Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

Archive 70 - March 2008
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Around 1900, Link River, between Upper Klamath Lake and Lake Ewauna, occasionally went dry before the Klamath Project was built. There was no hydropower, no hatcheries, occasionally no fish (fish need water), no artificially-raised river flows or lake levels.  HERE for more


Submit Written to the Klamath County Commissioners on the Klamath Basin Restoration (Settlement) Agreement. Send to: 305 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon  97601 or email [email protected].or.us
Siskiyou County Supervisors, P.O. Box 750, Yreka, CA 96097  [email protected]

Press Advisory: Karuk Tribe ·  Yurok Tribe · Klamath Tribes · Klamath Water Users’ Association hold strategy summit,  3/31/08, on April Fools Day.

Siskiyou County Supervisors meeting at Yreka courthouse April 1. Meetings start at 10am, but they aren't scheduled to consider the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement until about 1:40 pm. Public encouraged to come.

Yreka, why now? North Coast Journal blog 3/31/08. “We realize that for Siskiyou County this represents a pretty significant change in their landscape and politically it would be pretty difficult for them to agree with,” she said. Nonetheless, it’s not catastrophic as far as the future of the agreement is concerned, according to Geist. “Does it stop things? No,” she said...not signing onto the final agreement means you don’t get your slice of the funding pie. In short, there will be no restoration aid for Siskiyou County from the almost $1 billion funding stream created by the agreement." (KBC Interpretation: Either sign on that they will decimate your community, or don't sign and they won't compensate you for decimating your community. Blackmail, or, Blackmail?)

Devastating Talks on Dam Removal, by Larry Toelle, Fort Jones 3/31/08

Mazama Tree Farm, 179± Million board feet, part of the proposed Klamath Water Settlement deal for the Klamath Tribes. HERE for Klamath Tribes intentions with land and water.

Family Farm Alliance Rio Grande water agreement, 3/31/08

Rahall Introduces Bill Upholding Federal Trust Relationship with Indian Country, Resources Committee 3/31/08

Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Stinks, letter to the board of Commissioners, by Steve Rapalyea, Klamath Basin 3/30/08

Klamath could be bright spot in a dark salmon fishing year, Times-Standard, 3/30/08.

Sunday Bible lesson by Jim Foley, 3/30/08

The formula for allotting salmon, The Daily Triplicate 3/29/08

Maps put basin's water, fertilizer in perspective, Geologic study changes thought on sources of irrigation, water quality, Capital Press, posted 3/29/08. "...new findings show phosphorous is naturally occurring in Upper Klamath Lake. Roseburg said phosphorous is a major element that contributes to algae blooms in the lake and the Klamath River. When the blooms die, the decomposition process uses oxygen in water, which can result in fish die-offs."

Any Klamath dam deal must provide water for fish, followed by Comments "Mr King, Did you know that historically the Klamath Basin was under water...it was a navigable lake? Where we farm in the Tulelake Basin was under 20-30 feet of water before we rerouted the lake into ditches and canals and Klamath Lake" SacBee 3/29/08

Dear PacifiCorp and Customers — STSSTTS!, Western Institute for Study of the Environment, article by Julie Smithson on Klamath Settlement, followed by comments, posted 3/29/08

Known him (Bill Brown) long time; Proud he’s a friend, followed by 2 other articles supporting Brown after the H&N defamation of him, H&N, opinion by John and Kathy Nowaski, Klamath Falls, posted to KBC 3/28/08

Tulelake Irrigation District well water levels, posted to KBC 3/28/08

Klamath Lake levels lower than last year, H&N 3/28/08. "...project irrigators may be able to postpone irrigating operations for a while, Hicks said, giving the lake a chance to collect more water."

Biological opinions on lake levels expected, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, National Marine Fisheries services will report on their opinions, H&N, 3/28/08. "These two contrary biological opinions don’t mesh well, and create difficulties as officials try to keep water in and release it at the same time, Hicks said."

Power plant closer to reality, $35 million geothermal project planned, H&N, posted to KBC 3/28/08

Why I'm Running, John Martinez Assembly 2 Candidate, 3/14/08

NEWS RELEASE: USFWS: Northern Rocky Mountain Wolves Removed From Endangered Species List as of March 28, 2008

Supervisors reiterate opposition to Klamath dam removal, Siskiyou Daily News, posted 3/28/08

Do You Want The Corps Of Engineers In Your Backyard?  You’ll get that result of S 1870 passes the Senate and Congress. Please Send Senate your Testimony On Clean Water Act (Wetlands) by April 8th! posted 3/28/08

"Congressional style" meeting on the proposed Klamath River Basin Restoration Agreement, 3/28/08, Yreka, by Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou County Supervisor. KBC photos
Nearly 200 farmers, ranchers, fishermen, Indians, enviros and feds, came to Yreka to hear the Siskiyou County Supervisors question those on the forums. In our (KBC's) opinion of the meeting, Pacific Power was instrumental in ripping apart the communities of Siskiyou and Klamath Basin.  Tribes, feds and enviros have formed this blackmail closed-door agreement: "Sign on or we'll continue to sue you." "Sign on or we you will get none of the billion$ funds after we take out your dams." "Sign on or you will get no irrigation water." "Sign on or you will not be able to afford the power to pump water off your farms and into the river." 200 faces of rural folks being decimated by divisions, fear of losing their livelihoods, homes, communities, property, and rights. Our sons and daughters are fighting abroad as did our mothers and fathers, for freedom. Today we can allow our freedoms to be ripped from us, or, we can stand up and defend them. PLEASE, write your supervisors and commissioners. Write Pacific Power, write to your irrigation districts, senators, governors and congressmen...that is just a beginning.  Read the Agreement! It WILL effect you.


Tribal control - Now we will have to march down to the capitol ourselves to talk some sense into those folks, Larry Toelle, Pioneer Press, posted 3/28/08

Klamath Settlement - Make no bones about it, Pioneer Press by Gary Lake, Shasta Nation, posted 3/28/08

USFWS official presents one view of agreement, Mt Shasta News 3/28/08. (KBC NOTE: Did Detrich tell Dunsmuir that there's no proof salmon ever thrived in the Upper Klamath Basin? that the Klamath Tribes, to receive 92,000 acres forest land, sold their reservation 2ce, and voted for termination? Did he say that the Karuk tribe spearheading this anti-dam movement has no fishing right presently on the Klamath River? That the agreement says we give our water rights to the Klamath Tribes? That the feds have already taken 2/3s of the Off Project land  irrigated by surface water and this agreement demands 30,000 more acre feet of their remaining water rights? Did he tell them that all the Siskiyou County Granges, Cattlemen's Association, and Water for Life oppose this document? And the districts did not get to vote..only the leaders? Did he tell them about the blackmail..sign on or else? Did he tell them the public has no input into this new governmental entity? That this has ripped apart our communities like nothing ever before?)

Company proposing (Klamath) geothermal power plant, H&N 3/26/08

Lake levels and river flows 3/26/08

March 25, Congressional-Style hearing on settlement agreement, Yreka, public welcomed.

GoingToPieces.jpg Going To Pieces, The Dismantling of the United States of America, by Elaine Devary Willman and Kamie Christensen Biehl. "Tribalism expansion is now claiming vast waters, lands, and natural resources -- undermining the tax base of urban and rural communities through the proliferation of congressionally protected, tax-free tribal casinos and other tribal enterprises. The authors searched, confirmed, and compiled reports of those who have been victimized or threatened by the spread of tribalism, demonstrating the catastrophic consequences of federal Indian policies that, more often than not, ignore and trample upon the constitutional protections of tribal members and millions of other citizens." For short version of Going to Pieces Video, Click Here  To view the 1 hour 34 minute film click here. HERE for > Klamath Tribe agenda on Klamath Tribe's Settlement Agreement. posted 3/25/08

Is your property surrounded by tribal land? California Senate Bill 331, 3/25/08

Bob Gasser: Involved in irrigation politics again, H&N, posted to KBC 3/25/08. "He acknowledges that some Upper Basin irrigators aren’t happy with the settlement plan, which calls on them to idle 30,000 acre-feet of water. Gasser says they’ve made concessions before, taking about 90,000 acres out of production — the Barnes, Wood and Agency ranches along with other land — and weren’t rewarded with stable river flows and lake levels. “We sold out our neighbors,” Gasser says. “That land should still be in production. I understand why the Upper Basin is upset.”

EPA - Reconsideration of California’s 2006 Section 303(d) List Omission of Microcystin Toxin Listings for three Klamath River Segments and Determination to Add Microcystin Toxins Listing for Klamath River Hydrologic Unit (HU), Middle HA Hydrologic Area (HA), Oregon to Iron Gate, posted 3/25/08

Klamath Water talks should bring us together, not pull us apart, H&N by Frank Wallace, Klamath Basin Alliance, posted 3/25/08. "Just as suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, so too is this proposed water settlement."

Yurok Tribe annual Klamath River Clean-up coming in April, The Eureka Reporter, posted 3/25/08. "The clean-up is a yearly effort to rid the Klamath River of illegally dumped trash or debris washed down the river by winter storms... Last year’s clean-up removed 22 tons of trash, which is a key habitat for salmon, steelhead and sturgeon."

Friday Review of California Bills and Laws, CFBF, posted to KBC 3/25/08. "This weeks Friday Review contains information on AB 2860 (Williamson Act), AB 2881 (right-to-farm), AB 1992 (local government associations, SB 1285 and SB 1323 (adequacy of land appraisals for conservation purposes)". 

Our condolences to the family of Betty Lou Dalton Byrne Shirley.

Easter Sunday lesson by Jim Foley, Acts 6, 3/23/08

State Senator Tom McClintock will be in Alturas March 21 for a no host lunch at the Brass Rail at noon. He is running for John Doolittle's congressional seat.

Three strikes against removing Klamath dams, Redding Record Searchlight, posted 3/20/08. "I don't want to hear about the poor salmon until you can tell me that the tribal Indians have agreed to remove their nets from the mouth of the Klamath River. Isn't this where it all starts - at the mouth of the river? If the salmon are not able to enter the river, then they can't very well get up the river."

Don't remove the dams, guest opinion by By Grace Bennett, Yreka City Council Member, Pioneer Press, posted 3/20/08

Lawmakers have their eye on new dams, higher dams, 1976 Teton Dam disaster is just one hurdle facing any project to store more water and make more electricity, Statesman Journal 3/20/08

Klamath water report, H&N from BOR 3/20/08

ESA - Julie MacDonald Defends Interior Role, Family Farm Alliance 3/08

U.S. Supreme Court to Decide Whether ESA Listing Exceeds Federal Power, Environmental News, 4/1/08 issue.

Oregon, Washington get nod to kill sea lions at Bonneville Dam, Oregonian, posted to KBC 3/20/08

Paying Respect, Missouri Ruralist, posted 3/20/08

Siskiyou 'Congressional Style' hearing on Klamath Settlement, posted 3/19/08

Tribes: No more water talks, Klamath Tribes will not negotiate with groups on water agreement, H&N, posted 3/19/08. "In the ad, the Tribes said they were committed to stabilizing communities, including off-Project water users." (KBC NOTE: in reality, Klamath Tribe intends to "buy back private lands....and secure funding for purchasing retired water rights, conservation easements...assert tribes senior water rights...expand gaming...exchange for federal lands..."

Elaine Willman: "Do you know... that six months after the destruction of the Twin Towers, a Washington State tribe hosted "civic journalists" from Algeria, Morocco, Qatar, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen? The reservation in question is bounded on the East by the Hanford Nuclear site; on the South by the Umatilla Chemical Weapons Storage Facility; on the West by the Yakima Military Training Center; and on the North by several major dams including the Grand Coulee Dam—many of which dams Northwest tribes have openly admitted they want to see removed."

Siskiyou County Public Meeting on Klamath Settlement, March 18.

The heart of the homestead, John Terry, H&N 3/17/08. HERE for more on Tulelake homesteaders and settlers.

Conflict no deterrent for new Hobart administrator, Green Bay Press Gazette, posted to KBC 3/16/08. KBC Note: Elaine Willman, Cherokee descent, sent us this article. She is author of the book Going to Pieces, The Dismantling of the United States of America, relating to tribal expansion. She told us this evening that the Assistant Secretary of the Interior Carl Artman, Indian Affairs, said "the IGRA (Indian Gaming Regulatory Act) is not about gambling, not about commercial enterprises; it's about governmental jurisdiction."

Proposal calls for no Chinook season in OR/CAL, Coos Bay World Link, posted 3/16/08, followed by: Options set for salmon season

March 15, Lower Klamath wildlife refuge tours

Farmers brace for costly season, Escalation in fuel, fertilizer and other input costs shows no signs of easing, Capital Press 3/14/08

Sunday lesson by Jim Foley, Acts 5, posted 3/16/08

Friday Review, California Farm Bureau Federation, posted 3/16/08. "This issue touches on the "fight of a lifetime" state budget, hearings on Leafy Greens Marketing, AB 1760 (veterinarian board temporary licensing); AB 2222 (ground water quality), SB 1176 (reducing water board members), AB 2714 (CFBF sponsored "chaff" bill), and SB 1663 (waste and used tire hauling)."

Low California salmon runs prompt coastal fishing closures, CB Bulletin, posted to KBC 3/16/08

Critical salmon situation calls for creativity, The World Link 3/16/08

Oregon Congressman Greg Walden newsletter, posted 3/16/08. "I headed out to Liskey Farms in Klamath Falls to learn how they’re using geothermal energy to power a new biodiesel production unit, raise tropical fish, plants, insects and soon produce electricity..."

Powerful bureaucracies run by masters of deceit, by Larry Toelle, Fort Jones, Pioneer Press, posted 3/13/08. "Consider, if you will, the soon-to-be-retired bureaucrat Phil Detrich from USF&WS.  His presentations on the subject of dams border on the Messianic.  We can suppose that Mr. Detrich, like most ambitious bureaucrats, is searching for his "legacy," his crowning achievement, the pinnacle of his success as a fish manager..."

They’re missing the point on pact, letter to editor H&N by Dave Solem, KID 3/13/08, along with, The Point Is, response by KBC. Solem: "State Rep. Bill Garrard, State Sen. Doug Whitsett, and others seem to be going out of their way to preserve the treacherous status quo on water."   KBC: "The difference between the people at the settlement table and Senator Whitsett is, Whitsett IS our elected official, elected by more than 70% of the Klamath County voters."

Powers of Control/Settlement Agreement, Klamath Settlement by Karuk tribal member 3/13/08

About our troops, 3/13/08 by James Waddell, Karuk tribal member, and U.S. Army Veteran,

Senator Doug Whitsett February newsletter, Klamath district 28, posted to KBC 3/13/08

From a potential dam hugger, Pioneer Press 3/13/08

The start of a federal takeover, Pioneer Press, posted to KBC 3/13/08. "My grandmother's sister was married to a  Shasta Indian. They lived near Shovel Creek above Copco Lake before any dams were on the Klamath River. He, Wren Frain, said as a young boy, that the salmon up there above what is now Copco Lake, would be completely rotten when they got that far up and not edible. Just a lot of rotten fish."

Modoc County Dam, Pioneer Press, posted to KBC 3/13/08

Cook hopes to continue economic development work during second term, Siskiyou Daily News 3/13/08

PRESS RELEASE: Federal Circuit agrees to send Klamath water issues to Oregon Supreme Court, Marzulla Law, posted 3/13/08
Letter to the Federal Circuit Court certifying four questions to the Oregon Supreme Court regarding Klamath takings case, sent by Marzulla Law to KBC, posted 3/13/08

Bergeron will run for Siskiyou County Supervisor, Siskiyou Daily News posted 3/13/08. (Bergeron is in Siskiyou County Settlement protest VIDEO)

U.S. EPA grant funds Yurok Tribe abandoned underground storage tank assessment, EPA, posted 3/13/08

Congressman Ose will be in Modoc County on Saturday, March 15th.  Please join us for a community meeting with Doug and hear from him in person why he's the best candidate for California's 4th congressional district, 3-5, Alturas, Christian Life Church, 225 W. B. St.

Resolution No. 2008-1 of the Tulelake Irrigation District Board of Directors support for the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, posted to KBC 3/11/08. KBC NOTE: One billion dollar Settlement agreement, drawn up behind closed doors, supports government leaseland farming, a new water right for Fish and Wildlife, more affordable power rate for Project irrigators, removing 4 Klamath River hydro dams that support 70,000 households annually-3 being in Siskiyou County, buying 2/3's of Mazama Tree Farm as a gift to the Klamath Tribes, giving water rights from Time Immemorial to Klamath Tribes with the promise that they won't enforce those rights, planting salmon and other endangered fish in the Upper Klamath Basin waters, downsizing Off-Project farmland, downsizing the Klamath Project, waterbank and willing seller plan imposed by Project irrigator group KWAPA, and creating a government to control the Basin from the same 26 stakeholders reps who formed this plan; Zero public, 3 counties reps, 9 environmental groups, 2 farm groups, 4 tribes, and the rest government agencies. KBC has heard that TID, KWUA and KID, 12 Project districts, support the deal. Klamath Forest Alliance, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen, Off-Project Irrigators and the Hoopa Tribe do not support it as written. 70% of Klamath County public comments oppose, most of Siskiyou comments oppose. Groups not at the table, Oregon Cattlemen's Association, Water for Life, Save the Family Farm, Basin Alliance, the Shasta Nation, PacifiCorp, and PFUSA, oppose the agreement. Promoters have been to D.C. lobbying for money for their 'agreement', HERE for DC video from 1/24/08. Additions, corrections and comments welcomed.

Unemployment up in Klamath, H&N, posted to KBC 3/11/08. (KBC NOTE: With the Klamath Settlement that significantly downsizes the Klamath Project, how will that effect employment in ag, retail businesses, services and taxes?)

Klamath Lake levels and river flows, 3/11/08

Proposed agreement doesn’t reach problem, H&N, posted 3/11/08

Judge angrily scolds court, and it responds, 9th Circuit case - Sen. Gordon Smith's brother sparks a rare review of a timber sale ruling that he said went much too far, Oregonian, posted to KBC 3/11/08. HERE for forest and timber page.

Polarizing (Klamath) ads should not be riding the bus, Oregonian 3/11/08
ACLU Files Free Speech Suit Against TriMet, KPTV, posted 2/21/08 "The ACLU filed the lawsuit Wednesday on behalf of the Karuk Tribe of California and Friends of the River Foundation." (KBC NOTE: Formerly spokesman for dam removal activist group Friends of the River, Craig Tucker is presently the Karuk Tribe spokesman and in Riverkeeper, an offshoot of Klamath Forest Alliance. Karuk Tribe, Friends of the River, and Klamath Forest Alliance each have a seat at the Klamath Settlement table amongst the 9 environmental groups. Only two farm groups each have one seat.)

FEEDBACK: Best Available Science For River Ops, CB Bulletin, posted 3/11/08.

What's happening in the ocean affects salmon the most, Modesto Bee, posted to KBC 3/11/08

California Scheming, by the Castle Coalition on imminent domain abuse, March 2008.

Plan yields right-of-way to wildlife, wildlife plan carves swath across West, Proposal raises Washington rancher-legislator’s hackles, Capital Press, posted to KBC 3/9/08. HERE for more Wildlands articles and information: "Dave Foreman is the principal founder of the eco-terrorist group Earth First! Foreman describes the Wildlands Project as an effort to "tie the North American continent into a single Biodiversity Preserve"; the Project's official publication, Wild Earth, refers to a "long-term master plan" to connect ecosystems throughout the continent "until the matrix, not just the nexus, is wild."We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists, and their projects... We must reclaim the roads and plowed land, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers, and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres of presently settled land."

NOAA research linking sea temperature swings to salmon return numbers, posted to KBC 3/9/08

Avoiding a salmon calamity, Contra Costa Times, 3/9/08. "So far, most of the blame for the salmon's collapse has been placed on ocean conditions. Specifically, the Pacific Ocean in 2002 entered a warm phase that delays the onset of current "upwelling" off the West Coast and starves the marine ecosystem of nutrients and food." (KBC NOTE: In 2002 there was a fish die-off of a bumper crop of Trinity River fish blamed entirely on Klamath Project irrigators hundreds of miles away. That spin is partly what "science" the tribes and enviros and PCFFA are using to rip out four Klamath hydro dams and confiscate thousands of acres of farmland in the 'Klamath Settlement'.)

Free guided tours at Lower Klamath Refuge are planned for March 15

3/9/08 Native Springs all natural energized spring water, "an effort to save the Klamath River salmon." (KBC NOTE: our new brothers the Yurok Tribe is now selling water to make money to advertise removing Klamath River Dams while blaming Klamath Basin "agribusiness" for killing fish.) "As the original stewards of the land and water we understand how important water is to the cycle of life." For more on "the original stewards" > Klamath cleanup

More dams along NW rivers considered, H&N 3/9/08

Sunday Lesson by Jim Foley, Acts 1V, posted 3/9/08

Q&A session worries off-Project users; In the future, group would like more time devoted to those opposed to agreement, H&N 3/8/08 by Edward Bartell, President of Klamath Off Project Water Users Inc. "The settlement strongly advocates granting “the tribal water rights at the claimed amounts and with the priority date of time immemorial” (page 67). If the tribal “time immemorial” claims are granted as filed, the Klamath Tribes would control the water in the Klamath drainage. Given the proposed off-Project buyout, few, if any, landowners would be left to contest the in-stream claims, making funding for continuation of contests, difficult if not impossible..." Klamath Tribe document of intentions. Klamath Settlement protest VIDEO 

Legal cloud over talks; Closed discussions between department, Klamath Tribes may have been illegal, H&N 3/6/08. "State lawmakers from Klamath Falls said Oregon Water Resources Department staff violated state law by participating in closed-door meetings with the Klamath Tribes during two-and-a-half years of settlement talks."

Elliott earns respect for agreement work, H&N letter to editor by Steve Kandra, Klamath Basin irrigator, and Klamath Water Users Association board member, 3/6/08. "The local political restoration agreement focus should not be about dams out — it should be about affordable power, regulatory assurance, and a predictable water supply for all Klamath irrigators."

National civil rights leader to sue Bush administration if the polar bear is listed as threatened, Core, 3/6/08. 

Meeting: How will the Klamath Basin “Settlement Agreement” affect everyone? Come watch an informative video, and listen to Supervisors Marcia Armstrong and Jim Cook discuss the Agreement at two public meetings:
     · Weds., March 5th, 2008 Scott Valley Grange, 7pm-9pm.
     · Thurs., March 6th, 2008 Greenhorn Grange (Yreka), 7pm-9pm.
These meetings are co-sponsored by PFUSA Grange. There is no charge.

Dolly Parton song

Proposed Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement could be in jeopardy, ktvz 3/5/08. The law states: "All negotiations in which the director participates under this section shall be open to the public...the negotiations were NOT open to the public"

North Coast Environmental Center Rejects Klamath Agreement, NEC, posted to KBC 3/5/08. "Science Contacts: Dr. Thomas Hardy: 435-797-2824" (KBC NOTE: Dr. Hardy was hired by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to create scientific reports, using tribal biology, to use against Klamath irrigators in water adjudication. This 'science' was used to form draft biological opinions which shut down the Klamath Project in 2001. And again writer Dan Bacher uses this article to blame the 2002 fish die-off on Klamath irrigators, a concept that the National Research Council said was not factual.)

Klamath water deal snags on environmental group's opposition, Sacramento Bee, posted 3/5/08. "Glen Spain, who represents (some California) commercial fishermen in the talks, said his group agrees that fish-friendly changes will have to be made. 'Clearly there are uncertainties about what the fish in the lower Klamath River get out of this in the long term...' " (KBC note: Our new "friend" Spain of PCFFA has been an advocate of dam removal and supported the entire agreement. He is a founder of the Klamath Coalition, an anti-Klamath agriculture group he's allied with, at the settlement table. Coalition allies who have a seat at the settlement table are:  Northcoast Environmental Center, PCFFA, Friends of the River/Craig Tucker, Trout Unlimited, Klamath Forest Alliance/Petey Brucker and Felice Pace, National Center for Conservation Science and Policy. Each of these environmental groups has a place at the settlement table. All of the combined Klamath Project districts have one seat. Some other groups in their coalition are Oregon Wild, Sierra Club, Earthjustice, Klamath Audubon, Wilderness Society, and Water Watch. Many of these groups, including PCFFA, have sued to shut down Klamath agriculture and advocated buying out farmers.) (Another KBC NOTE: All the Oregon salmon trollers we have spoken to say that they are not represented by PCFFA. So they have NO seat at the settlement table."

Project irrigators unlikely to be able to start over on water pact; off-Project irrigators in for changes with or without it, by DR. KENNETH A. RYKBOST, Guest Writer, H&N, posted to KBC 3/5/08. "Additional breaching in 2009 is planned that will reconnect 10,000 acres of Agency Lake and Barnes Ranch properties to the lake and add them to the wildlife refuge. While these actions are being promoted as beneficial by increasing lake storage, they will result in evaporation losses exceeding consumption by crops and pastures under agricultural management of these properties and no increase in net available stored water will be realized..."
HERE for Dr. Rykbost biography
and PowerPoint Presentation regarding Klamath River hydrology, addressing Dr. Hardy flow study.

Salmon fishermen: Outlook seems grim, but let's talk, The World News 3/5/08

Ocean blamed for salmon decline, The World News, posted 3/5/08

Booming growth raises idea of new dams, Seattle Times, posted 3/5/08

Benefits and Costs of Klamath Settlement/Restoration Agreement To the People of Siskiyou County (excluding Karuk tribal government and Tulelake Klamath Project interests), developed by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong 3/2/08

Benefits and Costs of Klamath Dam Removal, developed by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong 3/2/08

What is behind the salmon decline?, San Francisco Chronicle, posted 3/1/08

Klamath River home to unique trout fishery, H&N, posted 3/1/08. "They said the mud was definitely there and, currently, there are no plans to address this problem if the dams are breached. According to them, there is currently 20 million cubic yards of sediment lying on the bottom of the four reservoirs... that equates to two million dump truck loads of muck"

Water agreement is open for discussion, KRDV, posted 3/1/08

Representative urges patience about water agreement, H&N, posted 3/1/08

Conservation groups file lawsuit over California's salmon rules, Indybay, posted 3/1/08

Managers float warning of "disaster" for 2008 Pacific salmon season, Eureka Reporter, posted 3/1/08

Water for Life opposes water agreement, H&N, posted 3/1/08

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