Water opinions sought
Officials seeking public input about dam removal,
by SARA HOTTMAN, Herald and News 7/6/10 H&N Staff
Reporter July 6, 2010
Upcoming scoping
\• Wednesday,
July 7, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., Copco Community Center, 27803 Copco Road, Montague,
Calif. 96064
• Wednesday,
July 7, 6-9 p.m., Yreka Community Center, 810 N. Oregon St., Yreka, Calif.
• Thursday,
July 8, 6 p.m.- 9:00 p.m., Klamath County Fairgrounds, 3531 S. Sixth St., Klamath
• Friday, July
9, 6.-9 p.m., Chiloquin Community Center, 140 First St., Chiloquin.
• Tuesday,
July 13 6-9 p.m., Chetco Activities Center, 550 Chetco
Way, Brookings.
• Wednesday,
July 14, 6-9 p.m., Arcata Community Center, 321 Community Park Way, Arcata,
• Thursday July 15, 2010, 6-9 p.m., Karuk Tribe
Community Room, 39051 Highway 96, Orleans, Calif.
State and federal officials will be in Klamath Falls Thursday to
gather public input about an agreement that allocates water
sources in the Klamath River Basin, and a related plan to remove
four hydroelectric dams. The public meeting is part of the
National Environmental Policy Act process that requires an
environmental impact report before considering implementation of
the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement and Klamath
Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement. It will be from 6 to 9 p.m.
at the Klamath County Fairgrounds. “We recognize there are a
number of different opinions in the Klamath Basin on this
proposal,” said Matt Baun, public affairs specialist with the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. “If there are issues that you
want the Secretary of Interior to consider before he makes
decisions on dam removal and the related restoration plan, then
this is the place to have your voice heard.”
The report will assess the impact of removing all or part of
PacifiCorp’s four hydroelectric dams — Iron Gate, Copco 1,
Copco 2, and J.C. Boyle — on the Klamath River as part of Klamath
Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement. Rates, dams, fishes The
Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement is an agreement between
PacifiCorp and the federal government. According to the
agreement, the company would increase rates to voluntarily
remove the dams. The agreement says the removals could improve
passage for fish and restore natural resources in the Basin. The
agreement specifically separates PacifiCorp from the Klamath
Basin Restoration Agreement. The $1.5 billion agreement aims to
establish sustainable water supplies and affordable power rates
for irrigators; help the Klamath Tribes acquire a 92,000-acre
parcel of private timberland called the Mazama Tree
Farm; and fund habitat restoration and economic development
throughout the region. State and federal agencies have
identified issue categories relating to the agreements:
engineering, fish and wildlife, real estate, cultural and
historic resources, recreation, water quality, and economic
Information sought At the meeting, there will
be posters displaying the issues agencies already have
identified within each category. People may use comment
cards or computer banks to submit written input, or they
can speak during a comment period following a 30-minute
presentation about the issues. “We’re looking for
information that would help us cover topics that are
important to the public,” said Ellen Glover, public
affairs specialist with the Bureau of Reclamation.
“Nothing has been decided yet, so people should give
input to state and federal agencies so they know what
should be analyzed.”
Public comments through email, fax, mail, or online
form will be accepted until July 21. Utilizing comments
After the public comment period, state and federal
officials will compile a report that “reflects every
comment we’ve received,” Baun said. “For comments that
are similar, we would note we heard that comment ‘x’
amount of times.” The public comment report, due in
September, will be incorporated into the environmental
analysis that will play a role in deciding how the KBRA
and KHSA are implemented. “I would encourage people to
come, read the website, and send e-mails,” Glover said.
“Every little bit helps.”
Side Bar
Public comments are due July 21
Public comments on the environmental impact study
associated with the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement
and the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement must
be submitted by July 21.
Comments may be submitted during Thursday's meeting,
online to a U.S. Bureau of Reclamation or California
Department of Fish and Game office:
* Go online to _www.KlamathRestoration,gov/contact-us/feedback_
and fill out an online form.
* Send comments by mail to the U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation office, Tanya Sommer, 2800 Cottage Way
MP-152, Sacramento, CA, 95825; via e-mail to [email protected]_
(mailto:[email protected]) ; or by fax to
916-978-5055 916-978-5055 .
* Send comments to the California Department of Fish and
Game office to Caitlin Bean, 601 Locust Street, Redding,
CA, 96001; via e-mail to [email protected]_ (mailto:[email protected])
or by fax to