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Pogo was right about Wisconsin wolves

by Jim Beers, 3/10/11

   Jim Beers is a retired US Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Biologist,
Special Agent, Refuge Manager, Wetlands Biologist, and Congressional Fellow.
   He was stationed in North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York City, and Washington DC.  He also served as a US Navy Line Officer in the western Pacific and on Adak, Alaska in the Aleutian Islands.  He has worked for the Utah Fish & Game, Minneapolis Police Department, and as a Security Supervisor in Washington, DC.  He testified three times before Congress; twice regarding the theft by the US Fish & Wildlife Service of $45 to 60 Million from State fish and wildlife funds and once in opposition to expanding Federal Invasive Species authority.  He resides in Eagan,
Minnesota with his wife of many decades.

On 4 March 2011 a local northern Wisconsin TV Station's evening newscast by
two ladies and an article in a local paper reported that "according to the
DNR" "a local Rhinelander veterinarian and his son reported seeing and
videoing a pack of 13 wolves, while they (i.e. the vet and his son) were
hunting bear last fall near Pelican Lake".

The laughing news ladies and the newspaper report were replete with the
following descriptors from the vet and from obviously bombastic reporters
and possibly state bureaucrat propagandizers:
1. "They were playing amongst themselves much like puppies".
2. They were "frolicking".
3. They were "playful".
4. It was an "extraordinary sight".
5. The vet and son were "in awe of the experience".

For anyone doubting my recent allegations about the cover-up in Minnesota of
the moose population decline being from wolf predation on moose cows and
calves instead of all the newspaper/DNR propaganda about "global warming"
and mysterious ailments yet to be discovered by "scientists" in need of
state funding that evil and ignorant Republican politicians refuse to give
them: "Go East young man, go East" and learn from the wolf propaganda arm of
the Wisconsin DNR.

Here we have a vet (they all "love" animals) and a hunter (maybe he is
evolving to photography?) and a local resident all rolled into one person
obviously comfortable with wolf packs over a dozen in strength.  So what is
to fear? 
- Obviously all those rednecks moaning about loss of deer (the
Wisconsin deer harvest went down 30% from 2008 to 2009) are probably just
anti-government nuts. 
- Those farmers and rancher moaning about wolves killing livestock
should go to education camps and learn to be like the vet and appreciate
wolf "frolic" and wolf "playfulness" and obtaining "awe" from danger.
- Dog owners that have lost hunting dogs, watchdogs, working dogs, and
pets to wolves should likewise perhaps get a CD from the vet and the DNR
about how dogs are not property (therefore how can "you lose" something you
don't own?)  Perhaps they could get a copy of the "blow-up" picture
accompanying the online edition of the article that shows a picture of a
tame wolf running towards the photographer in snow (we should all get a copy
because it is so gosh-darn cute and harmless-looking).
- Those people in Canada, Alaska, Asia and Europe that "claim" all
those deaths and attacks on people over centuries caused by wolves are just
superstitious crazies.  "There hasn't been a documented attack" in Wisconsin
lately, just like we are different: our wolves are "different".

So let's examine the actors in this little immorality play. 
- The lady announcers are, well, very pretty; feminine; relaxed; and
at ease with this enjoyable reportage of this sighting of wolves. 
- The vet is quoted as being at ease with a pack of 13 wolves that are
extremely (especially in those numbers) dangerous to -him, his son, any
dogs, wintering deer, kids at a bus stop, lone rural women or little kids or
unarmed men (especially in the winter).  This vet is obviously unconcerned
that wolves carry over thirty diseases and infections; nearly all of which
threaten humans as well as dogs, livestock, and wildlife.  While all vets
recommend "shots" for dogs (that can reproduce with wolves): evidently all
those "wild dogs (i.e. wolves) running around unvaccinated for everything
from rabies to distemper are little threat to dogs, livestock, and people in
return for a moment of "awe".
- The reporters are effective enablers for the "dog that did not
bark"** in this lesson in environmental propaganda.  **(The "dog that didn't
bark" was a famous clue in a Sherlock Holmes murder mystery. When Watson
corrects Holmes who mentions the dog's barking by saying "but the dog didn't
bark", Holmes replies, "Precisely".  This indicated that the dog knew the
killer.)  The dog in this case is the media: the killer in this case is the
- Did you catch the two clues at the beginning of this article?
First, the ladies and the news article tell us that "according to the DNR".
Why wasn't this "according to a Rhinelander bear hunter" blah, blah, blah?
Second, why do we first hear about this 6 Months after it happened?  The
answer is that the DNR bureaucrats have been sitting on this and figuring
out the best way to tell the public just like other tyrant-cooperators from
Himmler to Stalin's editors of Pravda.
So let's all "OOOHHH" and "AAAAAHH" together.  A winter pack of 13 wolves
that should be a dramatic wake-up call to all rural Wisconsinites to gain
control of wolf populations is instead related as NOT a matter of concern
but one of enjoyment.  This clear indication of the growing damage and
danger potential to rural Wisconsin in the midst of this "North Woods
Paradise" from Michigan to Minnesota is merely:
- A  funny opportunity for lady reporters to enhance fairy tales.
- A chance for a local veterinarian to comment on wolves so as to keep
his customers ("Mommy Dr. Jones likes animals so let's take Buffy to him").
- An opportunity for reporters to hone their "environmental reporting
- Last but not least it is another successful exercise for the
Wisconsin DNR bureaucrats to keep the public bamboozled a little longer
about the disappearance of game and the loss of dogs and livestock until the
inevitable human attacks begin as totally "habituated" (what else do you
call wolves that have total protection to come and go and kill whatever they
want?) wolves in increasing numbers roam unfettered and compete for food and
space?  The fact that this was buried for 6 months while they figured out
how to handle it is telling.  The fact that it was released during the
height of the Madison riots and confrontations when northern Wisconsin
residents are transfixed with state senators in Illinois and a Governor
going toe-to-toe with unions and The White House is worthy of federal
bureaucrats and politicians that always release bad news on Friday evening
when everyone is busy with other things.  Additionally, northern Wisconsin,
like other northern Midwest states, is practically evacuated in early March
as anyone with gas money and a place to stay is in Florida, Texas, or
Arizona will attest.

Remember what is said here. The attacks are inevitable and the
responsibility of all those state and federal bureaucrats, hunters,
veterinarians, reporters, urban elites, and politicians that have done this
for their own benefit or through ignorance.  The motives are irrelevant: the
results are what they should be judged by.  Like Minnesota moose losses "due
to global warming", wolf attacks will probably be blamed on people that
"didn't behave properly", "improper garbage storage",  or on some mysterious
wolf infection that will take years of research and millions of dollars and
lots of new (union of course) state employees to figure out.

It will probably take one or more horrific incidents to overcome the years
of lies and myths that we have been repeated so often in recent years.  When
this happens, the famous POGO cartoon will once again be shown to be true:
"We have met the enemy and he is US!"

Jim Beers
10 March 2011

Jim Beers is available to speak or for consulting at   [email protected]

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