Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

Words from Webster
The end-game
Pioneer Press 2/27/08  [email protected]
There are some groups who need to weigh in on the Klamath Basin Agreement. I see that the Cattlemen in Klamath threw down a dark vote on the agreement. Now, we need to hear from the others, who have so far remained silent.

I want to hear from SOSS, the local Farm Bureaus, Siskiyou Cattlemen and local resource conservation districts.

I find it humorous at best, disgusting at worst, that state and federal agencies are weighing in at public comment hearings. These are public agencies which should be taking public comment to structure their findings and decisions. Rather, we are seeing these public agencies making decisions in private and then attending public hearings to make public comment on the private decisions they've made.

My, how things have turned upside down and backward.

Things have become so reversed when it comes to water and power that we are actually thinking is normal to hear public agencies weighing in at a public hearing to get another public entity to make a decision in accordance with them.

It's so backward is sounds right-side-up.

Beware, my fellow citizens in the State of Jefferson.

The Peripheral Canal is coming, and they will want our water to fill it.

Beware of any politician or agency that may be having this as their hidden agenda. Keep your eyes open, the end-game is right around the corner.

-Daniel Webster, Publisher



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