Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

From: Sara Spence <[email protected]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Mon, Mar 15, 2010 9:16 am
Subject: FW: Job Announcement - Klamath Riverkeeper

Job Announcement

(KBC NOTE: Craig Tucker, a lead negotiator on the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement secret negotiations as Karuk Tribal spokesman, was founder and is board member of Klamath Riverkeepers. More about Tucker HERE.)

Klamath Riverkeeper is searching for an Upper Klamath Coordinator to develop and implement programs to restore water quality and fisheries throughout the Upper Klamath Basin. The Coordinator will work under the guidance of the Executive Director to implement existing projects, develop new initiatives, and form partnerships with local landowners, Tribes, and organizations that will further the goal of fishable and swimmable waterways throughout the Upper Klamath Basin. The position will be based in the Klamath Falls, Oregon area.

About Klamath Riverkeeper:  Klamath Riverkeeper was founded in 2006 to serve as a voice for communities concerned about degraded water quality and declining fisheries in the Klamath River Basin. We work closely with local Native American Tribes, commercial fishermen, and other organizations to enhance and protect water quality, water quantity, and restore fish habitat. To meet these goals, we use expert-informed policy advocacy, existing environmental laws, water quality monitoring, and grassroots organizing within affected communities.
Since its inception, Klamath Riverkeeper has been a leader in the effort to remove Klamath dams, regulate blooms of toxic algae, create and enforce clean water standards, and reform mining laws.
Learn more about us at www.klamathriver.org
Major Responsibilities: The Upper Klamath Coordinator will work closely with the Executive Director and Lower Klamath Coordinator to develop and implement projects and campaigns to hold water polluters accountable, work with Tribes, ranchers, fishermen, and the public to protect water and fisheries resources and represent the organization in the region. The Coordinator will also conduct outreach activities and work with the Executive Director to raise funds.
The successful candidate will have:
  • 3-5 years experience working on environmental and/or political campaigns
  • Experience with issues addressed by environmental law, policy and regulation, emphasizing the Clean Water Act and National Environmental Policy Act
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Experience with web based communications and a digital office environment
  • Experience working with rural constituencies, esp. Native American Tribes, farmers, and ranchers
  • A personal commitment to protect fisheries and water quality
  • A demonstrated ability to self-motivate and work independently
  • A demonstrated ability to be a team player and work well with others
  • Willingness/ability to travel often; must have a valid driver’s license
Location: Klamath Falls, OR
Salary & Benefits: $38-$41,000 depending on experience; health care and vacation benefits included
To Apply: Email a letter of interest, resume and 2-3 references to:  [email protected] (PDF, MS Word, or text files)
S. Craig Tucker
Klamath Coordinator
Karuk Tribe
cell: 916-207-8294
home office: 707-839-1982
Home Contact


              Page Updated: Wednesday August 11, 2010 01:35 AM  Pacific

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