Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

From: Zabinsky, Ben@Waterboards [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 6:50 PM
To: Baker, Andrew@Waterboards; Blatt, Fred@Waterboards; Creager, Clayton@Waterboards; [email protected]; Fitzgerald, Rebecca@Waterboards; Jovita Pajarillo; Kuszmar, David@Waterboards; Leland, David@Waterboards; Lundborg, Holly@Waterboards; McFadin, Bryan@Waterboards; Neely, Mark@Waterboards; Olson, Samantha@Waterboards; Samuel P Magill; St.John, Matt@Waterboards
Subject: North Coast Regional Water Board Agricultural Program Update

Dear North Coast Stakeholder Advisory Group: (Meeting Schedules)

We had planned to deliver the next version of the Program Scope and Framework document by today, but are still in the process of finalizing the document. We will send it out to the group by email early next week. Our apologies for the delay.

Upcoming Meeting Schedule
The next step in the Program development process is to discuss and develop specific permitting conditions. These permitting conditions will provide the specific regulatory mechanisms for the Program Scope and Framework. At least two weeks prior to the meeting dates listed below, a staff draft of proposed permitting conditions will be released for your review and comment. The meeting schedule for the stakeholder subgroups is as follows (additional meeting materials and location information will be released with the permitting conditions):

· Sonoma/ Mendocino: October 15 (Ukiah or Santa Rosa TBD)

· Humboldt/Trinity/Del Norte: October 18 (Eureka or Crescent City)

· Tulelake/Butte Valley: October 23 (Tulelake); a tour of TID facilities and operations will be held for everyone available the same afternoon.

· Scott/Shasta/Upper Mid Klamath: October 24 (Yreka)

Upcoming Yreka Board Meeting

The Program will also be the subject of an informational update at the Regional Water Board meeting in Yreka on October 4th; all interested individuals are welcome to attend. An agenda and Board meeting information will be sent out in advance of the 4th.

Thank you for your continued commitment to the Program development process. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. We look forward to seeing you in October!


Ben Zabinsky

Water Resources Control Engineer

North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board


[email protected]






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