"Most of
Bingham’s work and all of (Glen) Spain’s were
funded through grants and contracts that could
only go through a 501(c)(3) non-profit – which
was IFR. If fishermen along the Pacific Coast
want to thank someone for their good seasons,
they can thank God for the wet winters and good
oceanic conditions, thank
Earthjustice for suing the bastards to
protect the fish and get better river flows, and
thank IFR for providing fishermen the
wherewithal to fight for their fish and their
From Fishermen's News of July, 2003
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Grader, Glen Spain, Natasha Benjamin, Nicole Brown
This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Institute for
Fisheries Resources (IFR). Okay, so what is it? What has it
done? Why should any of you care? To understand all of this, and
also why this non-profit, non-governmental conservation
organization (NGO) is so important to fishermen, let’s go back
to the 1980’s with a little history.
“Why can’t we get grants to do fishery education and public
outreach?” “Why can’t fishermen get contracts to do fishery
research and restoration?” “How come the environmental groups
and others can get funds to address fish conservation issues and
we can’t?” Those were just some of the questions raised at
Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations’ (PCFFA)
Board meetings and meetings of other fishing groups during the
1980’s. With so much to do, fishermen were frustrated that their
own organizations barely had enough money from dues or
assessments just to address issues with fishing regulations,
never mind any of those bigger environmental problems affecting
fish stocks and fishing communities.
The problem was that most fishing groups are organized as
non-profit trade associations, which is fine when lobbying for
legislation or addressing fish regulations, or even setting up
services which many organizations provide their members, such as
special rates on the purchase of everything from fishing gear to
health insurance. However, most government contracts are limited
to other specific types of non-profit organizations. Foundations
do not usually enter into agreements with or provide grants to
trade associations, even those that are tax exempt as non-profit
Section 501(c)(4) or 501(c)(6)-types of organizations under the
Internal Revenue Code. Instead, government contracts and
foundation grants mostly are made to what are termed “charitable
organizations” that serve a broad public interest and are
organized pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
Code, but whose lobbying activities are greatly restricted (one
very good reason most fishing groups do not choose to organize
under this section).
Frustrated with not having the funds needed to carry out some of
its own environmental efforts (such as those aimed at protecting
and restoring fish stocks, or engaging in research, public
outreach and education), and recognizing that even in the best
of seasons the money just wouldn’t be there from dues or
assessments, the PCFFA Board in the 1980’s spearheaded an effort
to establish a separate 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable
organization to raise additional funds to assist those fishing
groups in vitally important restoration, research, outreach and
education as well.
This was by no means the first such organization. The Western
Fishboat Owners Association (WFOA), for instance, had already
formed (with tuna canners) the “American Fishermen’s Research
Foundation (AFRF)” specifically to conduct research on the
location and migration of albacore in the Pacific. Rather than
having a single-issue focus however, the PCFFA Directors sought
to form a non-profit that could address a number of different
conservation and protection issues and to assist PCFFA and other
commercial fishermen’s groups more generally.
The first effort by PCFFA at establishing a fishermen’s
501(c)(3) conservation organization was in 1985. In that year
the “Coastal Fisheries Foundation” (later renamed the “Coastal
Resources Center”) was organized with a board consisting of a
fisherman, a fish processor, a major fishing industry
electronics manufacturer, a food writer, a fishery scientist and
other assorted community leaders with an interest in fish and
the marine environment. However, there were two immediate
problems. The first was that there were not a lot of projects
out there at the time that fishermen were interested in pursuing
or that foundations were interested in funding. Second, the new
non-profit soon began developing it’s own agenda and that agenda
was not fishermen-needs driven.
Then PCFFA President Nat Bingham’s work in fishery restoration
had by then become fairly well known throughout California and
even nationally. He had put together the successful winter-run
chinook captive broodstock program and was well known in the
Central Valley, Klamath Basin and coastal watersheds for working
with timber companies, water districts and farmers trying to
restore salmon habitat. By 1992, after nine years as President
of PCFFA, he decided to step down as well as quit fishing. He
sold his boat and began spending full-time working on habitat
issues – this time on staff for PCFFA. Bingham had even been
approached by a major foundation that was interested in helping
fund his habitat restoration work. There was only one problem:
the non-profit the fishermen had originally started had by then
forgotten who had brought it to the dance, had drifted into
other areas and turned the money down.
Rather than seek out yet another unrelated non-profit to funnel
the money through, PCFFA created a new organization, this time
with a board made up entirely of fishermen. Papers were filed in
late 1992 by then PCFFA General Legal Counsel Glen Spain, and in
1993 the first Board meeting was held and the Institute for
Fisheries Resources (IFR) became official. In its early years,
IFR principally focused on salmon issues – providing a mechanism
for funding Nat Bingham’s work and also funding the work of a
second office in Eugene, Oregon to deal with Northwest and
Northern California/Klamath salmon restoration issues. That IFR
Northwest Regional office was and is still headed up by PCFFA’s
Glen Spain. In the meantime, the plug was pulled on the Coastal
Resources Center, the failed first non-profit.
During its first five years, the Salmon Program was the
lifeblood of IFR. Nat Bingham was on the road continually (when
he wasn’t in Washington DC trying to get funds for restoration),
seeing through the broodstock and recovery efforts for the
winter-run chinook, which had been the first Pacific salmon
listed under the Endangered Species Act. He was also immersed in
the San Francisco Bay and Delta issues critical to Central
Valley salmon production and heavily involved as well in the
provincial bodies established to advise on the President’s
Northwest Forest Plan, where he headed up a subcommittee on coho
restoration. Nat Bingham had by that time also been appointed to
the Pacific Fishery Management Council, where he was
instrumental in organizing the PFMC’s “Habitat Committee.”
In the Northwest, Glen Spain brought IFR into prominence on
Columbia River Basin salmon restoration issues, working to build
politically effective coalitions between fishermen and
conservation groups through the Save Our Wild Salmon Coalition,
and supporting the efforts to restore Northwest salmon fisheries
by Salmon For All and Washington Trollers’ Association, both
long-time PCFFA member organizations, but also working in Puget
Sound with the gillnetters there to help resolve some seabird
bycatch problems that were plaguing the fleet.
In addition to Columbia salmon issues, IFR’s Northwest Office
has long been deeply involved in the process of coastal coho
recovery planning. IFR’s Glen Spain also played a critical role
in convincing environmental groups to not support two Washington
anti-commercial fishing initiatives, which helped immensely to
defeat those two ballot measures. In recent years, Spain has
also taken on Klamath River water issues as part of The Klamath
Basin Coalition, of which both IFR and PCFFA are founding
members. He is also IFR’s Litigation Director and has been
instrumental, working with Earthjustice and other public
interest law firms, in IFR’s successful litigation to gain
better fish passage, watershed protection and flows for salmon
in the Northwest and Northern California, to remove several
fish-killing dams – all measures critical to getting better
salmon seasons for fishermen all along the coast.
Most of Bingham’s work and all of Spain’s were funded through
grants and contracts that could only go through a 501(c)(3)
non-profit – which was IFR. If fishermen along the Pacific Coast
want to thank someone for their good seasons, they can thank God
for the wet winters and good oceanic conditions, thank Earthjustice for suing the bastards to protect the fish and get
better river flows, and thank IFR for providing fishermen the
wherewithal to fight for their fish and their communities.
The potential of IFR to be the vehicle for fishermen to enact
change has not been lost on PCFFA Board members – or others! IFR
got funding to turn famed author Marc Reisner (Cadillac Desert,
Game Wars) loose in Sierra watersheds, working with Bingham on
dam removal projects such as those in Butte and Battle Creeks.
Through IFR, fishery scientist Bill Kier was brought on with his
team to develop watershed resource information systems (called
KRIS), designed to help fishermen and the public have available
at their fingertips – either through CDs or over the web –
comprehensive information on important salmon watersheds to
better design restoration programs as well as comment on
activities occurring in those watersheds. This work was funded
both through foundation grants and contracts with the California
Department of Forestry and the Sonoma County Water Agency
awarded to IFR.
The tragic death of Nat Bingham in 1998 was a blow to the fleet,
and it forced IFR to begin moving away from work designed around
individuals toward carrying out projects on a broader
programmatic basis. Since 1998, based on the input from the
PCFFA Board, individual fishermen, and even some in the
non-fishing sector, such as restaurants, IFR has expanded its
programs to cover a variety of fisheries and fishery needs. The
range of programs has now greatly expanded to encompass
conservation projects and policy debates at the regional,
national and international levels.
IFR’s Board of Trustees are exclusively fishermen. The first
scientific advisor to the Board has recently been named, Paul
Siri (former Deputy Director of the University of California’s
Bodega Marine Laboratory) and other advisors from the business,
scientific, consumer and conservation sectors are being sought
out. Having a board exclusively of fishermen goes against the
tenets of most non-profit organizational advice, which is to
seek board diversity so that a larger network can be extended
into different areas of the community to strengthen community
and financial support. Such boards, however (as PCFFA found out
with its first 501(c)(3) attempt) can mean board members and
staff who are not experts in fishing nor responsive to
fishermen’s real needs. IFR has been PCFFA’s “research,
education and outreach” arm, but it has also worked with and
been responsive to non-PCFFA member fishing groups and
individuals as well.
IFR’s current programs include the following:
SUSTAINABLE FISHERIES California Sustainable Fisheries Project.
This 3-year project will finish in December 2003, and was
designed to enable participation by fishing men and women in the
implementation of California’s newly passed Marine Life
Management Act and Marine Life Protection Act (marine reserves)
programs, as well as to involve more small boat fishermen in the
Pacific Fishery Management Council’s groundfish process as it
affected nearshore fisheries. The first two years of the project
funded six organizers along the coast to assist fishermen in
different ports along the California coast with participating in
developing the state’s newly established management programs.
During the third year, the project was pared down to one
statewide coordinator and funds were utilized to assist
fishermen in getting to key state and federal meetings. A
portion of the funds were also used to begin putting together a
program to promote important collaborative research projects
between fishermen and scientists. This whole project was funded
by a generous grant from the David & Lucille Packard Foundation.
Collaborative Research. This project is an outgrowth of the
Sustainable Fisheries Project above. There are, unfortunately,
many gaps in the science and data collection systems needed to
sustainably manage many fisheries. IFR has been working to
promote fishery research projects, including stock assessments,
to help fill those gaps, utilizing fishermen and their vessels
working together with fishery scientists. To this end, IFR has
been working closely with the Pacific Marine Conservation
Council (PMCC) to foster a west coast collaborative fisheries
research program similar to that currently taking place in New
England. It has also assisted fishermen in taking part in
existing collaborative research programs that are currently
funded through the National Marine Fisheries Service and the
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. For instance, IFR is
currently administering a project that will be utilizing
fishermen and their boats in a salmon tagging program. It is
also working with PCFFA to push for permanent federal funding
for west coast fishery research, with a large amount of that
money to be directed to collaborations between fishermen and
International Trade. This project is aimed at addressing some
critical issues that affect fishermen in the area of trade
agreements. This effort provides research, education and
advocacy and is focused on three main issues.
The first issue area has to do with “dumping” of foreign fish on
the U.S. market at below production costs, an illegal and unfair
(but all too common) trade practice that undercuts the economic
livelihoods of hardworking U.S. fishermen. Past examples of this
included Norway’s dumping of farmed salmon on the U.S. market
and current allegations of Chilean farmed salmon producers doing
the same thing.
The second issue area has to do with unfair competition from
foreign fishermen or foreign fish producers as a result of their
own nation’s fishing operations not meeting the same
conservation standards required of U.S. fishermen, thus allowing
those fishermen, processors or fish farmers to unfairly undercut
U.S. fishermen in the marketplace while depleting whole
The third issue area has to do with international trade
agreements, such as the round of Fair Trade Agreements (FTAs)
being negotiated by the U.S. (including that signed with Chile
on June 6th), and with proposed new World Trade Organization
(WTO) rules that would undercut sound conservation measures or
measures designed to protect fishermen or consumers. Here the
concern is that a nation’s conservation statutes or rules not be
overturned by the WTO under the guise of their being
reclassified as “trade impediments.” There is concern too that
WTO rules being proposed could be used to overturn necessary
U.S. rules restricting who may participate in our own nation’s
fisheries, who may own fishing vessels or even who may own quota
shares in an IFQ fishery.
Trade expert Victor Menotti is heading up this project (see the
April 2002 FN article “Not Fish Friendly: The WTO’s New Doha
Agenda for Fisheries,” within IFR’s
overall Sustainable Fisheries Program.
centered around consumer outreach and education. IFR has stayed
focused on the three fundamentals of commercial fishing: 1)
healthy fish stocks; 2) access to the fish; and 3) markets for
the fish. So while Sustainable Fisheries, Salmon and San
Francisco Bay Restoration programs (see below) have been aimed
at increasing the abundance of fish, the Good Fish program is
aimed at the markets for fish, i.e., consumer education and
This program began out of two series of discussions. The first
was with the Sierra Club, which developed a salmon watershed
protection program in the late 1990’s. The Club asked both PCFFA
and IFR what it should tell its members, who were concerned with
the plight of many depressed native salmon stocks, about just
what fish they should eat. Should they eat farmed salmon? Should
they avoid salmon altogether? What should people concerned with
declining salmon stocks actually do? A piece was then prepared
for the Club’s salmon newsletter explaining that the salmon in
the markets were those taken from healthy runs, and also that
there were already extensive restrictions in place to protect
weak and ESA-listed salmon runs from overfishing.
In fact, as we told them, purchasing wild salmon, besides being
good for consumers, actually helps to protect weaker salmon
stocks. In many instances a portion of the proceeds from the
salmon sale go directly back into salmon protection
(California’s Commercial Salmon Stamp program, for example). We
also made people aware of the fact that buying wild salmon
helped fishermen continue to make a strong economic case for the
protection and restoration of damaged watersheds and salmon
habitat, and that salmon farming (at least as it is now
conducted) is actually very bad for the environment. That
outreach, to a portion of the public that might have otherwise
been hostile to fishing purely through ignorance, indicated to
IFR the strong need for better consumer education about fish and
fishing generally.
Secondly, in discussions with restaurant owners regarding
seafood consumer education, we asked them what were the most
common questions they got from their customers. They told us
that the most frequently asked question was about whether the
fish was fresh or in season. The second most frequently asked
question was about the health aspects of the fish: “Was it high
in cholesterol? Did it have mercury in it? Was it taken from
polluted waters? What about the omega 3’s?” The final question
asked was whether it was overfished or endangered: “Did the
fishing hurt turtles or dolphins? Was the fishery sustainable?”
IFR took these questions and put together its “Good Fish
Program,” which is aimed at these primary consumer concerns:
seasonality; health benefits/risks; and the sustainability of
the fishery. To this end, this program has been working on a
number of fronts. We have worked to better advise those
preparing sustainable seafood lists for consumers, making sure
the information they are based on is accurate and science-based.
We are promoting full and accurate labeling of seafood for
consumers. We are preparing educational materials for consumers
regarding problems associated with some farmed fish and with
genetically-engineered (or “transgenic”) fish that may soon be
used in aquaculture operations. Finally, we have been working
with consumer groups, chefs and seafood restaurants advising
them on the sustainability issues associated with various fish.
Since so many of our west coast fish are produced sustainably --
salmon, albacore, Dungeness and rock crab, Pacific and
California halibut, sablefish, California lobster and others --
more awareness at the restaurant and consumer level should
translate into better markets for these fish. Natasha Benjamin
is heading up the Good Fish program.
Program, IFR’s oldest, is currently split between the Pacific
Northwest and California. The Pacific Northwest portion of this
Program, headed by Glen Spain, includes salmon restoration work
on the Columbia, the Klamath, in Northwest coastal watersheds
and in the Puget Sound. Glen Spain is the PCFFA/IFR commercial
fishing representative to the Save Our Wild Salmon Coalition,
and serves on numerous other salmon restoration-related panels
and agency working groups in the Pacific Northwest and Klamath
Basin. He is also working on a number of dam decommissioning and
FERC relicensing issues in the Northwest and Northern California
(see below).
In California, since the death of Nat Bingham, most of the
salmon work in that state has been headed up by Zeke Grader.
That effort includes recovery efforts in coastal watersheds and
for coho, including a new coho captive broodstock program. On
the California State coho recovery program, IFR’s Vivian Bolin
is the alternate to Humboldt County Supervisor Jimmy Smith (a
former commercial fisherman and PCFFA member) representing
commercial fishing. Grader is also the commercial fishing
representative to the Environmental Water Caucus, which is
addressing Central Valley and Bay/Delta issues surrounding
salmon, and has been a member of the negotiating team working to
restore flows to the San Joaquin River.
Klamath Resource Information System. The KRIS Program (KRIS
stands for “Klamath Resource Information System” because it
first began in the Klamath Basin) is a user-friendly, GIS-plus
database and information system that provides comprehensive
watershed information on many salmon-bearing watersheds. The
system, often containing key information (published and
unpublished) that might otherwise only be available in obscure
agency or university libraries, has become an essential planning
tool for fishing groups and other members of the public
(particularly in rural areas where access to information may be
limited), to be able to make intelligent decisions regarding
management of important salmon watersheds.
The KRIS Program has nearly completed its inventory of major
Northern California coastal watersheds and is now beginning to
inventory San Francisco Bay watersheds, looking to expand south
to at least San Luis Obispo County (Morro Bay, CA), and it is
beginning to be used in other states as well. The next logical
step will be to take this highly acclaimed system into coastal
ocean waters. This portion of the Salmon Program is headed by
fishery scientist and IFR Associate, Bill Kier and his KRIS
team. Go to the KRIS website at:
Dam Removal. This phase of the Salmon Program was started by Nat
Bingham when he begin discussions for the removal of a series of
old hydroelectric dams on Battle Creek, a key salmon producing
tributary on the Upper Sacramento River in California. Author
Marc Reisner also became involved, helped to get the Butte Creek
dams removed and had begun working on Battle Creek before his
death in 2000. The California program has since been taken over
by Guy Phillips, working with engineer Dennis Gathard (who
played an important role in the removal of the Edwards Dam in
Maine). They are in the process of completing two studies for
IFR under contract with the California Coastal Conservancy for
removal of a number of dams along the Central California coast.
Two major fish-killing dams in the Northwest are now slated for
removal partly through the efforts of IFR’s Northwest Regional
Office and NW Regional Director Glen Spain. One, the Savage
Rapids Dam on the Rogue River, is an 87-year-old and now
obsolete dam that has very poor fish passage that has destroyed
a major salmon fishery worth about $5 million/year, according to
studies by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. As a result of a
settlement agreement in a lawsuit over that dam in which IFR and
PCFFA were co-plaintiffs, that dam is slated for removal and
replacement by modern (and screened) pumps that will provide
full river fish passage. Another unfinished dam on Oregon’s
Rogue River, the Elk Creek Dam, is also likely to be “notched”
soon as a result of a Salmon Program lawsuit, although removal
is currently being blocked in Congress. Additionally, the Salmon
Program dam removal efforts of the Northwest Office include
working on various dam decommissioning and relicensing projects
in the Klamath Basin and the Columbia-Snake River Basin, and on
the now approved decommissioning of two major fish-killing Elwha
River dams in the Puget Sound.
the most biologically and economically important estuary on the
Pacific Coast of North and South America. It is the migratory
route of the second large chinook salmon run in the lower 48
states and provides important rearing habitat for those fish
headed from their natal Sierra Nevada mountain streams to the
sea. It is home to the largest herring roe fishery south of
British Columbia -- the United States’ only remaining urban
commercial fishery. It was once one of the largest nursery areas
for Dungeness crab along the coast, and it once supported major
commercial oyster and shrimp fisheries.
The San Francisco Bay, however, is in a lot of trouble. In many
years as much as 50 percent of its total freshwater inflow,
critical for estuarine function, is diverted far inland, mostly
for commercial agriculture. There is still considerable dredging
spoils disposal in the Bay, and serious non-point source
pollution problems from both urban and agricultural runoff
impair water quality. Frustrated with the lack of concern or
attention by most agencies, a few years ago IFR initiated its
“Herring & Oysters & Crab” restoration effort, which has since
evolved into its “San Francisco Bay Restoration Partnership”
with the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA)
Restoration Center. This new program is in its first year and is
now currently reviewing proposals for its IFR/NOAA “Restore San
Francisco Bay” partnership funding grants. This program is
headed up by IFR’s Nicole Brown.
OTHER IFR FUNCTIONS Two other functions IFR is currently
supporting, but not under its program headings, are:
Fisheries Communications and Education. Through IFR’s “Fishlink”
news network, IFR (jointly with PCFFA) also produces a no-cost
weekly Internet newsletter of fishery news and information
called Sublegals. This free electronic newsletter is intended to
provide timely fisheries information in a compact Internet
format directly to your email box once a week. It is not
intended to replace print media, including such excellent trade
publications as Fishermen’s News, which can provide much more
in-depth coverage, but rather to compliment these print media
and to serve both as a fisheries and salmon restoration research
and educational information tool. To sign up for Fishlink
Sublegals, see: If
you have any trouble subscribing this way, contact us at:
[email protected] and we will manually subscribe you.
AmeriCorps’ Watershed Stewards Internship. Finally, IFR annually
hosts and trains two second-year members of the AmeriCorps’
Watersheds Stewards Project each year where they learn about and
work on a variety of salmon restoration and fisheries policy
issues. Many of these interns, both while at IFR and afterwards,
have made real contributions in these fields.
WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU? LOTS! Over its past 10 years, the
Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR) has become a real force
for the coastwide protection, restoration and sustainable
harvest of salmon fisheries and other marine natural resources
you depend on for your livelihood. IFR is also working hard to
protect your markets and prevent their erosion by unfair
international and corporate-dominated trade policies. IFR is
aggressively working to get water back into salmon-bearing
rivers, and fish-killing dams down or modified. IFR is working
to bring research money to bear on real problems that real
fishermen have to face daily.
In other words, IFR (together with its parent organization PCFFA)
is representing YOUR interests and working for the health of
YOUR fisheries and the ultimate economic survival of YOUR
coastal communities. This is because IFR is unique: It is an
aggressive fisheries conservation organization founded by and
run by commercial fishermen. It is your tool for sound and
sustainable fisheries conservation, research, outreach and
education -- and is worthy of your support.
For more information about the Institute for Fisheries Resources
or to join as a supporting member, go to IFR’s Internet Home
Page at:
William F. “Zeke” Grader, Jr. is the Executive Director of both
the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations (PCFFA)
and the Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR); Glen Spain is
the Northwest Regional Director for both PCFFA and IFR; Natasha
Benjamin is IFR’s Southwest Regional Director and heads up its
Good Fish Program; Nicole Brown is IFR’s Development Officer and
also heads up IFR’s San Francisco Bay Restoration Program. The
Institute for Fisheries Resources can be reached at Southwest
Regional Office: PO Box 29196, San Francisco, CA 94129-0196 USA,
(415)561-3474 (415)561-3474 ; Northwest Regional Office: PO Box
11170, Eugene, OR 97440-3370, (541)689-2000 (541)689-2000 .
IFR’s email address is: [email protected] and its web site is at:
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