Klamath Hydroelectric Dams Destruction
Letters, Opinions, Speeches
of The People
KBRA PAGE includes links to
previous year's letters, opinions and speeches of the The People KBC's KRRC / Klamath River Renewal Corporation (Dam Destruction Group) Page |
AUDIO: Must Listen: 5 1/2 minute summary of Upper Basin's Klamath Settlement Agreement; audio by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, Local News with Paul Hanson on KFLS News/Talk Radio 1450, 4/1/13. "The nearly 100-page agreement has seven objectives..." | |
WARNING: Stephen Koshy Page: Clay-Core Dam Engineer Stephen Koshy's scientific reports, letters, and government correspondence regarding his prediction of the imminent catastrophic collapse if the Klamath Hydroelectric Dams are destroyed. | ||
* Instructions for writing to FERC regarding Klamath Dam removal |
Due February 6
regarding Klamath Dam removal
the recirculated portions of the Draft EIR. NOTICE OF
REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT NO. 14803 *California waterboard seeks more feedback on dam removal, H&N 12/24/19 *FYI: Strategy to form the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement: Cal/EPA Environmental Justice Action Plan May 18, 2005. Lead Agency: State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). "It may be the desire of the Tribes to restore the river to the pre-European settlement condition.... Restoration will likely need to increase flows, which might result in reduced agricultural water supply. To achieve necessary reductions funding may be required to purchase and fallow agricultural lands." |
Perspectives on Klamath River dam removal by Rex Cozzalio, 4th generation rancher by Iron Gate Dam on the Klamath River 11/8/19. This is a response to former legislator Jason Atkinson's support of destroying Klamath River Dams. Subject - dams and: irrigators, toxic algae, deadly C Shasta, habitat, power and PacifiCorp. | ||
Klamath River Compact Commission boosts visibility,
H&N 10/29/19. * Susan Miller, Environmental Advisor for Siskiyou County Water Users Assoc, responds to Klamath Compact Commission meeting: "...information being presented should reflect all sides or viewpoints on a particular issue, rather than strictly being from the environmental agencies’ perspective only...We asked for equal time to present alternative scientific evidence and viewpoints and were refused...both environmental agencies represented by the two state commissioners are signatories of the Amended KHSA. Additionally, (Commission's Federal representative)Chrysten Lambert of Trout Unlimited...has glaring conflicts of interest..." KBC NOTE: scroll to the bottom of our KRRC (Klamath dam removal group) leadership page regarding some of Lambert's conflicts of interest. |
Letter to FERC from Siskiyou County Water Users responding to Filing by KRRC 8/18/19. | ||
***Klamath dams critical to fighting wildfires, KRRC's fire management plan inadequate, by The SISKIYOU COUNTY NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT, H&N guest opinion Aug 4, 2019. "When homes and lives are at stake in a wildfire, nothing is more important than having firebreaks and a readily available water source. That’s exactly what’s provided by the reservoirs created by dams on the Klamath River... Last year, the infamous Klamathon fire, which burned over 38,000 acres over 16 days, was finally stopped by firefighters — thanks to the use of Iron Gate reservoir....Firefighting aircraft drafted 225,000 gallons of water per day. Most of it came from Iron Gate reservoir. At the peak of the fight, seventeen helicopters were engaged nonstop, sometimes dropping water as quickly as every six minutes....with the reservoirs gone, risk to firefighters’ lives will skyrocket. Not only will fires take longer to put out — which means fires will burn hotter and longer — but aircraft pilots will be forced to attempt to draw water from the river itself.... 2006, two firefighters lost their lives attempting to extract water from the river." | ||
Interior retracts support for Klamath dam removal,
Siskiyou County Natural Resources, H&N 5/23/19. "Flooding
was a significant problem prior to the dams. The
100-year flood plain after decommissioning will
undoubtedly encroach on homes, and property values will
plummet...The community of Copco, nestled along the
shores of Copco Lake, will become a ghost town once the
lake disappears...No longer will water from the lake be
there to save the community from wildfires—which has
happened twice in the past few years...Twenty- to
30-million cubic feet of sediment will be released into
the river upon decommissioning...releasing millions of
tons of contaminated sediment into the river will likely
kill significant aquatic life..." * PRESS RELEASE: LaMalfa Thanks Interior for Withdrawing Obama-era Policy on Klamath Dams 5/20/19. * Letter from Secretary of Interior Bernhardt to FERC / Federal Energy Regulatory Commission withdrawing Obama Interior's letter of support for Klamath Dam Removal. May 17, 2019 *10/17/16 Letter to FERC from Obama's Interior Secretary Jewell supporting Klamath dam removal |
Only FERC will decide dam removal, not Klamath River
Compact Commission, Guest Opinion by RICHARD
ROOS-COLLINS General Counsel, KRRC, Herald and News
Online 5/10/19. ""The
JC Boyle Dam in Klamath County, Ore., is one of four
slated to be removed from the Klamath River under a
Memorandum of Understanding between the Klamath
County Commission and the Klamath River Renewal
Corp." KRRC's Attorney Richard Roos-Collin extensive biography on KBC's Whose Who page. A response to the general counsel of KRRC: Why Klamath Compact decision-making matters, FERC’s own regulations (18 C.F.R. § 9.2) require FERC to determine the “qualifications of the transferee [here, KRRC] to hold such license.” KRRC is not qualified, because it was created in violation of federal law." |
SCWUA/Siskyou County Water Users Association Fund Raiser Dinner: JOIN THE BATTLE TO SAVE THE DAMS; IT'S NOT A DONE DEAL, May 4th, 2019, Yreka, speakers Attorney James Buchal, CA U.S. Congressman Doug LaMalfa, Siskiyou County Supervisor Brandon Criss, Former Klamath County Commissioner Tom Mallams, Jackson County Commissioner Colleen Roberts. | ||
Kiewit wins dam removal contract from KRRC, H&N 4/26/19 * Kiewit positions for Klamath dam pillage, by Rex Cozzalio, member of SCWUA / Siskiyou County Water Users Association, 1/18/19 |
Klamath Basin Attack Planned and Being Carried Out? by Rudy Hiley, Tulelake, 4/4/19. "Hopefully when he worked toward dam removal with the Canadian concern AECON Corporation he was unaware that they were being absorbed by the Chinese conglomerate known as CCCI, an arm of the Chinese government. Thank God that the Canadian government was awake enough to shoot that sale down over national security concerns. Paying one of our military adversaries to take our dams out would be unique indeed." | ||
Klamath Dams, water quality, temperature and 20 million yards of toxic sediment, by engineer Don Mausshardt for H&N 4/2/19. "...In the late 1990s and early 2000, environmental organizations have taken several thousand of acres of farmland adjacent to the upper end of Klamath Lake and turned them in to marshlands. This can also be contributing to the warming of the waters in the Lake...Could the data presented show that the creation of new marshlands has had just the opposite effect and is now really detrimental to the sucker fish?...the real question of the 20 million cubic yards of “toxic” sediment behind the dams as reported in the Herald and News. There was no explanation offered by the representative on how that would be managed...the silence was deafening..." | ||
Dam removal a far cry from a done deal “Dam removal on the Klamath River is a natural-resource-management decision that PacifiCorp, as a regulated utility, is unwilling to undertake because of the substantial risks and uncertain benefits,” said PacifiCorp in comments to the California State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) on Feb. 26...One major concern is whether KRRC will be able to afford the cost of dam removal, or that it will truly shoulder the significant liabilities facing PacifiCorp and its customers if the dams come out. Not only do the dams provide flood control, they also hold at least 20 million cubic yards of polluted settlement behind them..." | ||
Rebuttal penned to KRRC guest editorial by Dave Meurer,
reason Mr. Meurer feels it would be “unique” that “dam removal
might mean more water for farmers instead of less” is because it
doesn’t. There is nothing to support that unaccountable
assertion, and much which supports the opposite....KRRC
members who have openly said that Keno will be their next
not believe what they imply. FERC has not yet signed off on this
debacle." |
ITTSD Motion for leave to File Amicus Brief, filed
by Lawrence A. Kogan 3/19/19, regarding Klamath Dam
Removal. ITSSD Amicus Curiae Brief, filed by Lawrence A Kogan In Re Siskiyou County Water Users Association, Petitioner on Petition for Writ of Mandamus 3/19/19: "...The States, by assisting USG to shift jurisdiction over (Klamath) dam removal from EPA to DOI and FERC, effectively freed DOI from conducting the rigorous EPA-required scientific assessment of the significant risks to human health and welfare dam removal would trigger upon release of decades of contaminants accumulated in the dam reservoir bottoms..." |
Response to the KRRC (Klamath Dam removal corp)
commentary's 'corrections' by Rex Cozzalio,
followed by KRRC's 'corrections.' H&N 2/9/19. "At a recent meeting when questioned
what they would do if the KRRC had insufficient money,
an annoyed Mr. Bransom stated ‘no matter what else
happens, KRRC will blow the dams’." ..."Any claims
of ‘eventual’ benefit come with no historically
supported assurance, particularly true coming from a
shell corporation dissolving after acknowledged
irreversible regional devastation. Holding themselves
harmless...FERC...(called) just last week for the KRRC
to produce proof of as yet non-existent insurance
coverage..." "Send your comments to FERC." KBC's KRRC / Klamath River Renewal Corporation (Dam Destruction Group) Page |
Klamath Dam Destruction EIR, Siskiyou Daily News, Liz Writes Life Column, 1/29/19. Liz, column writer for Siskiyou Daily News, addresses State Water Resources Control Board regarding corrections and draft Environmental Impact Report concerning potential Klamath Dam destruction. | ||
Kiewit positions for Klamath dam pillage, by Rex Cozzalio, member of SCWUA / Siskiyou County Water Users Association, 1/18/19 | ||
SCWUA - Water Board evaluates the Klamath Dam removal without a final plan by FERC, by SCWUA President Richard Marshall, 1/21/19 |
Page Updated: Sunday March 08, 2020 01:43 AM Pacific
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