Archive 106 - March 2011
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New listing could impact farmers,
Chinook salmon petition may lead to less water for producers,
H&N 3/3/11. Environmental groups want Klamath River salmon listed as Endangered Species, KCRV, posted to KBC 1/28/11. Who are the players? Petitioner Larch Company = Andy Kerr. Kerr opposes grazing on public lands, timber harvest, was involved with ONRC which is now Oregon Wild, and opposes Klamath Agriculture. He has employed Kelly Moser, a former Dept of Justice Attorney who planned global Environmental Law Conference 2002 with speakers George Foreman of Earth First, Klamath Tribal Attorney Bud Uhlman of the KBRA, PCFFA Glen Spain of the KBA, etc. Moser represented the United States in its trust capacity for Indian tribes in suits establishing water rights in the Klamath River Basin, establishing and protecting hunting and fishing rights, and establishing reservation boundaries. Petitioner Center for Biological Diversity is a client of Earthjustice. Earthjustice is funded partly by George Soros. Petitioner Oregon Wild, formerly ONRC (Andy Kerr) is client of Earthjustice. Petitioner Environmental Protection Information Center is client of Earthjustice. "...Earthjustice has represented hundreds of organizations, large and small, across the country, all free of charge. The organization has also formed alliances with other organizations, both domestic and in Canada, Latin America, and Russia." Besides the Klamath dams, Earthjustice and Oregon Wild are in Save our Wild Salmon Coalition, whose goal is to destroy the Snake and Columbia Dams. Many in this coalition are our "friends" at the KBRA table. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3/31/11: Story of how Dept Fish and Game put suction dredge miners out of business, Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou County Supervisor, on Facebook.
Unhealthy in Klamath; Out of 33 Oregon counties, we rank 32nd in health outcomes, H&N 3/31/11. (KBC NOTE: "unemployment 13.8%." The KBRA will take thousands more acres out of production, and Oregon is one of the largest producers of cattle. Pacific Power has already increased power bills to destroy the dams. Oregon regulations have decimated the timber industry...)
Farm Bureau
files suit, Siskiyou Daily 3/29/11. "...Siskiyou
County Farm Bureau recently announced that they have filed
suit to protect its members’ ability to provide water to
their crops."
L.A. soon may atone to (Owens) valley it left high and dry, Washington Post 6/4/04. Comment 3/28/11 by Tom Mallams: "They are just now starting to water some of the dry lake bed, and there has not been any attempt to measure or study the effects of years of "toxic" dust blowing thru the communities. So much for a process moving quickly. I think this example should give the entire Klamath Basin nightmares."
U.S. Congressman McClintock e-news 3/28/11: Letter to
Obama regarding Libya,
Identifying Federal Regulations that Impede Job Creation and
Slow the Economy,
House Water and Power
Subcommittee Oversight Hearing, Beteran's HIstory Project,
etc Klamath County Republican Central Committee letter to Klamath Irrigation District and other Klamath Basin Irrigation Districts regarding the ESA/Endangered Species Act, posted to KBC 3/28/11 Distrust clouds EPA, Capital Press editorial, posted to KBC 3/28/11. "The EPA's Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee has recommended that the agency set tougher restrictions on airborne dust and dirt -- "coarse particulate matter" in government speak. An EPA draft memo suggested setting allowable coarse particulate matter levels as low as 65 to 85 micrograms per cubic meter -- about half the 150 micrograms per cubic meter currently allowed under the agency's air quality standards. Such a move could cause vast areas in the West -- including parts of Idaho and California -- to violate pollution standards."
"The government , through Fish and Game, is taking
control of our water illegally, and when they
control the water, of course they’ll control the
land. The spotted owl was about timber control, and
fish are about water control. Well, we now have no
timber harvest with an overabundance of trees and
next we’re going to have no ranching with thousands
of acres of dry ranch and farm lands."
Sent from Frank Tallerico,
Yreka for Sunday 3/27/11: Mathew 6:31-33From I Promise, by
Joyce Meyers.
Anxiety and Worry
Therefore do
not worry and be anxious, saying, What are going to have to
eat? or,
What are we going to have drink?
or, What are we going to have to wear?
For the heathens wish for and crave and diligently seek all
of these things,
and your heavenly Father
knows well that you need them all.
But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom
and His righteousness (His way of doing
and being right), and then all these things taken together
will be given you besides
The philosophy of NO by Gary Horne, Montague, Calif., Siskiyou Daily News 3/25/11 "How many tractors, hay balers, combines, 18-wheelers, fishing trawlers, backhoes and airplanes do you see running on wind and solar power? ...When energy becomes more expensive, it costs the farmer more money to produce a crop, and a rancher more dollars to get a cow to market. It costs all of us more money just to feed our family. The average liberal environmentalist may not care, but it does negatively impact the huge majority of Americans..." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 3/25/11. "The State Budget, Highway 101 exemption, High Speed Rail, CA Public Utility Commission appointment, net energy metering, Coastal commission, Labor and Water." KHSA Premise Unfounded, by Dr. Richard Gierak 3/26/11. "Historically: Until the dams and reservoirs were built there was no Fall run of Salmon as the river would turn into marshes and swamps in a dry year. The entire premise of removing hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River has no scientific validity and the KHSA was based on faulty assumptions which have been scientifically dismissed. The removal of the KHSA from the KBRA is of prime importance in guaranteeing future runs of Fall Salmon." Oregon Unemployment Benefits by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 3/24/11 Yurok Tribe seeks input on draft legislation; plan seeks transfer of federal land to tribe's control, Times-Standard 3/26/11. "The proposed transfer of Redwood National Park and Six Rivers National Forest lands was first publicized in 2004..." (Lincoln) County commission stands strong against federal 'land grab', Ruidoso News, posted to KBC 3/26/11. "Over the past 15 years, the environmental group continues to file lawsuits to close roads, to ban logging and to prohibit energy development..." Uintah County amends lawsuit against Interior Department, Officials want judge to rule on 'wild lands' policy, Vernal Express, posted to KBC 3/26/11. "As much as 385,000 acres in Uintah County face potential designation as wild lands, which could be "locked up from economic development,..."
More about
George Soros, funder of Environmental Groups in the KBRA/Klamath
Basin Restoration Agreement: 3/23/11, YouTube: Dept of Interior meets with Klamath public on hydro dam destruction science, 6 1/2 minute clip. Politicians Grill EPA Administrator, House Ag Committee Questions EPA About Lawsuits, The Progressive Farmer by Todd Neeley, posted to KBC 3/22/11. "Rep. Dennis Cardoza, D-Calif., suggested EPA has allowed environmental groups to dictate regulations that most often harm farmers...Cardoza then asked Jackson whether she was aware of EPA agency employees asking outside groups to file lawsuits..." Water and Power Subcommittee to hold Fresno Field Hearing on the Man-Made Drought in California, House Natural Resources Committee 3/21/11
TriMet loses free speech case over bus, train ads -- again, Oregonian, posted to KBC 3/21/11. "But when TriMet rejected an ad proposed by Friends of the River and the Karuk Tribe of California, the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon sued on the tribe's behalf." Scott Valley Watershed Forum, Ridin Point by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong, posted to KBC 3/21/11 Judge's decision unfairly punishes ranching community, Statesman Journal, written by Senators Ted Ferrioli, Doug Whitsett, Frank Morse and Fred Girod 3/17/11 Oregon U.S. Congressman Walden's Newsletter posted to KBC 3/21/11 Farmer’s cut of food dollar: 11.6 cents, Delta Farm Press, posted to KBC 3/21/11 Refuge employee (Dave Mauser) honored, biologist earns national award for wetlands program, H&N 3/18/11.“I think this award was not for perseverance but for the work I and a lot of others have done with the Walking Wetlands program,” he said, referring to the crop rotation program. In some years, the Walking Wetlands program has added upward of 10,000 acres of wetlands and spurred expansion of organic farming." HERE for more on refuges, and FWS intentions of land and water rights acquisitions. California Farm Bureau Association Friday Review of bills and laws, posted to KBC 3/21/11. "California Sate Budget, Repeal of Senate Bill 863, Williamson Act, “Card-check” legislation, Live stock hauling on Highway 101, and Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Conditional Agricultural Waiver Renewal Hearing"
3/20/11 - Sunday verse sent to KBC by Frank Tallerico: New King James, Isaiah 30:27-31 Public Meeting Notice - Dept of the Interior on Klamath Dam Removal 3/16/11, 6-8 p.m. at OIT student union, Klamath Falls. Important to come and bring comments. Informational meeting, public input, and Q&A.
The KBRA Draft Drought Plan, completed February 28, 2011, has just been released to the public, 2 days before the Dept. of the Interior public input meeting in Klamath Falls March 16, 6 pm OIT. Ruling affirms environmental benefits of timber harvest, CFBF AgAlert, posted to KBC 3/14/11 3/13/11 - Family Farm Alliance regional workshops with The Nature Conservancy and Fresh Water Trust discussing climate change, water security and landscape integrity issues. Executive Director Dan Keppen will serve on panels and speak on climate change.
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett: More job killing rules from ODEQ 3/11/11. "The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is in the process of adopting the most restrictive water quality standards in the nation...These new rules have the potential to profoundly affect the fiscal soundness of businesses, agriculture and forestry in the state. They may be expected to have an extreme negative effect on Oregon’s future job growth and economic recovery...the scientific relevance of these studies is at best pathetic and at worst criminally negligent." NEWS RELEASE: Klamath County Republican Central Committee 3/11/11. Resolve to "reform the ESA." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, 3/11/11. "This week: Certified Farmer’s Market fees, Labor, Minimum Wage, Career Technical Education, High Speed Rail, Groundwater Recharge Areas and ILRP Grower Participation. " Fred Kelly Grant to Siskiyou County on March 11-12 Tulelake Irrigation District well water levels 3/10/11 Walden, Oregon farmers fight pesticide buffer by Peter Beland, Oregon Business, posted to KBC 3/10/11." 'This crop field, which now produces $21,000 in income — if the federal government’s rules as full described here — you’d be down to $1,500... buffer zones could take 40 percent to 67 percent of Oregon’s farmland out of production...' A number of conservation groups represented by Oakland-based environmental law firm EarthJustice filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency last November...". (KBC NOTE: GEORGE SOROS helps finance Earth Justice, which provides free legal fees for "environmentalist" and ecoterrorist groups to destroy "American Capitalism." EarthJustice represents most of the environmental groups with voting power in the controversial Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement.) PLF asks the Supreme Court to rule that EPA isn't above the law! PLF, posted to KBC 3/10/11. "Not only has EPA told the Sacketts they can't build a house on their own property, it ordered them to restore the land to EPA's liking - or face tens of thousands of dollars per day in fines!" They want to depopulate the earth, by Nita Still, Siskiyou Daily News letter to editor, posted to KBC 3/10/11. "It is beyond my comprehension, how this Judge Karen V. Clopton allowed our electric bills to be increased for taking out the (Klamath) dams. Craig Tucker and his bunch should pay that bill since they want them out so badly, after meeting in secret for over two years! ...Our government is using the tactics of Hitler..." Solution to whole (Klamath) dam issue wrong by Gary Horne, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 3/10/11. "... blame for our situation can be laid at the feet of liberals and the environmental movement. They stop most of our oil production, tie up in court any new refineries to be built, and now they are even stopping development or use of some of our own clean wind and solar fields and hydroelectric power plants." (EPA) Dust talks exclude public, Capital Press 3/10/11 Associated Fruit lays off half its workers, Mail Tribune, posted to KBC 3/10/11, followed by comments. "A lot of our (irrigation) water comes over from the Klamath Basin. It would be bad if there was not enough justification to get the water we get."
Thoughts on the River Keepers vs DFG decision, Mike Duguay, CA Registered Professional Forester, posted to KBC 3/9/11
2011 Tule Lake and Lower Klamath lease land bids, posted 3/10/11 Good for farmers and fowl: Lease bids up, H&N 3/10/11 Vital meetings this weekend, posted to KBC 3/10/11 Pogo was right about Wisconsin wolves by Jim Beers 3/10/11 Scientists to study lethal removal of barred owls, H&N posted 3/13/11
Sunday's Bible Verses sent to KBC by Frank Tallerico, taken from Romans 15:1-6. The New King James. To Remove or Not: The Fight Begins, California lawmaker’s amendments aim to stop funding of studies on Klamath River dam removal, H&N, 3/13/11
California U.S.
Congressman Wally Herger Newsletter 3/8/11
Looking back: This week in history, by Jackie Bonner, Klamath County Museum, H&N 3/4/11 Judge nixes special irrigation permits, Capital Press 3/4/11. "The suit by Earthjustice, Klamath Riverkeeper and other environmental groups was one of two filed against the DFG in relation to the blanket permits." KBC NOTE: Earthjustice, financed partly by George Soros, represents most of the environmental groups with voting power in the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. Craig Tucker, spokesman for the Karuk Tribe in the KBRA, and trained by Green Corp as an environmental activist, founded Klamath Riverkeeper. He promised the KBRA would create "Peace on the River" and end lawsuits.
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws March 4, 2011. This week’s issue contains Williamson Act, Coastal Commission, pesticides, labor and more
The following is the science behind destroying 3 hydropower dams serving 70,000 households:
Senator Doug Whitsett March 4, 2011 Newsletter. "Ethanol production currently comprises just 8% of the US demand for vehicle fuel, but it requires 40% of the US corn crop to produce...About a tenth of the world’s production of cereal output is projected to be used for ethanol production if all of the world’s present targets for ethanol are to be met. The certain result will cause food prices to rise from 15-40% worldwide. Millions of humans will go hungry on a global scale as food prices are driven out of their reach due to biofuels production." Congressman McClintock speaks on Klamath, delta issues to House, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 3/3/11 Columbia Basin Bulletin 3/4/11. ESA-Listed Steller Sea Lions Munching Away On Non-Listed White Sturgeon, States Seek Delisting Of Steller Sea Lions, "In 2002 the total EDPS population was estimated to number from 46,000 to 58,000. Much of the turnaround resulted from the near elimination of predator control kills and commercial harvest. A 2007 study concludes that the “population is now probably as high as it has been in the past century...” PacifiCorp continues with dam removal preparations, Capital Press 3/4/11 Oregon U.S. Congressman Greg Walden Newsletter 3/4/11. GAO: $100 billion to $200 billion in duplicative federal spending Our tax dollars at work, short video, WSBTV 3/4/11
New listing could impact farmers, Chinook salmon petition may lead to less water for producers, H&N 3/3/11.
(Klamath) Lake's biological opinion revised, H&N 3/3/11 Special interests stop Basin water progress, Alice Kilham, H&N letter 3/2/11. (KBC note: Kilham, residing in Ashland, Oregon, was a member of the Hatfield Working Group, board member of Klamath Basin Ecosystem Foundation and Klamath River Compact. She formed the Chadwick meetings that focused on goals of removing 5 dams, partnering farmers with tribes, environmental groups and government agencies to achieve these goals. HERE for Alice's 2005 letter to Chadwick stakeholders detailing the Chadwick goals. You may recognize some of the participants.......) Republican leadership shows no viable plan for Basin water, by Steve Kandra, H&N letter, posted to KBC 3/2/11. (KBC note: Republican leaders supporting the amendment opposing the Klamath hydropower dam destruction studies are California U.S. Congressman Tom McClintock, Calif. U.S. Congressman Wally Herger, and Oregon U.S. Congressman Greg Walden. Kandra was a board member of Klamath Basin Ecosystem Foundation and a member of the Hatfield Working Group. He represents Klamath Water Users Association at the table negotiating the KBRA. HERE for Steve Kandra Page.) Kandra in letter said, "Opposition to the negotiated agreements has not offered up any viable alternative plan other than to continue holding Klamath agriculture, fishermen and businesses hostage." (KBC NOTE: go HERE for public input meeting, boycotted by Klamath Water Users Association, that gave 4 hours of solutions from The People of the Klamath Basin, on- and off-Project, and no one supported dam removal. Also, no one opposing dam removal or the KBRA is allowed at the settlement table as a voting member.)
3/2/11 -
Conserving the Future: Wildlife Refuges and the Next Generation, Draft Vision, 2011. Covers land acquisitions, farming, acquiring water rights, managing land outside the refuge, climate change, ...
Draft Vision information page.
Draft Recommendations. Congressman Tom McClintock – Water and Power Subcommittee Hearing Opening Statement 3/2/11 Chairman McClintock: We must restore abundance as the cornerstone of our federal water and power policies, House Natural Resources Committee 3/2/11. Supes seek salmon solution – in Yakima, by Ric Costales, Siskiyou Daily News 3/2/11 Production, economy missing from opinion , H&N letter by Robert Bacon 3/1/11 Letter to veterans officer by Karuk Tribal member and U.S. veteran James Waddell, posted to KBC 3/2/11. Waddell is being denied veteran services. Costly Regulations Threaten Jobs and Access to Fishing, PR Newswire, posted to KBC 3/2/11 Governors riled by wildlands plan, McClatchy News Service, H&N 3/2/11 Administration Admits it Doesn’t Have Statutory Authority to Prioritize Wild Lands over other Uses, House Natural Resources Committee 3/2/11. (KBC NOTE: Secretary Salazar designated millions of acres to become Wild Lands, decimating communities, economies and ending resource use). HERE for KBC Wilderness/Wildlands Page.
OIWRS / Oregon Integrated Water Resource
Strategy Issue papers comment by 3/1/11 |
Page Updated: Monday June 20, 2011 01:50 AM Pacific
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