Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
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Pioneer Press, Fort Jones, California Wednesday, 11/1/06 Vets’ Parade is Saturday
By Liz Bowen, Pioneer Press Assistant Editor in Fort Jones, California
ETNA – “Freedom is not free,” is the theme of
the annual Veterans’ Parade that will be held at
11 a.m.
Bud Simas will serve as grand marshal and the
American Legion Parry Harris Post #260 will lead
the parade carrying the colors.
Those participating in the parade will be
organized by the Scott Valley Rotary at the Etna
High School at 10 a.m. So far more than 20
entries have been received.
Mike Bryan, who is a local rancher and a
veteran, will serve as announcer on Etna’s Main
Be sure to show support for veterans of the U.S.
Armed Forces on Nov. 4, by attending the parade
in Etna.
Attention: Those who have addresses of soldiers
serving in the U.S. military are invited to send
them to the Pioneer Press this next week. We
will publish them, so other family and friends
can send cards and letters of support. Email: [email protected] |
Page Updated: Thursday May 07, 2009 09:14 AM Pacific
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