Archive 100 - September 2010
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Drought aid must be allotted by Sept. 30 KLAMATH OFF-PROJECT WATER USERS, INC. v. PACIFICORP, Sept. 29, 2010 TID well water levels 9/30/10 SB 510 Food Safety; " amounts to a major federal power grab over agriculture." 9/29/10 Fish, economy connected through water, Upper Klamath Lake needed both for irrigation and endangered fish, H&N 9/29/10. “The salmon were never up here on a consistent basis. The Klamath Tribe subsisted on the sucker fish because there were never salmon up here,” Mallams said. “Why would they eat sucker if they had salmon?” Vote ‘no’ on Klamath dams removal, by Tom Wetter, Siskiyou Daily News 9/29/10 Governor signs Williamson Act bill, Siskiyou Daily News 9/29/10 Family Farm Alliance Western Water Management Case Studies, posted to KBC 9/28/10. KWUA/Klamath Water Users Association, and KWAPA/Klamath Water and Power Agency, describe a portion of their controversial willing seller and dam removal agreement, the KBRA, on FFA page 24: "KWAPA will evaluate the following measures to meet the purpose of the plan: conservation easements, forbearance agreements, conjunctive use programs, efficiency measures, land acquisitions, water acquisitions, groundwater development, groundwater substitution, other voluntary transactions, water storage, and any other applicable measures." KBC NOTE: The vast majority of the people, as shown in the polls and public meetings, oppose their "agreement". Stakeholders, administration officials meet, H&N, posted to KBC 9/28/10.(Family Farm Alliance executive director) Keppen used the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement as “a specific example of where innovative things were happening,” coordinating water management among many stakeholders, in particular the Klamath Reclamation Project management plan it establishes." (Ruby) Pipeline creates tribal dissent, Indian Country 9/27/10. " At least one of them, the Klamath Tribes – Klamath, Modoc, Yahooskin – cannot support the project because of its impacts on cultural resources... The 42-inch pipeline has an initial capacity of up to 1.5 billion cubic feet per day...The Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit July 30 in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals challenging the project over wildlife concerns." KBRA won’t mean greater local control, Dennis Linthicum, posted to KBC 9/27/10 Justification by Faith, Sunday's Bible verse sent to KBC by Frank Tallerico 9/25/10 Calif. Republican Chairman coming to Siskiyou County on 10/8/10 Klamath Patriot meeting Sept. 21, 6:30pm Triad School First groundwater ordinance hearing set Sept 21, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 9/20/10 Pay attention to what tribal leaders are doing, H&N letter by Raymond Riddle, Madras, posted to KBC 9/20/10. "If you are a tribal member, you should be watching what is going on with the Klamath Tribes." $10 million for drought relief; Klamath Tribes get $1.6 million to develop contingency drought relief plan, H&N, posted to KBC 9/20/10 Another town needs help. Please watch this 20 minute video. We lived this in 2001 when our water was shut off, and other Klamath Basin farmers lived a water shutoff this year. People with water rights signed by the President of the U.S.A. Thanks Awaker on our Discussion Forum for finding this sad story told by Americans on the East Coast being destroyed by environmental groups and the same government agencies. A PROTEST will be held at 9:30 a.m. on the sidewalk of the Siskiyou County Courthouse, in YREKA, this Tuesday morning, Sept. 21, at 9:30 a.m. Meeting on water agreements Oct. 7, posted 9/19/10 ESA requires real repairs, Capital Press editorial posted to KBC 9/19/10 "The Fish and Game", poem by Cowboy Poet Roy Smith, from Pie n Politics, posted to KBC 9/19/10 Legal fights over water permits continue; State wants to combine two cases against Department of Fish and Game, Capital Press, posted to KBC 9/19/10 Tulelake Irrigation District well pumping Sept 9-16
well water levels from 2001 to 9/16/10 Fish and Game, "it's just a little teeth cleaning", POW by Mark Baird, posted 9/19/10. "Mr. Stopher was replaced due to his actions in the attempt to extort and threaten Water Right owners into signing contracts, which would give CDFG control over Water Rights in Siskiyou County." From Frank Tallerico for Sunday Prayer Page 9/19/10 * Klamath Groundwater Page: includes effects of allowing our farmland, a historic lake, to go dry, and effects of selling our aquifer; replacing our stolen stored water with groundwater. Klamath Water and Power special public meeting 9/24/10 Klamath - When the wells run dry. Some Basin residents had to take out loans to deepen their domestic water source, H&N, posted 9/15/10. KBC REMINDER: See photos on top of this website; Klamath Basin was historically a huge lake; we diverted water OUT of the basin and INTO the Klamath River to grow food. Never before has this land gone dry except in 2001, and this year, when the government demanded more water to be diverted INTO the river. EarthTalk: What are the pros and cons of dams? TheE/Environmental Magazine, posted to KBC 9/15/10. "Green groups including American Rivers, Defenders of Wildlife, Earthjustice, the Endangered Species Coalition, Friends of the Earth, National Wildlife Federation and the Sierra Club are pushing the federal government to mandate the removal of four dams along the Snake River in Washington State...The scheduled removal of two century-old dams on the Elwha River in Washington State's Olympic National Park beginning in 2011 may well serve as test cases for larger dam removal projects in the Pacific Northwest and beyond." KBC NOTE: See our KBRA Page; the community comments on our leaders' plans to tear out 4 hydropower dams serving 70,000 households annually. Comments on Klamath River Basin TMDL, to California State Water Resources Control Board by Tom Mallams, President Klamath Off-Project water Users, and Chairman, Klamath Headwater Local Advisory Committee, posted to KBC 9/15/10 More federal funds may be needed for water agreement, H&N, posted to KBC 9/15/10 Notice of hearing to determine cession of criminal jurisdiction to the United States over land know as Lava Beds National Monument, comments by Oct. 6. Return to the Constitution, by Jim Huffman, posted to KBC 9/15/10 State Water Board approves Klamath TMDLs, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 9/14/10 Williamson Act bill passes at end of legislative year, Siskiyou Daily, poSTED TP lbc 9/14/10
Tulelake Class of
Reunion Sept 11 (Siskiyou) County requests venue change in ‘landmark’ water case, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 9/6/10 We ask for peace in the valley, POW/Scott Valley Protect Our Water, posted to KBC 9/6/10 Huge celebration in Fort Jones, posted to KBC 9/6/10. Close to 2000 attended the 150th celebration in Ft Jones. Articles regarding the Klamath Basin drought effects, posted to KBC 090610
RE: Requests for Rate
Increases Pacific Power, letter to Calif. PUC by
Marcia Armstrong,
Siskiyou County Supervisor District 5 9/3/10. "
Farm Bureau calls for careful study of Klamath dams, AgAlert, posted to KBC 9/5/10 Biological opinion key to enough water, by Warren Haught H&N 9/4/10. "Many of our water users consider this to be a preview of the Klamath Basin Reclamation Agreement; insufficient surface water, inadequate funding for land idling, and not enough well water to make up the difference." State to set rules for improving Klamath River water quality; owner of dams sees proposed regulations as flawed and unrealistic, Times Standard 9/4/10
Klamath County Long-Range Strategy Meeting Agenda,
NRCS July 2010 Removing dams and burning wood stupid, H&N by Henry Edwards 9/3/10
Fairgrounds overflows with water rights activists,
Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 9/3/10. "More
than 500 people filled Winema show support
for Protect Our Water – Scott Valley’s efforts to
combat what its membership believes to be an
unconstitutional attempt to control water in the
valley, use of which has traditionally been a
legally adjudicated right of property owners." Letter to Senator Jason Atkinson from Jim Nolan regarding Siskiyou Pacific Crest Monument, posted to KBC 9/3/10. Klamath Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 9/3/10 KBRA heads to ballot, County commissioners agree to have advisory vote in November, H&N 9/1/10 Anti-dam removal group will not appeal, H&N 9/1/10 45 sec. video showing both Savage Rapids and Gold Ray dam removal consequences, video by Dr Richard Gierak. Oregon should reclaim federally owned forests; sixty percent of them are locked beyond reach of local management, Ben Shelton, H&N, posted to KBC 9/1/10 |
Page Updated: Saturday October 30, 2010 01:30 AM Pacific
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