Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
* Attend the Feb. 12, 2013 meeting
and speak On Tuesday, February 12, 9:00 AM, at the Government Center, 305 Main Street, the new Board of Klamath County Commissioners is “revisiting” Dam Removal and the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. The past “lame duck” county commissioners voted to keep supporting dam removal and the KBRA in spite of undeniable major opposition to their actions. We are tired of being ignored! At this meeting, there will be a public comment period, when citizens will have the opportunity to voice their opinions verbally or in written form, to the NEW BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. We urge every person to not only attend this meeting but to stand up and express their opinion. Our voices will finally be heard!! The following was sent to KBC News:
“Besides giving verbal comment at the Klamath County
Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, Feb 12th, at 9:00
AM, we need to encourage everyone to e-mail your
individual opinion on dam removal and the KBRA. This
needs to be done before the Tuesday meeting if at
all possible. Written comments can also be handed in
anytime including on Tuesday. Do this even if you
give verbal comments. Each citizen should send his
or her individual e-mail. In other words, each
husband sends his individual opinion, his wife sends
her individual opinion and so forth. Each citizen
has the right to have his or her individual opinion
heard no matter what it is. Comments do not need to
be long and or detailed unless you want. The e-mail
address is
[email protected]
pass this information on”
KBRA Public
Input meeting agenda Tuesday 2/12/13.
The New Klamath County Commissioners / KCCs
were voted in by constituents mainly because they represent you, the people,
and oppose the KBRA.
And the people overwhelmingly oppose the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration
Agreement. This board is open to comments on why you feel KCC should
participate, or rescind their participation, in the KBRA.
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Page Updated: Sunday February 10, 2013 03:46 AM Pacific
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