Klamath Basin Water
Upholding Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
Shasta-Scott Watersheds * Scroll down for articles
These links explain the SSRT process - Shasta and
Scott Recovery Team process for local agriculture.
This is a group that has been meeting for the past
year under the State process for listing of the
coho. They have come up with a very detailed and
site specific plan for recovery while an offshoot
group is working on a programmatic incidental take
process that could include both State and federal
From Supervisor Marcia Armstrong: "Here is a site on
the Shasta CRMP:
It has the project slideshow
and the Shasta tour
with narrative and pictures integrated.
Siskiyou County Migration
Barrier Removal
Instream Flow Study on Scott and Shasta Rivers by Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou County Supervisor District 5, 12/18/12. "One glaring problem with this is that the Scott and the
Supervisors refer CDFG to DA’s office, Siskiyou Daily 12/14/12. "YREKA – While representatives of the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) were across town Tuesday carrying out the early stages of planning for their flow studies on the Shasta and Scott rivers, the Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors were passing a motion to refer the agency to the district attorney’s office for criminal review." Doubt and distrust by John Bowman, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 11/19/12. "County supervisor Michael Kobseff told Thalken several times that the process would be flawed from the outset. He said that the study’s baseline information and assumptions were biased because they were supplied by what he alleges are biased government studies." Scott Valley Groundwater, by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong, posted to KBC 11/13/12. Study indicates no overdraft from Scott Valley wells, AgAlert 10/18/12. Local watermaster up and running, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 3/7/12. Mark Baird's response to Regional Water Quality Control Board staff, PienPolitics, posted to KBC 2/23/12 (Siskiyou) County requests approval of coho supplementation program, Siskiyou Daily 2/22/12. Rex Cozzalio responds to newest program to impregnate Shasta River with fertilized coho eggs — preposterous, it is, PienPolitics 2/10/12 * Feds push ahead to end farming and ranching in Siskiyou County, by PPJ contributor Ph.D. John Menke 12/13/11. Includes great video of armed feds trying to get cooperation from rural residents in proposal to fund the agency. As stated by a resident, "..finding ways to create a stable funding source...so they (the feds) can take our land and guns from us." * Statement from Ph.D. John Menke on DFG, posted to KBC 12/12/11
Watermaster fees shock irrigators,
Capital Press, posted to KBC 11/25/11.
bill for watermaster service rose from
$1,245 last year to $8,500 this year."
Instream flows for fish, by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong 11/7/11. " French Creek September 13 2011, Pienpolitics, video and letter by Preston Harris. "I urge others to do as I did and develop a method to tell the true story of their respective watersheds and not allow people to create lies and propaganda about in stream conditions in the Scott Valley watershed." POW: Scott Valley Protect Our Water Liz Writes Life, posted to KBC 8/8/11. Scott Valley news.
Water Rally
Protest vs DFG 4/1/11, POW. California Dept Of Fish and
Game threatened to cite Mark Baird, Scott Valley, for using
water on his own property. 150 people from Paradise, Calif.
to Klamath Falls, Oregon came to the protest, including the
Big Bucket from the Klamath Bucket Brigade. Scott Valley Watershed Forum, Ridin Point by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong, posted to KBC 3/21/11 Thoughts on the River Keepers vs DFG decision, Mike Duguay, CA Registered Professional Forester, posted to KBC 3/9/11
Judge nixes special irrigation permits, Capital Press 3/4/11. "The suit by Earthjustice, Klamath Riverkeeper and other environmental groups was one of two filed against the DFG in relation to the blanket permits." KBC NOTE: Earthjustice, financed partly by George Soros, represents most of the environmental groups with voting power in the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. Craig Tucker, spokesman for the Karuk Tribe in the KBRA, and trained by Green Corp as an environmental activist, founded Klamath Riverkeeper. He promised the KBRA would create "Peace on the River" and end lawsuits.
Siskiyou County responds to ELF, water resources board briefs, Siskiyou Daily 1/13/11. "...Guarino also questions the water resources board’s alignment with the petitioning parties on a number of issues in the case..."
Scott Valley Groundwater Advisory Committee,
column by Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou County
Supervisor, posted to KBC 1/9/11
Scott River Flows, by Siskiyou County Supervisor
Marcia Armstrong, posted to KBC 12/16/10 DFG did remove two fish screens along French Creek on Wednesday, October 6th, 2010 without contacting any of the three active water diverters, Pie N Politics, posted to KBC 10/27/10. "On Thursday, October 7th, one water user at the end of the ditch realized that no stock water was flowing to his animals, and that three separate cattle herds had broken down fences and gotten mixed together in an effort to find water. In addition, his horses got scrapes and cuts while breaking though fences to get to water."
Save the Dams April 1, 2010
Possible options for coho recovery discussed at
Shasta-Scott meeting, Siskiyou Daily 3/26/10 “DROUGHT Parched river endanger fabled Klamath salmon run,” 9/17/09 letter from Carolyn Pimentel, Interim Scott River Watershed Council Coordinator, to Mr. Fimrite, Staff Writer San Francisco Chronicle, in response to "Key salmon spawning rivers all but dry," SF Chronicle 9/13/09. "The Scott River Watershed Council would like corrections made to the inaccuracies stated about the Scott River in the above referenced article. We would appreciate a follow-up article given the same front page attention as the original article with the attached photo and graph, and the following corrections and pertinent additional information" |