![]() Dam removal across the West a growing concern, H&N plus Mallam's correction 12/4/16. "Local commissioners are drafting a letter in opposition to the potential removal of dams within the Columbia River Basin following their own frustrations with Klamath River dam removal...within the KBRA closed door meetings, the dam removal conversations did not focus only on the 4 lower dams on the Klamath River. The conversations widened periodically to include the need for the Keno Dam to be removed, and then expand dam removal even farther to include the Columbia and Snake River Dams.
Commissioners set town hall on monument expansion,
H&N 10/26/16 (6 p.m. Nov. 1 in the
commissioners’ boardroom), followed by Monument
expansion sets local hearing; Opinions sought on
proposal to double size of Cascade-Siskiyou National
“ 'I want everyone to have the opportunity to speak
their mind,' said Klamath County Commissioner Tom
Mallams. 'We were left out in Klamath County, we want to
make sure all interested parties have a chance to
speak'....Mallams cited concerns such as forest
management practices ceasing that will add to potential
fire fuels, elimination or reduction of grazing
allotments, water rights issues and timber harvest
reductions that could all have negative impacts on local
Vote no on removing
Klamath River dams,
H&N letter to editor by Klamath County Commissioner Tom
Mallams 10/23/16.
"Ballots are in the mail,
and now is the time for each and every voter to cast
their individual vote...This advisory ballot finally
allows the citizens of Klamath County to have the
opportunity to voice their opinion on the proposed
removal of the four Klamath River dams. If you are a
voter, you should exercise your right to vote no to dam
want you to believe this is nothing more than a private
property issue. If this is really about private property
rights, and Warren Buffet actually wants the dams to
come out, then let him pay for it. Why should the
rate-payers and taxpayers pay that bill?..." Klamath County Commissioner Tom Mallams letter to Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley opposing Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument expansion 10/14/16. "...The 2.1 million acres Owyhee Canyonlands, the 500,000 Crater Lake Wilderness Area, and now the Cascade Siskiyou National Monument expansion are just some of the recent attempts to expand this gigantic overreach in our area. If this proposal moves forward, the economic impact will be devastating for Klamath County and our neighbors Jackson and Siskiyou Counties..." Voters at last have voice on dam removal, Tom Mallams, Klamath County Commissioner Letter to the editor of H&N 9/3/16. "I still find it extremely troubling that a few dam removal supporters and PacifiCorp went to such great lengths in their attempt to prevent voters from having their voices heard..."
Mallams deserves to be re-elected,
by Martin and Shirley Kerns, H&N
letter 5/3/16 Good examples of Mallams' leadership, by Carol LeQuieu, H&N letter 5/8/16 Mallams has integrity, courage, commitment, by Gus deVries, H&N letter 5/3/16 Klamath County Commissioners' letter to FERC regarding Klamath Dam Relicensing Project 3/23/16. "The Klamath County Board of Commissioners is extremely concerned over the possible Klamath River Dam relicensing versus removal process...There have been numerous studies completed with again, contentious, debatable results..." Mallams recall effort fails, H&N, 12/24/15
Mallams files for 2016 election, H&N, posted to KBC 10/30/15.
It's really about taking private property
through administrative fiat, by Oregon Senator Doug
Whitsett, District 28, 10/22/15 Newsletter. "Regardless of
media accusations and name calling, it appears that (Klamath
County Commissioner) Tom Mallams has remained within his
statutory rights..." Mallams: water use allowed during appeal, H&N, guest commentary by Klamath County Commissioner Tom Mallams, posted to KBC 10/5/15. "Recently, a certain reporter accused me of breaking the law and ignoring water shutoff notices. The law allows all water users, including myself, to challenge an incorrect regulation order and prove that my well does not interfere with earlier priority surface water uses. All regulation orders have been “stayed” while I seek judicial review, allowing water use while the court decides my case.I believe in obeying the laws of the land, and no, I am certainly not above the law. I also believe in the right to protest and challenge unjust laws and regulation including unjust administrative rules."
Mallams is right in fight with state, by
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, guest writer
for H&N, 10/7/15. "County
Commissioner Tom Mallams should be
congratulated for his leadership in opposing
the Oregon Water Resources Department’s (OWRD)
heavy-handed and arguably unauthorized
regulation of irrigation wells, by
administrative fiat."
Mallams: water use allowed during appeal, H&N, guest commentary by Klamath County Commissioner Tom Mallams, posted to KBC 10/5/15. "Recently, a certain reporter accused me of breaking the law and ignoring water shutoff notices. The law allows all water users, including myself, to challenge an incorrect regulation order and prove that my well does not interfere with earlier priority surface water uses. All regulation orders have been “stayed” while I seek judicial review, allowing water use while the court decides my case.I believe in obeying the laws of the land, and no, I am certainly not above the law. I also believe in the right to protest and challenge unjust laws and regulation including unjust administrative rules." Mallams to run for second term, Commissioner subject of recall effort, H&N, posted to KBC 10/5/15. "Last week Ilo and Melissa Ferroggiaro (owners of Laughing Lotus Farms, a medical marijuana dispensary) filed a recall petition...Daugherty said recall petitions and petitions to overturn the ban on county marijuana sales will be available to sign...(Mallams) noted those needing medical marijuana will still have access to it at shops within the city of Klamath Falls."Interview with Klamath County Commissioner Tom Mallams on the Bill Meyer Show 3/25/15, 7:12 a.m., 1440 KMED AM Medford Oregon. Mallams explains three Oregon Senate Bills presented in Salem regarding the controversial Klamath Basin dam removal "agreements". He said 2/3s of those at the hearing and in the Klamath Basin oppose these agreements that downsize agriculture, remove three Klamath River hydroelectric dams, and control well water use.
One fix for Basin water issues may not exist.
Multiple smaller ideas could prove to be a better long-term
solution by Tom Mallams for H&N 2/15/15. "After
reading the article “Fatally Flawed,” and the extremely negative
letter penned by Dan Keppen mentioned in it, speaking as one
Klamath County commissioner, I feel a response is in order." God bless Tom Mallams for hearing room slogan, letter to the editor of Herald and News by Jack Faulkner, Klamath Falls, posted to KBC 1/26/15. Irrigation water block is no guarantee for Basin by Tom Mallams Klamath County Commissioner for Herald and News 12/16/14. "In the Dec. 13 Herald and News, I was incorrectly quoted as saying there is a “guaranteed” block of water for Project irrigators in the proposed water agreements. I have never said this. I have consistently said they only “claim” or “attempt” to have a guaranteed block of water for Project irrigators..."
Council votes to back water pact with letter.
3-2 vote will send document before congressional
debate, H&N, posted to KBC 12/7/14. * Klamath County Commissioners' Special Work Session VIDEO from November 21: http://www.viddler.com/v/27e3aca2 This meeting included public comment regarding the commissioners sending the following joint letter to the U.S. Senate regarding the Klamath Agreements, and the commissioners' responses. Commissioners make good on election vows. H&N letter to the editor by Loren and Laura Little, Chiloquin, posted to KBC 11/30/14 Joint letter from Klamath County Commissioners and Siskiyou County Supervisors opposing SB2379 - Klamath River Dam Removal and Klamath "Agreements", posted to KBC 11/30/14. "The Commissioners of Klamath County, Oregon, and the Supervisors of Siskiyou County, California -- the elected officials representing two thirds of the Klamath River Watershed -- strongly oppose Senate Bill 2379...."
County, state tussle over water regulations;
works director to sit on water advisory,
H&N, posted to KBC 9/20/14.
Why Willamette Valley farmers should watch Klamath Falls' water rights fight, Statesman Journal, posted to KBC 5/10/14. "The agency identified 130 wells (including Mallams) that could interfere with surface water sources, meaning he and other farmers could lose both sources of water this summer. 'You virtually cannot prove there isn’t interference because of the way they did the modeling,' Mallams said. 'I am considered guilty unless I prove myself innocent and I cannot prove myself innocent.' For Whitsett, that means the OWRD can do the same thing to any watershed in Oregon." VIDEO - Kate Marquis, proponent of a county charter with an administrator and placing Klamath County Commissioners on part-time duty, vs Klamath County Commissioner Tom Mallams, supporting keeping full time commissioners. posted 2/14/14. KBC Note: When the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement was formed, all three Klamath Commissioners supported the controversial dam removal agreement. Thereafter Klamath County elected three new commissioners who oppose the "agreement." Many supporting the KBRA are trying to lessen the power of the commissioners by forming a charter with a non-elected official running the county. Proposed charter would be more costly to public; simple math reveals health benefits, travel costs all add up to make county administrator expensive, guest commentary by Tom Mallams, Klamath County Commissioner, H&N, posted to KBC 1/21/14 An alternative Klamath Task Force, interview by Jefferson Public Radio with Tom Mallams, Klamath County Commissioner, posted 10/10/13. 10/2/13 - The following response is regarding the NEW Klamath Task Force
article written by Lee Juillerat from Herald and News 10/1/13: Mallams: Ethics complaint was for harassment. Commission determines there was no merit to ethics violation claim about county proclamation, H&N, posted to KBC 9/17/13 Ethics commission takes no action against Tom Mallams (letter from commission at bottom of PDF link) 9/10/13 Ethics complaint against Mallams, H&N 9/10/13. 9/9/13 - Klamath Irrigation District filed a complaint with the Oregon Government Ethics Commission against Klamath County Commissioner Tom Mallams. Mallams responds, "...This effort is an obvious vain attempt to harass me, as an elected official, trying to defame and slander me personally for pure political motives..."
Klamath water agreement won't deliver what is needed, by Klamath County Commissioner Tom Mallams, Medford Mail Tribune posted to KBC 6/3/13, FOLLOWED BY: Klamath commissioner inflames water dispute, by Gary Derry and Luke Robison, Medford Mail Tribune.
Response to commentary about Klamath County Commissioner Tom Mallams, letter to H&N by David Oxley, Klamath Falls, 5/26/13
Mallams, Bellet next commissioners, H&N 11/7/12. "Mallams and Bellet both took tough stances against the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement." Mallams won the election by 72.55%, Bellet ran unopposed. A united population leads a vital change; voters and citizens need to be kept informed, H&N 10/28/12 by Tom Mallams, guest writer "I continue to oppose Klamath Dam Removal and the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement because they are literally surrender agreements. ...The KBRA started out as a noble effort to solve many of our local water issues but in the end, it simply does not deliver. There is no certainty of water for agriculture, there is no protection from the Endangered Species Act, there is no protection from the biological opinions and there is no affordable power for irrigated agriculture." Outside funds trying to influence (Klamath) elections H&N letter by Tom Mallams 10/27/10. "On the Sustainable Northwest 2008, 990 federal tax return it shows that in that 12-month period, the organization spent $447,158 on Klamath Basin issues. Of that, $63,835 went to a local upper Basin irrigator (Becky Hyde) for “consulting” fees."
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