Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

Don’t you just love Transparency?
Guest Opinion by Craig Chenoweth
[email protected]
A friend commented to me the other day that she thought there may be hope after reading Marcia Armstrong’s comments on the Klamath TMDL.
DON’T Count on it!
She wrote the same kind of B.S. on the Incidental Take Permit called ITP. The supervisors and County of Siskiyou have no intention of backing any of this up. We are being sold out for the sake of whom gets the best deal and the most money.
Speaking of being sold out, our Shasta and Siskiyou Resource Conservation Districts don’t like the Klamath TMDL either. But it is almost the same as the ITP, which they endorse.
So what’s up?
Well under the Shasta and the Scott Valley ITP agreement with the California Department of Fish and Game there will be serious water restrictions.
But if the Klamath TMDL goes through there may be absolutely NO water left for anyone. I know here in Scott Valley our RCD Board of Directors are desperate to push the ITP through even though we have not seen the final agreement.
But Why?
Greed is at the bottom of it all. How about a huge land grab?
Without water to irrigate, but enough to have for million dollar homes. With the Williamson act on the outs and NO water to irrigate, how many farmers and ranchers will go belly up?
Remember these boards of RCD directors are appointed by the supervisors.
If you control water on private land, you control the land use; if you control the land use you control the land value!
Developers have been using this tactic for years. Run down the value of the land, swoop in and buy it up cheep and develop it. Much better tax base for the county don’t you think?
The North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. Snakes in the grass. And watch out for The Scott River Water Trust. They are sneaky water thieves'.
Don’t give up your water for any price or reason.
Seen much Reform lately?
Responsibility or Accountability? I think not. All this translates into a hell of a lot more government. Yeehaa.
Folks these politicos, called supervisors, must be held responsible for their actions and whom they appoint. What is this sick codependent relationship these politicos have with corrupt government agencies? Greed!
Remember it is illegal for them or their appointees to enter us into contracts that will deprive us of our Rights: Such as our Property Rights and our Water Rights.
We will hold them accountable!
You may have heard the phase lately -- Hang together or Hang separately?
Well Hang they will, if they sell us out!
Transparency: You can see who is screwing you. Don't you just love it?
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              Page Updated: Wednesday August 26, 2009 01:48 AM  Pacific

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