Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
The Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement still leaves the
Klamath Reclamation Project vulnerable to water shortages in
an extreme drought situation, attorney Paul Simmons told
The document also doesn’t exempt the Project from the enforcement of the Endangered Species Act, said Greg Addington, executive director of Klamath Water Users Association. But despite those issues, Addington and Simmons told irrigators at a public meeting Thursday that the water agreement represents a better future for the Project. The two cited increased water supply stability, affordable power and improved relations with other stakeholders. “The goal of the agreement is to be way better off than without the agreement,” Simmons said. About 100 people
attended the public meeting arranged by Klamath Water Users
Association in the auditorium at Oregon Institute of
Technology. The association’s board of directors, as one of
the stakeholders of the agreement, will vote whether to
support or reject the agreement before Feb. 9, after the
irrigation districts it represents notify it of their
"The following are comments from the (Herald and News)
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Huh wrote on
Jan 23, 2010 11:44 PM:
" No to KBRA, Thanks for spelling it out. One hundred
million federal reserve notes and and 90,000 acres to
the tribes in exchange for a slow walk to bankruptcy.
And to think the majority doesn't want this... Huh? "
NO to the KBRA
wrote on Jan 23, 2010
10:38 AM:
" If there is no guaranteed water delivery to all
farms in all years; if the farmers are still
constrained by all of the ESA demands (which will soon
include salmon in the basin if the KBRA goes through);
if they are not guaranteed that litigation will be
held to a minimum; if they are not guaranteed freedom
from the CWA and EPA/ODEQ and CA Water Qaulity Control
Board enforcement of the TMDL's, and they are not
guaranteed anything more than the going rate for
electricity, why would they want to implement the KBRA
All the KBRA does is give the tribes $100 Milllion in cash and a 90,000 acre forest, provide for the Federal government to own and control more of our private land. It provides for the land to come off the tax rolls. It forces the citizens of Oregon and the US to pay for dam removal and for further expenses to make up for revenue that will be destroyed by the KBRA implementation. It will provide for de-watering and bankruptcy of many off-project farms in the upper basin due to water retirement and take away their private water rights. It will further deplete our ground water aquifer by paying farms not to use the water flowing down the river andpump instead. The KBRA is contingent upon tearing out the four dams on the Klamath River and destroying electricity for 70,000 homes . It will destroy the only electric peaking facility on the West Coast between SF and Portland; it will destroy the salmon spawning beds on the Klamath River due to silt from behind the dams for years, potentially. It will destroy hundreds of homes values along the dams and river; it will allow for massive floods downriver in times of excessive precip. It will allow a permanent presence of out of area, leftist environmental groups controlling who gets what water may be available. The KBRA does not provide for off stream cold water storage (like Long Lake) and any other myriad of items that could actulaly help solve this situation. Vote"NO" on the KBRA! "
Vern wrote on
Jan 23, 2010 7:28 AM:
" You gotta love this! Hail the KBRA and what do you
have when it's all signed sealed and delivered? More
lawsuits from somebody! Doesn't matter if it is a
group that signed on or not the lawsuits will come
because of the T&E Species laws. Guess what won't
happen though? The tribe will NOT lose the timber land
once the deal is done and I won't be catching salmon
in Klamath Lake! " "
Page Updated: Sunday January 24, 2010 03:43 AM Pacific
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