COME TO JOSEPH. Oregon Freedom
with Jim Beers, by Jim Beers, posted
On Saturday 5 May there will be a Symposium in
Joseph, Oregon. The meeting is sponsored by the
Oregon Freedom Alliance, a group of residents of
NE Oregon. Look for Joseph in the upper right
corner (the NE) of Oregon nestled amidst
Wilderness Areas, National Forests, Indian
Reservations, and phenomena like the Wallowa
Mountains and the Hell's Canyon of the Snake
River. What would appear to be an idyllic location
is in fact a target of contentious forces coming
together like one of those tornado cloud systems
so photographed by storm-chasers from Texas to
South Dakota.
While no one can be thought to be "passing
through" Joseph on a trip (you have to want to go
there to be there) I would like you to think about
coming to Joseph on Saturday 5 May and listen to
the Oregon Freedom Alliance and some invited
speakers discussing what was, what is, and what is
reputedly in store for the people of Wallowa
County, Oregon. Your humble correspondent plans on
being there and I always enjoy meeting folks and
discussing what I write about and what I have yet
to learn.
Consider what is being wrought on this corner of
Being home to several large National Forests and a
very large Wilderness Area the changes wrought
with road closures, "studies", "permits", and
increasing presence of Federal bureaucracies has
been as intense here as anywhere else in the West.
The National Forests in this part of the world
have already closed down roads throughout the
Forests based largely on the Urban Environmental
Mandates increasingly accepted by the US Forest
Service in recent years. The rate of road closures
and destruction (meaning also paths, trails, old
log skids, and everything in between) is now being
ratcheted up under the US Forest Service rubric
"Travel Management Plan" that has nothing to do
with "Expedia-dot-com". This is a thinly disguised
shut-down of nearly all Forest access (and egress
for things like big game carcasses or firewood or
camping gear etc.) in order to attain maximum
grizzly bear densities as they spread out of
Yellowstone across Idaho and into Oregon.
Just as happened as Vietnam was wound down and
during Watergate, Congress and the President will
divert and assuage our critical attention by
inundating us with "feel-good"
environmental/animal legislation that, like Canada
Thistle seeds in a clover field, will wreak
increasing harm the longer they go untreated. The
nightmare of environmental/animal laws of the
early 1970's is being repeated by a
just-introduced bill I can describe no other way
(and be honest) than "legislative porn". This bill
is called the Northern Rockies Ecosystem
Protection Act of 2007. It:
Declares 20,572,147 acres of the northern Rockies
as Wilderness.
Designates 1,810 acres of Wild, Scenic, and
Recreational Rivers.
Establishes a system of Biological Linkage
Refers to establishing "core wildlands".
Refers to the Rockies as a "functioning ecological
Creates jobs by restoring damage caused by "Unwise
resource extraction processes".
Removes "unneeded" roads.
Restores "native" vegetation.
"Rejuvenates" "Native fisheries and wildlife".
Establishes a new federal zone called "Special
management Zones".
** "Adds two units to the National Park System,
one of which will be a
1,439,444 acre Hells Canyon - Chief Joseph
National park & Preserve Study Area where (like a
similar newly established Park "Preserve" debacle
in the California desert two years ago) "hunting,
fishing, and firewood gathering and 'some'
motorized uses continue". Just as this has proven
a nightmare for the few rural residents and
Sheriff's Department and resource users in the
California "Preserve" the inexorable intentions of
National park Service personnel, policies, and
history will spell eventual demise for everyone
and every natural resource use and management
within the confines of this Congressional
"feel-goodie" that will divert Bostonians and
Chicagoans from thinking about terror or
Afghanistan or real societal needs. The impression
that once again our politicians have given us
something for nothing by taking it away from
someone we don't know or care about will make us
all vote for the same bum again.
Wolves will and are spreading into Oregon through
these mountains. Watchdogs, hunting dogs, working
dogs and pets will all be in increasing jeopardy.
Stock from cattle and sheep to horses and emus
will all be increasingly difficult and more
expensive to care for and maintain. Bird hunters
and rabbit hunters will disappear as the use of
dogs diminishes after attacks and killings.
Diseases like brucellosis and anthrax and chronic
wasting disease will be an increasing hazard from
the wolves but be unverifiable by vets or
bureaucrats. Rural residents will increasingly let
kids play outside and grandchildren and others
will visit less frequently. Camping will become
more problematic and even fishing will be a
worrisome pursuit for many. Big game animals and
hunting will diminish and while bureaucrats blame
everything from global warming to some indefinable
disease or some population "imbalance", when the
big game animals are all but gone a healthy wolf
population will be forced to find new food sources
or die.
Grizzlies are spreading into and across Idaho. The
Forest Service planning alone tells us that the
Federal (and state) bureaucrats intend for
grizzlies to either be planted in or spread into
NE Oregon. Everything said above about wolves
applies in spades to grizzly bears except the
danger to humans and the impact on big game are
much greater. Grizzly bear danger doesn't just
increase with hunger. Even more than wolves,
familiarity with people that either run from them
or do not threaten them breeds an aggressiveness
and deadly behavior that was first documented by
Lewis and Clark in Montana where grizzlies that
saw them ran toward them and attacked with no
compunction at all.
So there you have it - Wilderness; "Native
species" jihads; "Native fish and wildlife"
proposals; wolves, the National Park Service;
grizzly bears; a Park "Preserve"; Endangered
Species enforcement by US Fish and Wildlife
Service; Federal politicians in need of "feel-good
diversions for urban voters; state bureaucracies
that quietly do Federal bidding for money, a
classic urban/rural state where everything from
hunting and logging to fishing and ranching and
gun control and more Federal presence is a
knock-down-dragout fight between urban and rural
voters; and a Federal bureaucracy that is playing
this Congress/President political confrontation
like a fiddle ("psst, guess what 'they' want to
do" and "they cut this and that so why don't you
'guys' propose it or hold a hearing" and "don't
forget me when you guys win the next election" are
not uncommon remarks on after-hours Washington
phones these days).
So thanks to Osama and Saddam we have a Washington
political climate like the "Perfect Storm" and we
have politicians in need of justification and
bureaucrats in need of money and power and a place
like Joseph in the crosshairs. You wouldn't think
it to look at the map but there it is. While NGO's
and urban yuppies salivate at "getting more" and
bureaucrats are refiguring retirements with all
the increases this will bring, the people of NE
Oregon are trying to make sense of it and to
understand what they need to do.
They are going to begin working at it (like North
Dakota farmers with easements, and Maine hunters
threatened by TNC, and Connecticut retirees trying
to save their town from lying Federal and state
bureaucrats, and Florida outdoor folks sifting
through all the government lies associated with
"Everglades Restoration" and phantom Ivory-billed
Woodpeckers, and New Mexico ranchers faced with
ravaging wolves, and Texas Exotic Wildlife Owners
and Texas Cockfighters, and Colorado irrigators
fighting Endangered species excesses, and Colorado
ranchers threatened with a huge Defense expansion
when the Federal government already owns similar
lands all over the West - I could go on here but
space is limited and my wife has just told me that
dinner is ready) and if you are in the
neighborhood maybe you might have some suggestions
or maybe you might learn something beneficial to
your home ground.
What is planned for Saturday 5 may in Joseph,
Oregon is something Norman Rockwell would have
been proud to paint. Stop by and get in the
Jim Beers
26 April 2007
- If you found this worthwhile, please share it
with others. Thanks.
- This article and other recent articles by Jim
Beers can be found at (Jim Beers Common
- Jim Beers is available for consulting or to
speak. Contact:
[email protected]
- Jim Beers is a retired US Fish & Wildlife
Service Wildlife Biologist, Special Agent, Refuge
Manager, Wetlands Biologist, and Congressional
Fellow. He was stationed in North Dakota,
Minnesota, Nebraska, New York City, and Washington
DC. He also served as a US Navy Line Officer in
the western Pacific and on Adak, Alaska in the
Aleutian Islands. He has worked for the Utah Fish
& Game, Minneapolis Police Department, and as a
Security Supervisor in Washington, DC. He
testified three times before Congress; twice
regarding the theft by the US Fish & Wildlife
Service of $45 to 60 Million from State fish and
wildlife funds and once in opposition to expanding
Federal Invasive Species authority. He resides in
Centreville, Virginia with his wife of many