps to white people, not just Medicine Campground, and that they ban any motorized boat from the lake. This year they are again allowed exclusive use of Medicine Campground. Medicine Lake Traditional Spiritual Gathering, Medicine Campground closed to non-Indians, 7/18/09.
Native Americans and Environmentalists Resist Energy Development on Sacred Land, SF Bay Area Independent Media Center posted 2/1/07. Giving thanks for protectors of sacred places, Indian Country Today, posted to KBC 12/5/06. ''Our elders and leaders who have fought all their lives to protect Saht Tit Lah [Medicine Lake] and for such victories are looking down on us with great pride. We thank them for giving us direction, wisdom and strength in carrying out the work they left for us continue.'' Ninth Circuit Reverses Lower Court Ruling, Halts Development on 10,000-Year-Old Sacred Site at Medicine Lake, posted 11/11/06 U.S. court backs tribe in fight over Calpine plant, 11/6/06. "California, Nevada, Oregon and other Western U.S. states are seeking to boost geothermal and other renewable electricity like solar and wind to reduce emissions of heat-trapping gases linked to global warming. Geothermal developers drill wells into underground reservoirs to tap steam heated by the earth. The steam spins turbine generators, producing electricity." Klamath geothermal projects move forward 021206 Tribes fight geothermal project, H&N posted to KBC 7/13/04. (With no farms, no dams and no geothermal, where will be get our food and power? KBC) 2003 - This was the first large-scale tribal gathering at Medicine Lake. Like many churches and other spiritual groups, small tribal groups have gathered at Medicine Lake throughout the years. However, this year is the largest by far, filling the Medicine Lake campground. The elders told stories about their ancestors, and the different tribes shared this time together as one. They feel a desire to revive their traditions and reclaim land they believe to be theirs. see Medicine Lake Agenda
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