Land and Water
Posted to KBC 5/19/04
Research and interpretation by: Penny Jarvis and
Tony Putman.
Article produced by: Ed Cushman
The current furor in this part of Oregon these
days is about the Klamath Tribes wanting to get
their reservation lands back and retaining water
rights. This is just one small part of a much
larger and ongoing effort that few know about or
fully understand. We can only touch on some of
the high points of this plan and explore just a
few of these little known topics in the space
available here as this is an incredibly
complicated situation.
Why should we be concerned about all of this?
Because it ultimately could result in us being
herded into archipelagoes, or islands of human
settlements, removed from our little plots of
land here in the valley that we thought we
owned. Link #1
(a) (b)
This undoubtably sounds ridiculous and absurd
and I can hear you say, "we own this land, we
paid for it!" Yes you did pay, however if you'll
notice on your deed, it says, "...having
received from the Beneficiary under said
Trust Deed..."
Under this "Trust" arraignment, we do not
actually own this land. Nor does the Klamath
Tribe own their land and never will. This Trust
Deed system of government began in this area in
1864, with the treaty of the Klamath Tribes and
for all other inhabitants I917. Link #2
With the signing of the Charter of the United
Nations in 1948, this condition became permanent
with U.S. Membership.
( The footnotes that you've already noticed
scattered through this text provide the source
documents and instruments which provide the
background for what we're presenting here. These
documents form the basis of credibility for this
presentation. With out these documents, you'd
have to take our word for it, which I'm sure
you're not about to do. You must read these
documents with your own eyes.)
We're not educated scalars in political science
and ecology. We're the folks next door who
stumbled onto something that caught our eye and
we wanted to know more. What is being put forth
here is not the opinion of Tony and Penny, nor
myself. We are just attempting to lay this all
out in a form that can be understood by our
friends and neighbors. This is the result of
over 5 years of research and investigation by
Penny and Tony, in an effort to understand this
plan. Bear with us and take a look at these
references. It's all laid out here for you to
see for yourself.
Let's take a look at the real water story, the
one that isn't generally understood by the
public. This part of Oregon has water flowing
from surrounding mountains into rivers. The
water from the mountains around our valley flows
into the Sprague River. The Sprague flows into
the Williamson, which in turn flows into Klamath
Lake. This whole network is called the "Klamath
Head Waters Ecoregion, as set forth by the
International Union for the Conservation of
Nature. Link #3
(c) This is also the group doing the
research for the Klamath Tribes. They were
accredited by the United Nations in 1946. We
fall under the "Wild Lands Project." Water is
the foundation of life and the foundation of
life for every other living species. Under their
plan we must give up our land in order to
improve the water for the endangered species. We
ALL live in one small portion of the many
biosphere reserves - wilderness areas, or
interconnected areas of core reserves and zones
of cooperation. Under this plan, (anthropogenic
background conditions) "humans" are not
permitted to live in these areas because we are
the basis of this pollution. Link #4
What few are aware of is that what we think of
as "our land" is not in fact our land. It is in
fact already an International Biosphere
Reserve. Link #5
Work toward this end began in 1947 by UNESCO. So
far, UNESCO has designated 440 biospheres in 97
countries, 47 being in the U.S. UNESCO is the
United Nations Educational Scientific and
Cultural Organization.
This biosphere reserve program was created to
remove pollution from the Earth. Humans are the
main source of this pollution and the program's
intent is to ultimately reduce the population to
a lower level thereby allowing the Earth's
natural systems to repair itself. How does this
affect the community of the Sprague River
Valley? The ultimate goal of the Biosphere
program is to remove everyone from the core and
buffer areas to the human settlements.
Because we do not own the land, we're
susceptible to the laws, rules, regulations and
procedures of the true owner of this land - the
United Nations. Link #6
Getting back to UNESCO's U.S. Biosphere plan's
Wilderness Act, it is defined as "A wilderness
in contrast with those areas where man and his
own works dominate the landscape, is here by
recognized as an area where the earth and it's
community of life are untrammeled by man, where
man himself s a visitor who does not remain."
The Sprague River and the Williamson River are
"core wilderness areas." The wet and dry land
meadows that are connected to these rivers are
also "core wilderness areas" where "man is just
a visitor." Like it or not, we fall under this
Biosphere plan. We've unknowingly been under
this plan and it's implications since 1964 under
President Johnson. Link #7
(d) Under the Biosphere Plan, the
pre-conceived standards are such that we cannot
become compliant with them no matter how hard we
might try. We could not afford to bring our
lands up to their standards. In addition, their
standards are such that it is impossible for us,
as land owners, to meet them. Fines for
non-compliance can amount to as much as $5,000
per day. It is a no-win situation, and you
didn't even know anything about this plan!
There are so many rules and regulations that
have been implemented behind our backs that is
virtually impossible for the average land owner
to know, understand, abide by or implement them.
They don't want you to know all of this. They
have constructed this plan so that they can do
virtually anything that suits their fancy and
you can't win. In addition, their plan is to
reduce the overall population of Oregon.
Because of the complexity of the laws and
regulations, it is impossible to list all of the
support documents, instruments and presidential
orders here so that you may better understand
and believe what we are presenting here. If you
are able to go on-line on the internet, you'll
find this same page at:
& water.htm. Being that you will already be on
the internet, by clicking on each foot note, you
will be instantly taken to the actual document
we are referring to.
We acknowledge the fact that this is a very
complicated scenario and is difficult to
grasp. They've designed it this way. You are not
supposed to know what they are up to. It's taken
Tony and Penny 5 years to begin to understand it
Note: The International Biosphere Reserve has 3
phases. They are now in their 3rd and final
phase. (1) The Northern California Coastal
Forest Ecoregion; (2) The Klamath-Siskiyou
Ecoregion; (3) The Klamath Basin Headwaters
Ecoregion. These three Ecoregions, when joined
together are a single International Biosphere
Reserve (IBR). Subject to International
Environmental Governance.
FOOTNOTES - This information is for educational
purposes only.
Link 1.
(a). Explanation of Biodiversity Treaty &
Wildlands Project, by Michael S. Coffman, Ph.D.,
for property.
(b). The Wildlands Project.
(c). Will have to be entered later.
Link 2.
(a). Treaty with the Klamath tribe, etc.., 1864
(Article 1.) Will have to type in URL address.
(b). (no web address found) H.R.4960,
Chapter106, Sec.6., October 6,1917.
(c). (no web address found) H.R.1491, Chapter 1,
Sec.2 (b)., March 9, 1933.
(d). Charter of the United Nations, Chapter XII,
International Trusteeship system, Articles
Link 3.
(a). The IUCN: from the UN to your backyard,
Sovereignty International, 1998.
(b). A Phase I Inventory of current EPA Efforts
to protect Ecosystems, Klamath Basin 1995.
(c). Klamath Headwaters Agricultural Water
Quality Management Area Plan (AG WQMAP), page 9,
"geographic area and physical setting. Also,
page 10, "map" also pages 11-17.
(will have to type in URL)
Link 4. (a). (IBID) The IUCN
(b). Klamath Falls invisible foe, By Henry Lamb,
July 23, 2001.
(c). Yesterdays People: going, going, gone. (Wildlands
Project becomes a reality in North Carolina)
8/15/01, By Henry Lamb. North Carolina Map
SHOCKING this could be you!
(d). Wildlands Project
(e). (IBID) The IUCN Explanation of the
Biodiversity Treaty..., "What do core reserves
and corridors really mean".
Link 5.
(a). Strategic Plan for the U.S. Biosphere
Reserve Program, 1994, Executive
Summary-Introduction-Value of Biosphere
(b). Conservation and Management of
Biodiversity, the Protection of Natural
(c). Government Control over Private Land
Expanding at all levels - Planned UN biosphere
reserve for Klamath, November 13, 2002, By Bill
Moshofsky (You will have to type in the URL
(d). Global Biodiversity Strategy: Guidlines for
Action to save, study, and use earths Biotic
Wealth, Sustainability and Equitably. (Second
paragraph). (Authors: WRI, IUCN, UNESCO.).
(e). (IBID) Explaination of Biodiversity Treaty
(f). (IBID) Wildlands Project: Incredible,
(g). Northern California Coastal Forest
(h). Klamath - Siskiyou Conservation Assessment.
(See: Dr. Reed Noss and Dr. Jim Strittholt of
(i). Klamath - Siskiyou Forest Ecoregion
(j). A Science - Based Conservation Assessment
for the Klamath -Siskiyou Ecoregion.
(k). Klamath - Siskiyou Private Lands
Conservation Assessment.
(l). Environmental Protection Agency's office of
Wetlands, Oceans, & Watersheds, "The Klamath
Basin Ecosystem".
(m). International Environmental Governance; An
International Regime for Protected Areas (IUCN
Environmental Law Program, 2004).
Link 6
(a). (IBID) Charter, U.N., International
(b). Agenda 21, Chapter 26.
(c). International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights: Part I, Article 1. (1) - (3).
might have to type in URL.
(d). (IBID) Sustainable Management of Headwaters
(e). Sustainable Management of Headwater
Resources Introduction, paragraphs 3-5.
(f). Narobi "Headwater" Declaration for the
International Year of Freshwater 2003, (sections
5 & 18 of interest).might have to type in URL.
(g). Federal Register: January 13, 1999 (volume
64, number *), The Presidents Council on
Sustainable Development, Action: Notice.,
Summary: (second paragraph). Page 2260, second
paragraph. Executive Summary (vision statement).
Introduction: The Journey, paragraphs 1-4. might
have to type in URL.
(h). Executive Order: Preserve America.
(i). Presidents Forest Plan (Pacific
(j). H.R. 1105, Northern Rockies Ecosystem
Protection Act, Sections 603-605.
Click on link. Bill number type H.R. 1105, Click
Search, Scroll down to Sec. 603, and click on
(k). National Forest Ecosystem Protection Act of
2002, Section 4 (b). Section 6 (a) 1 - 3. Click
on link. Bill number type H.R. 652, Click
Search, Scroll down to Sec. 4.
(l). (1), Executive Order 13084, 2nd paragraph
"unfunded mandates".Scroll down to Ex. Or. 13084
and click on it. (2),
(IBID) Executive Order 12866, Sections 1 (a), 1
(b), 1b(1) (2) (8).
(m). Strengthening Protected Areas
(n). Biosphere Reserves, Cultural Diversity and
Indigenous Peoples
(o). The Klamath Tribes Economic Self
Sufficiency Plan
(p). Klamath Forest Reservation Plan (i.e.
Klamath reservation forest plan) see: INFISH,
Interforest, LLC, Northwest Forest Plan, Buffer
Zones, nothing really done by the Tribe.
Link 7.
(a). Public Law 88-577 (16 U.S.C.
1131-1136), 88th Congress, September 3, 1964,
The Wilderness Act, (definition).
(b) Forest History Society: 1964 Wilderness Act.
(President Johnson) will have to type in URL
(c)(IBID) Klamath Reservation Forest Plan.
(d). Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan.
Link 8.
(IBID) AgWQMAP. Page 39 (7 - 9)
Link 9.
(IBID) Planned UN biosphere reserve for Klamath.
Comments, Questions?
You can contact Penny and Tony at: [email protected]