Archive 93 - February 2010
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Karuk spokesman Craig Tucker, formerly Friends of the River spokesman trained by Green Corp, and also currently Riverkeeper board of directors, sent KBC News this message: "FYI: You are incorrect on your site when you say KRK opposes agreements. Friends of the River is not in any way involved or related to Klamath River Keeper…FOR is not a water keeper network organization. They oppose the agreements. S. Craig Tucker, Klamath Coordinator, Karuk Tribe, [email protected] " He forwarded their Press Release. ( KBC NOTE: KBC didn't say Riverkeeper opposes agreements, we said they oppose the KBRA, as they are not listed as  stakeholders. FOR was a proponent but pulled out.

Question for Mr Tucker, Did Riverkeeper join the stakeholders/proponents of the KBRA?

North Coast Water Network directory, including many Friends of the River groups, Klamath Riverkeeper, PCFFA/Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen, Institute for Fisheries Resources/IFR (invented by PCFFA and shares the same office: each has a vote in the KBRA), Klamath Forest Alliance (Tucker founded Riverkeeper under KFA's umbrella-KFA has vote on KBRA), Klamath Siskiyou Wildlands Center advocates locking up resources in government-owned 'wildlands', NorthCoast Environmental Center-suggests studying taking out ALL the Klamath River dams, including Keno Dam which provides Klamath Project irrigation, Yurok Tribe, voting member on KBRA.

Senator Jeff Merkley Klamath townhall 2/27/10

Big changes at Langdon Farms; Steps underway to place golf course land into trust for Klamath Tribes, Canby Herald, posted to KBC 2/26/10. "Klamath Tribes must use the Klamath Restoration Act to acquire the property — a process that would have to run through the BIA and would exempt the property from local or state land use laws...Maletis family recently hired Portland-based public relations firm Hubbell Communications, whose clients include the ...Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust..."

Plans for proposed Siskiyou Crest National Monument move forward, KDRV, posted to KBC 2/26/10
Western Lawmakers Ask Secretary Salazar for Complete Monument Documents, Congressional Western Caucus 2/26/10. "These designations could potentially lock up as many as 13 million acres of land in 11 different Western states."

2010 Oregon Legislature by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 2/26/10

More Than $2 Million Awarded to 12 Native American Tribes in California and Nevada for Wide Range of Conservation Work, USFWS, posted to KBC 2/26/10

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update 2/26/10

Columbia Basin Bulletin 2/26/10, "Sea Lions Snacking On Sturgeon, Last Year's Huge Fall Chinook Jack Return Brings Predictions Of Big Run This Year,  Higher Return Of Sacramento River Fall Chinook, Revise Critical Habitat For Bull Trout, Northwest Tribes Receive $1.3 Million..."


(news photo)Klamath Restoration Agreement Makes Water Rights a Water Sport, by Karla Kay Edwards, Cascade Policy Institute 2/22/10


Each dam should be evaluated independently, by John Turner, letter to H&N 2/24/10

DOI - Agreement Reached on Klamath River Basin Restoration, posted to KBC 2/24/10

(Siskiyou) County moves toward start of salmon restoration project, Siskiyou Daily News, posted 2/24/10

* Statement by Calif. Congressman Tom McClintock on the Klamath Agreement: "At a time when Californians are paying the highest electricity prices in the Continental United States and when officials can’t guarantee enough electricity to keep the lights on, the decision to deliberately destroy 155 megawatts of the cleanest and cheapest electricity available is simply insane. The Klamath Agreement, if actually consummated, will rank as one of the great follies of the Schwarzenegger administration." 2/18/10

Follow the GAG  money / Green Advocacy Group, 2/22/10. (You will discover several GAGs who will be your new landlords from the multi-billion dollar tax-funded Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement). Check out The Nature Conservancy conquests in your neighborhood.

PCFFA/IFR Fishlinks: Klamath Settlement Agreements Signing, posted to KBC 2/22/10. "The two historic Agreements together would cap irrigation water demand in the upper Basin and add to water storage, putting between 130,000 and 230,000 acre-feet more water in the Klamath River for salmon... Included in the plan is the removal of four obsolete hydropower dams what would be largest dam removal project in history."

Sunday-America truly is the greatest country in the world; don't let freedom slip away, by Kitty Werthmann, an Austrian who grew up under Hitler's dictatorship. Her country voted to be ruled by Hitler. Then came removal of God from schools, gun registration, gov't health care,  mercy killing, no freedom of speech...posted 2/20/10

Lawmakers remain concerned about (Klamath) deal, H&N 2/20/10

Editorial: What will this (Klamath)‘study’ show? Democrat Herald, posted 2/20/10. "The political decision to get rid of the dams and hydro power generators has already been made. This study is just a formality." Herald reader comment, "...Camp Dresser & McKee report for Interior that concluded the cost would be closer to a billion dollars for the dam removal alone, but that report was withheld from the public until after Oregonians voted on a measure to pay the dam-removal bill."

In Salem, Arnold Schwarzenegger is still a star (Klamath Agreement /KBRA signing), Oregonian, posted to KBC 2/20/10. (KBC 1850 Karuks and residents of the Klamath River Basin, including the Klamath Project, signed a petition against the KBRA. Siskiyou, home of 3 of the 4 dams the KBRA intends to dismantle, hasn't voted yet because they believe in a public process.Do you remember the 300 Klamath Basin people at the November public input meeting that Klamath County Commissioners and Klamath Water Users Association boycotted?100% of all the testimony opposed the 'agreements" that their rulers jammed down their throats.)

Owners of property and water rights beware! Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement could happen to you, by David & Marganne Oxley, Klamath Falls 2/20/10

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of laws and bills, posted 2/20/10

Pacts Signed to Help (Klamath) River and Salmon, NY Times, posted 2/20/10. "Mr. Salazar said in a conference call with reporters that the agreements “can become a template” for other water and environmental disputes." (KBC NOTE: Great precedent-rip out hydro dams, downsize agriculture by 10's of thousands of acres, create gov't and NGO controlled mandates for resource users and residents with NO public process in their secret negotiations, no vote, no transparency, and more than 1 million tons of silt behind the dams to obliterate salmon habitat. Congratulations.)

Obama administration, governors, and Klamath communities sign pact to restore river and local economies, Press Release by Klamath Agreement closed-door negotiators. "communities" did not sign and did not vote..their rulers did. 2/20/10.

Suction dredge community meeting 2/20/10 at Scott Bar

Hastings: Hard Questions Need to be Answered on $1 Billion Klamath Plan; Objects to American Taxpayers Subsidizing Private Dam Removal, 2/18/10

Klamath tribal dispute - Group says tribal leaders were recalled, shouldn’t sign water deal, H&N 2/18/10

Klamath Dam Agreement Signed, OPB 2/18/10. (KBC NOTE: In Salem, Oregon Governor Kulongoski, Calif governor Schwarzenegger, Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar, along with environmental groups, gov't agencies, Indian leaders and farm leaders, signed the KBRA. Karuk Tribe and Klamath Tribe have turned against their leaders. Karuk Vice Chair resigned, Klamath Tribes got in a fight. At a public hearing of more than 300 people, Klamath community opposed the agreements 100 %. Interior predetermined that the dams were coming out, a mandate in the closed-door negotiations. People spoke and their rulers boycotted their meeting, and gave them no vote.)

Klamath Basin Science Conference, by Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou County Supervisor 2/18/10. "It appeared to be the consensus of scientists at the Conference that the timeline to complete all the proposed scientific studies for the cost/ benefit analysis on dam removal prior to the decision by the Secretary of the Interior was quite unrealistic."

38 Tons donated potatoes feed hungry around Oregon H&N 2/18/10

Schwarzenegger says water bond will be 'very challenging, Sac Bee 2/18/10

County discusses Klamath dam agreements, Siskiyou Daily 2/18/10. "...the study is only taking into account the economic impacts to the commercial fishing communities and not economic impacts to the county."

World's biggest river restoration kicks off Thurs at official ceremony in Oregon, American Rivers, posted to KBC 2/17/10. ‘Historic Step’ for Klamath Basin, Dams, PNS 2/17/10 (Same) environmental group leader debates Snake River dams, posted 2/17/10

GOOD COP BAD COP all in one person: International dam removal activist Craig Tucker, a lead organizer of the Klamath dam removal 'agreements', is featured in a 2008 International Rivers "Learning From the Pros" of dam removal activism. To further his campaign agenda, after organizing dam removal protests with Friends of the River against power companies,  he hired on as campaign coordinator of the Karuk Tribe advocating dam removal and downsizing agriculture water allocations within the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement / KBRA. At the same time he founded and is board member of Klamath Riverkeeper, an offshoot of dam removal group Friends of the River that opposes the KBRA. Karuk tribal leader and KBRA advocate Leaf Hilman is also a board member of Klamath Riverkeeper, KBRA opponent.
Leading environmental group (Friends of the River)withdraws from Klamath Agreement, Indy Bay, followed by NY Times, posted 2/17/10

Karuk Forum - "Hillman Has Resigned." Hilman was Karuk vice chair. HERE for more on Hilman

Karuk voting on Klamath Dam removal, by Karuk tribal member James Waddell 2/7/10

Deputies called to tribal office, H&N 2/17/10. "A large group of Klamaths claim the existing tribal council was legally recalled at recent general council meetings...Some claim a lack of transparency regarding tribal finances."

Locals to attend signing, Water agreement ceremony will be at state Capitol Thursday, H&N 2/17/10. "Why would we want to go to the irrigated interests’ funeral?Tom Mallams asked.

Letter from KC Walden, Iron Gate Lake, to Craig Tucker 10/6/06. More on Tucker at Whose Who

Tribal travel center coming soon, $4.4 million facility could be open by Aug. 1, H&N 2/17/10

Klamath Dam removal agreement signing set, Sac Bee, posted 2/17/10

Could Siskiyou County benefit economically from dam removal? Mt Shasta 2/17/10

Savage Rapids: clearing a path, Mail Tribune 2/17/10. "Engineers estimated that high winter flows would wash out most of the more than 200,000 cubic yards of gravel trapped for 88 years behind the dam..No such storm materialized...Removing the gravel would be considered mining and Slayden has no mining permit as part of the dam-removal project..."
Klamath Hydroelectric agreement 2; What's happening with Savage Rapids Dam removal in Rogue Valley? by Dr. Richard Gierak 2/16/10

Letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein By Craig Chenoweth 2/16/10

Letter to Attorney General questions legality of dam agreement processes, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 2/16/10

Klamath Tribal meeting ends in fight, 15 people were fighting or trying to break up fight, H&N 2/14/10

Government, tribes to get their wishes from Klamath agreement, by Bruce Wirth, H&N 2/14/10

Klamath Basin water agreement to be signed in Salem; KBRA signing will be Thursday at the Capitol, H&N, 2/13/10

City won’t take water deal stand, H&N, H&N, posted to KBC 2/15/10. "...four of the five Klamath Falls City Council members have publicly opposed the Klamath Basin Restoration..." from Feb. 7

Suction dredge community meeting 2/20/10 at Scott Bar

Basin home to diverse population of lampreys, H&N, posted to KBC 2/15/10. (KBC Note: The Klamath agreement supports planting more lampreys / fish parasites, in Klamath Basin.)

Stakeholders grilled, Commissioners ask questions about water deal H&N, posted to KBC 2/15/10 from Feb. 7

Feds review Bull Trout habitat, H&N, posted to KBC 2/15/10

Rumors, alternatives addressed during supervisors' discussion of KBRA, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 2/15/10

Hoopa vote no on KBRA , H&N, posted to KBC 2/15/10

Moral Conservation, by Cherie J. Gierak, Director ICU 2/13/10.

Agreement assures future of basin, Capital Press letter by Greg Addington, Klamath Water Users Assoc director 2/12/10. (KBC NOTE: hundreds of local people came to public listening session boycotted by Addington and KWUA, and Klamath County Commissioners. No one supported the 'agreement.')

Klamath County (Commissioners) approves water deal, H&N, posted to KBC 2/13/10 

Aquatic communities and climate change discussed in final two days, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 2/13/10

Dam removal: Making the decision, H&N, posted 2/13/10. "However, the effect of Upper Klamath Lake in the equation is the “600-pound gorilla,” Anderson said.   The hope is that restoration activity impacting the nutrient load into the lake will reduce the amount of nutrients exported down river. (KBC NOTE: National Academy of Science professor William Lewis, in 2004 workship, " When asked if it would work to control the significant part of the ph load, Lewis responded that the lake is 140 square miles...that is not feasible to change."

Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife bulletin, 2/12/10

Klamath should be adjudicated, Capital Press letter by Tom Mallams, Beatty 2/12/10

Klamath farmers take heed of Metropolitan, Capital Press, posted to KBC 2/12/10

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 2/12/10

Removal of Klamath dams would be a swindle, H&N 2/12/10 by Danny Hull

USBR awards contract for dam removal studies, Water Power Magazine 2/12/10

Federal funds go to dam study, $840,000 will be used to research the impacts of dam removal, H&N 2/12/10

Modocs discuss separation, H&N posted to KBC 2/12/10

Oregon senator supports Klamath Basin agreement, Oregonian 2/11/10

Klamath Commissioners unanimously approve support of KBRA; deadline is today for stakeholders to support or reject Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, 2/9/10 H&N

February 9 Klamath County Commissioners will vote on the KBRA and dam removal agreements. There will be no vote of the people. Will they listen to the majority of their constituents?  

March Economic Forecast, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 2/8/10. "Projected state revenue income from general fund tax collections and lottery fund profits is projected to be down by more than $190 million since the December 2009 forecast. The projected reduction in state revenue since July 1, 2009 is more than $400 million. Moreover, the 2009 fourth quarter report was the seventh consecutive month of job losses and declining revenue."

* Klamath River and Lost River TMDL Implementation Plan,  Workshop, public comment period ends 2/9/10

Klamath Impacts - Letter to Klamath County Commissioners opposing KBRA by Rex Cozzalio 2/8/10, Hornbrook, on the Klamath River

Leaders: Consider the human factor, H&N 2/7/10, at Science Conference: "In conversations and at conference programs involving 300-plus scientists, Dierauf and others said a major message was to involve people living in areas impacted by the river and its tributaries in ongoing and future studies." "Cook:'Prove that’s the best for the river and prove that’s the best for the people of the United States. Don’t do it because it feels good.' ”

Comments on Klamath River Basin Science Conference: Water resources discussed at Wednesday’s meeting, 2/8/10 by John Menke

Karuk People of the Klamath History… and nothing to do with Karuk Political Activists in law suits or with crazy Karuk Dam Removal Efforts! letter by James Waddell, Karuk Tribal Member and U.S. Veteran, posted to KBC 2/8/10. Note from Waddell: "The Karuk People never had a chance to vote on the Klamath dam removal, or the law suit against the US Forest Service, or the law suit against the CA Fish & Game, or the law suit agains the Water Quality Control Board, or the law suit against the gold miners."

Monday Feb 8, 2 p.m. Klamath County Commissioners question 6 KBRA stakeholders, at Gov't building public meeting.

Letter (Blackmail by PacifiCorp?) from KOPWU/Klamath Off Project Water Users to KBRA negotiation facilitator Ed Sheets 2/5/10, (Ed Sheets told KOPWU they are booted from the negotiation table, unless...)

Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, the new Law of the Land, lesson for 2/7/10

* The January 2008 version, "Within one year of the Effective Date, the Klamath Basin Coordinating Council shall identify a lead entity to undertake a study to evaluate the feasibility of replacing or otherwise reducing the diversion from the Klamath River Basin to the Rogue River Basin ...Section 17.3.2.

* 2010 version – who the water will be taken from, where will it go, and who decides
quote from Ed Sheets, KBRA facilitator explanation regarding eliminating the words "Rogue River Basin" in the KBRA: "it was too hot of a political item for the time being"
* Letter from KWUA director Greg Addington, "...
It is true that a previous draft of the agreement did mention* Rogue diversions*, but only from the perspective of maintaining an overly thorough *inventory* of where water that originates in the Klamath system ends up... we along with the state of Oregon sought - and all other settlement parties agreed - to remove that particular reference and make no mention of the Rogue Valley or any water used there. I would encourage you to ask those propagating this position to cite specific passages in the document that cause them concern on this issue."

Klamath Water Report, posted 2/7/10

Oregon Ballot Measures and Taxes, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 2/7/10

Columbia Basin Bulletin 2/5/10
* Researchers In January Observe Increased Predation by Stellar Sea Lions On White Sturgeon
* Season's First Chinook Caught As Vanguard Of Expected Return Of 550,000 'Springers'
*  Tribes Praise Proposed Increase In Funding For Treaty Rights-Based Natural Resource Protection

3 groups support (Klamath) water deal, H&N 2/4/10

Persistence Prevails as Walt Wegner, Vice President of PLP wins his $47.00 suction dredge permit fee reimbursement in small claims court 2/4/10

Yurok Tribal Council votes to sign dam removal pacts, Triplicate 2/4/10

Facing challenges of perception, funding, H&N 2/2/10

Public Info meeting, critical habitat for bull trout, Chiloquin 2/3/10

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