Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
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Leo “T” Bergeron for Supervisor, District I

347 N. Main Street
Yreka, CA   96097
(530) 842-4400 fax (530) 842-4481
[email protected]

Public Comment Made To Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors on 4/8/2008:

My name is Leo “T” Bergeron, a resident of Siskiyou County. I’m here today to express my thanks and appreciation to the Board of Supervisors for the action taken by the Board in regards to dam removal and settlement agreement.  We, the citizens of Siskiyou County appreciate the firm stand taken by the board in voting to oppose both dam removal and the restoration agreement.

I am here to recommend that the board take affirmative action to correct the misguided restoration agreement.  The Klamath Basin Settlement Agreement, well intended as it was, wanted to fix the Klamath Basin problem. The structure however was immoral, illegal and just plain out of order with the framers of our Constitution, involving special interests, threats of legal action, meetings in secret, and misleading and false information.

The BOS expressed a wish to continue to be a participant in the Settlement Agreement process and was concerned that the position taken by the Board would remove them from the process.

I would like to recommend that BOS organize a TRI COUNTY COMMISSION, with Siskiyou County as the lead County. They could then invite the participants of the settlement talks and all the other parties that have a true stake in the restoration of the Klamath Basin to participate in an open, meaningful process to solve the Klamath Basin problem. The science is there, the will is there, the direction is not. Siskiyou County can set the direction and should set the direction as 64 % of the watershed and three of the four targeted dams are in Siskiyou County.

At the same time,  to insure that we have a seat at the table in the discussions and implementation of plans and programs that affect Siskiyou County, I would recommend that the BOS implement the COORDINATION PROTOCOLS, which by Federal, State, and County law require that the County have a seat at the table in all action to implement plans, or programs that have an effect on Siskiyou County.

I would ask that this item be put on the agenda for the next BOS meeting on April 15th for discussion and BOS consideration to implement this proposal.

Leo “T” Bergeron  
Candidate for Supervisor, District 1

As of May 6th there has been no action by the BOS on this request.

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