Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

Suction dredge community meeting


For those of you who are in California, there will be a community meeting to detail suction dredge EIR and subsequent CDFG regulation.

CDFG has initiated a PAC (Public Advisory Committee) process to iron out and allow the public to have input into the new EIR and regulation process.

Ken Oliver and I will bring a presentation to update the suction dredge mining community on what took place in the first meeting that we attended in Sacramento.

Ken Oliver is a long time suction dredge miner here, as well as very active regarding the political side of suction dredging. He represented Siskiyou County along with Ric Costales (Natural Resource Specialist for Siskiyou County.) at the PAC Meeting

This meeting will take place on Saturday February 20th.  at 1:00pm at the Scott Bar Community Hall.

Please inform anyone that may not have Internet access regarding this meeting. Posters will be placed at businesses along the Klamath this week.

I will also be posting an update here on the forums. (time allowing)

James Foley
Property and Mining Rights Advocate
Klamath River, California
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              Page Updated: Tuesday February 16, 2010 03:27 AM  Pacific

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