Archive 144 - May 2014
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Short video: No water, no farmer, no food;
government mismanagement causes water crisis,
AFPC 5/9/14.
The Senate Hearing is on June 3rd at 2:30
Eastern time:
Video, and transcribed quotes from Klamath
In the Balance,
Forum to
discuss dam removal process on Klamath
The stated purpose was to bring all the
conflicting Indian Tribes and environmental
groups together with the common goal of
destroying the Klamath River Dams. Isaiah 11:4-5: "But with righteousness He shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked. Righteousness shall be the belt of His loins, and faithfulness the belt of His waist." sent from Frank Tallerico 5/25/14.
Written speech about wolves given in Dorris, California at a Town Forum on 18 May 2014, by Jim Beers, posted to KBC 5/25/14. Informing the ‘misinformed’ about wolves; reintroduction, recovery goals are backed by questionable motivations, M. David Allen guest writer, H&N 5/25/14
Wyden, Merkley Feinstein, Boxer Introduce Klamath Basin Legislation, posted to KBC 5/23/14.
Meeting of Klamath County Commissioners and
Siskiyou County Supervisors, all eight
elected officials oppose the Klamath water
agreements, commentary on KFLS 14.50
radio station
by Oregon
Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC
5/23/14. * Cal-OR Bi-State Alliance ALTERNATIVES to the KBRA and KHSA (Klamath dam-removal agreements), May 2014. (Both agreements mandate Klamath River Hydro-electric Dam removals) * Saving the Klamath River Dams, the best alternative for Siskiyou and Klamath Counties, May 2014, Cal-Or Bi-State Alliance Jim Beers in Dorris 5/18/14 regarding Wolves, property rights, Agenda 21. Jim Beers biography The Upper Klamath Basin Comprehensive Agreement, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 5/16/14: "Many farm and ranch owners... were advised that most who refused to sign would no longer be allowed to use either their surface or groundwater rights in most years. Many of those water rights date to 1864 priority. They were further advised that those who refused to participate would likely be subject to severe restrictions on the use of their land due to the “potential listing” of new endangered species....The transfers to in-stream flow will require the permanent dewatering of as much as 30 square miles of currently irrigated productive pasture and farm land...required management practices are enforceable by a third party. In this Agreement, the third party is ultimately controlled by the Tribes...In total, when combined with other provisions of the KBRA, the Tribes would receive more than $147 million in direct funding. The money is mainly dedicated for the purchase of land, ecosystem habitat enhancement, water quality improvement and economic development for the Tribes...the Ninth Circuit Court determined that the Tribes are entitled to no more, or no less water than they were currently using for a moderate standard of living at the time of the Court decision. Further, the Court stated that the amount of water the Tribes are entitled to cannot be interpreted to be the amount they were using at the time of the 1864 Treaty. The Court had no intention of returning the land to a wilderness servitude. The Oregon Water Resources Department appeared to ignore the latter part of the Court ruling in their March 2013 Final Order of Determination...others are rightfully concerned that the Agreement infringes on their First Amendment right to free speech because the document prohibits signatories from speaking or writing in opposition to any of the agreements. Others believe the Agreement infringes on their Fifth Amendment rights to own and enjoy the benefits of private property, including their irrigation water rights..." Threats (by Klamath tribal members) delay tribal meeting, H&N 5/16/14. "...some Klamath Tribes members have been campaigning to organize a hostile takeover of the meeting. Threats included chaining and padlocking doors to force the Tribal Council and meeting attendees to remove Gentry from the council and to overturn the results of a recent referendum vote. The referendum vote under attack was certified by the Klamath Tribes election board as in-favor of a water settlement, known as the Proposed Upper Klamath Basin Comprehensive Agreement, between the Tribes and upper Basin irrigators." KBC NOTE: Upper Basin irrigators were not allowed a vote; they were only blackmailed as explained in Senator Doug Whitsett's newsletter. Klamath Tribes of Oregon PRESS RELEASE: Threats against Klamath Tribal Council by Klamath Tribal membership, 5/16/14 (regarding Upper Klamath Basin Comprehensive Agreement.) California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 5/16/14. Proposed bills for billions of $ for groundwater and water management and control, bill to label genetically modified food products, disclosure of extreme fuel costs from California's carbon taxes, more... Oregon Congressional Candidate Dennis Linthicum, 5/16/14, current article "The truth will set you free" responding to Congressman Walden's comments. California's Cap and Trade, Kitzhaber headed that direction, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 4/30/14
Oregon's welfare growth highest in nation,
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 5/6/14. "The
welfare to work program was designed to
provide temporary assistance during the time
required to teach families to become
accountable for their own welfare and
financial security...The audit found that
Oregon ranked dead last in the nation for
TANF clients participating in work, or work
related activities..." Zechariah 9:10 - "I will cut off the chariot from Efrim and the horse from Jeruslem; The battle bow shall be cut off. He shall speak peace to the nations; His dominion shall be from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth." Sent from Frank Tallerico 5/10/14. Congressman Walden: (Klamath) Water legislation may be altered in House, H&N 5/10/14 On April 21, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) jointly released a new proposed rule – Definition of Waters of the U.S. Under the Clean Water Act – that would amend the definition of “waters of the U.S.” and expand the range of waters that fall under federal jurisdiction. The proposed rule, published in the Federal Register, is open for public comment for 90 days, until July 21, 2014. Senator Roberts and Western Caucus urge EPA to halt Waters of the US rule, 5/8/14 Wolves, gun control topics for Dorris Forum Meeting, H&N 5/9/14. Why Willamette Valley farmers should watch Klamath Falls' water rights fight, Statesman Journal, posted to KBC 5/10/14. "The agency identified 130 wells (including Mallams) that could interfere with surface water sources, meaning he and other farmers could lose both sources of water this summer. 'You virtually cannot prove there isn’t interference because of the way they did the modeling,' Mallams said. 'I am considered guilty unless I prove myself innocent and I cannot prove myself innocent.' For Whitsett, that means the OWRD can do the same thing to any watershed in Oregon." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 5/9/14: school districts to impose unlimited tax on property owners, honeybee access, registering stockponds for livestock and irrigation, $18 billion for water projects and conservation, immigration laws, labor laws... Weather Warfare: Beware the US Military’s Experiments with Climatic Warfare; ‘Climatic warfare’ has been excluded from the agenda on climate change, Global Research by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, posted to KBC 5/9/14. This was on the History Channel May 8, 2014
for Klamath River Science Misconduct page
Upper and lower basin representatives continued their cooperative efforts Monday in Dorris as Klamath County commissioners met with the Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors to discuss agreements on the Klamath River, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 5/7/14
agrees to fund project. Data from
agencies monitoring Klamath Project
groundwater wells put into one online
H&N 5/7/14. "Cannon
explained that implementing a
groundwater monitoring system to ensure
sustainable use also is a condition of
the Klamath
Basin Restoration Agreement. 'If the
KBRA were to be approved today, we would
be behind schedule because we need this
information in place,' he said."
1st Thessalonians 5:16-22, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in every thing give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit, Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil," sent from Frank Tallerico for week of May 4, 2014 Joint Meeting of Klamath County Commissioners and Siskiyou Board of Supervisors Monday May 5, 1 pm at Doris Community Center Jim Beers in Dorris 5/18/14: Wolves. Beers is a retired Fish and Wildlife biologist, refuge manager, wetlands and wolf expert.... Jim Beers biography
Klamath County Proposed Charter Problems
posted to KBC 5/4/14 California drought may prompt policy changes, Western Livestock Journal, posted to KBC 5/4/14. "When asked about a recent “agreement” signed on the Upper Klamath Basin on the California-Oregon border, forcing water reductions for hundreds of ranchers in the name of “protecting the fish,” (California Farm Bureau Federation (CFBF) President Paul) Wenger was incredulous about plans to remove four dams. 'Those dams could be being used to help salmonid survival, but instead [proponents of dam removal] are showing their true colors. It’s about control, not restoring salmon runs,' he said." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 5/2/14: Sunset date on Williamson Act, regulatory requirements on fuel, cutting tree without permit on your own property, funds for marijuana farm cleanup, animal antibiotics, GMO labeling, employers to provide paid sick leave, employees to wage lien on employers property if they claim (without proof) they weren't fully paid, billions$ for Clean Water Act desires, groundwater management plan agencies, registration of animal stockponds, Klamath Project irrigation: Basin water outlook grim, Snowpack called ‘worst in the state,’ H&N 5/1/14 USDA Announces New Landmark Conservation Initiatives, USDA press release 5/1/14. "...According to the National Fish and Wildlife Federation, annual U.S. conservation spending totals $38.8 billion...Through the 2014 Farm Bill's new conservation programs, USDA is making available up to $366 million for conservation easements under ACEP to state and local governments, Indian tribes, non-governmental organizations and private landowners." Sage grouse protection - Feds spend $236M to help landowners protect grouse, H&N 5/1/14. Klamath water-sharing agreement gets funding, Sacramento Bee, posted to KBC 5/3/14. Obama Issues Executive Order Allowing Him To Grab Your Land, MR Conservative, posted to KBC 5/3/14. |
Page Updated: Sunday December 07, 2014 12:01 PM Pacific
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