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The Trinity River

Bureau of Reclamation Press Release: Reclamation to Increase Releases from Lewiston Dam to the Trinity River for Tribal Ceremony and Lower Klamath Flow Augmentation, 8/23/13.

Klamath Salmon: big fall chinook return combined with drought sparks concerns about fish die-offs, 8/23/13 CBB. "...fisheries managers expect the second-largest run of chinook on record to begin arriving..."

Judge approves Trinity River releases (on August 22), H&N 8/23/13.

"Fall releases of Trinity R. water at levels greater than pre-Trinity Dam years, is too risky for a fish kill," letter from Don Meamber, restoration award winner from North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Klamath River Basin Fisheries Task Force, to Bureau of Reclamation Mr. Reck, posted to KBC 8/9/13.


West-Valley Farmers Sue Feds Over Salmon Protection Plans (elevated Trinity River flows), Fresno Bee 8/8/13.

"Fall releases of Trinity R. water at levels greater than pre-Trinity Dam years, is too risky for a fish kill," letter from Don Meamber, restoration award winner from North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Klamath River Basin Fisheries Task Force, to Bureau of Reclamation Mr. Reck, posted to KBC 8/9/13.

Trinity water release planned,  BOR hopes to prevent fish kill by supplementing flows, H&N 8/8/13

Trinity flows to hit 4-decade high by Alex Breitler, Record Searchlight, posted to KBC April 30, 2005 Commentary preceding article by Barb Hall, Klamath Bucket Brigade.

Council steers away from Trinity water shift, Times Standard 4/19/05.

Trinity River restoration will flow on, H&N 11/10/04

Appeals court won't reconsider Trinity decision, Times-Standard 11/10/04.  (The Trinity River fish that died in 2002 from a disease that indians are blaming Trinity farmers for killing,  are the same fish that they continue to blame on Klamath Project irrigation 200 miles away. Since the construction of the Klamath Project, the river has 30% higher flows -- KBC)

Trinity flows will jump to help Klamath, Times Standard 8/21/04.
Feds release water to prevent Klamath salmon kill, 8/21/04, KATU 2 Portland, OR.

Letter by a San Joaquin Valley farmer, Times-Standard 4/27/04, Flexibility required for meaningful Trinity River restoration

5/3/04  From Times Standard: The 9th Circuit has ordered more water to be sent down the river this year. A schedule for water releases has been set. Flows will begin ramping up beginning May 4 to 2,500 cubic feet per second by May 6. They will climb to 6,000 cfs by May 16 and held there until May 25. Flows will gradually scale back to 2,000 cfs by June 18 and reach summer flows of 450 cfs by July 22. The document can be found at http://www.usbr.gov/mp/ncao/ Click on projects/activities/documents, then on Trinity River, then on restoration. Comments must be sent by June 22, 2004, to Russell Smith, Bureau of Reclamation, P.O. Box 723, Shasta, CA 96087, by fax at 530-275-2441, or via e-mail to: [email protected] r.gov.





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