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John T. Larimer’s letter to Dept. of Interior on Klamath dam removal

Klamath River & Dams, Op-ed

Email to DOI

December 4, 2011

Dam removal is economic terrorism

I am against dam removal for the following reasons:

Dams provide the following benefits:

• Dams provide flood, silt, and debris control;

• Dams provide water storage;

• Dams provide the cleanest and cheapest electric power possible;

• Dams provide the ability to control water levels below the dam for the benefit of river habitat;

• Dams provide fish hatcheries;

• Dams provide access from one side of a Canyon to another;

• Dams provide lake habitat and animal and plant life;

• Dams provide recreation.

Removing them:

• Would result in the loss of all of the benefits listed above;

• Would require a large and unnecessary expenditure of public money;

• Would cause unknowable damage to the environment as a result of dam removal activities and the rapid release of water;

• Would decimate fish population from the silt and pollution that washes downstream.

Only a fool professing himself to be wise would entertain this insanity.

The destruction to America and her economy and the freedom of her people is unacceptable and is rejected by every thinking American who loves his country.

Contact Info:

Ms. Elizabeth Vasquez
Bureau of Reclamation
2800 Cottage Way
Sacramento, CA 95825,
or by fax to 916-978-5055 or email:
[email protected]

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