Tulelake Class of 1970 40th Reunion

      Diane Eastman-Shockey is organizing the September 11, 2010 reunion:

[email protected]

     You need to respond to Diane with money by August 30th for dinner reservations.

     We will probably make a list of classmates on this webpage that we haven't located so you can contact Diane with this info. 

     Below is your invitation:

Diane Eastman-Shockey
Diane Eastman-ShockeyJuly 29, 2010 at 8:38pm
Subject: 40th Class reunion
What….it’s the end of July, 2010, already? And some in the Tulelake High School graduating class of 1970 are just now getting out an invitation to have dinner together over the Fair? Oh well…
Anyway, the Tulelake High School Class of 1970 will hold a 40th-year reunion of sorts from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Saturday, September 11th, at the Winema Hunting Lodge in Tulelake. It will be during the Fair so you can reconnect with this happening, too.
This event will be an “open” reunion; all Tulelake High School siblings, friends, and relatives are welcome to attend. There will be dinner with non-alcoholic drink and dessert included. It is allowable to BYOB. Basically, you show up, pay $30.00 per person at the door for the dinner, bring your own alcohol (in moderation, of course), and, if you're a big spender, for your friends. Plan to chat and get caught up, then eat a nice dinner and catch up some more. This will be a fun reconnection for many people and classmates who haven’t had the time in the past now have an opportunity. Please come! We need to get a head count so please respond to this email as soon as possible (in Class of ’70 time it is sometime before the event but preferably by August 30th!).
There are motel rooms at the Lodge and the Ellis Motel in Tule as well as motels in Klamath Falls:

Winema Lodge
Shilo Inn Suites Hotel
http://www.facebook.com/l/c5b22YYYoT2pVurCrF_VF8OLHDw;www.shiloinns.com - (541) 885-7980
Maverick Motel
http://www.facebook.com/l/c5b22Rw064u50gE5l8W4cqQTFlg;www.maverickmotel.com (541) 882-6688
Quality Inn
http://www.facebook.com/l/c5b22Nj9AKjJGoOyL9k7yhpO2zw;www.qualityinn.com (541) 882-4666
Days Inn
http://www.facebook.com/l/c5b22Z0ljCNyKfZV_oxZU8iNTTg;www.daysinn.com - (541) 882-8864
Running Y Resort
http://www.facebook.com/l/c5b22eE2X6-VRS8iI6__4n9bU5g;www.runningy.com - (541) 850-5500

Pass this on to anyone that may have been missed and see you there!