Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Fighting for Our Right to Irrigate Our Farms and Caretake Our Natural Resources

               Welcome to our Prayer Page

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'And all things, whatever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.' 
Matthew 21:22


February 12, 2003
(prayer by a Klamath Basin farmer for President Bush, Commissioner John Keyes, Gail Norton and Sue Ellen Wooldridge)

Father, be with the Department of the Interior and President Bush. May they only do your will.  Promises were made in 2002 by John Keyes concerning more water to the farmers for taking away more private land--may he keep his word.  May those making decisions now--Gail Norton and Sue Ellen Wooldridge and others---may they not base their decisions and policies on politics and media pressure.  The life or death of our community is in your hands Lord, so we ask you to convict these representatives of truth, justice and honesty.  We trust you God.
Also, be with our little community.
 In Jesus name we pray,


February 1, 2003

Please continue to pray for the McKoen family and friends, and Jerry, who has not been found.  Also, pray for our President, that he makes the right choices in our quest for world peace, and for HIS will in the
Klamath Basin.


Oct 21, 2002

Please pray for the families and friends of Jerry McKoen, and pray for Jerry.

A Prayer
Dear Father,
The days and sleepless nights are a continual nightmare, not knowing if Jerry is alive, where and how he is, and what we can do to find him. PLEASE be with Jerry. He is our son, our friend, our cousin, our neighbor. Guide us in our search for Jerry, and please, please God, give us peace and strength. Tell me what you want me to do to find Jerry. Tell me how I can assist in the search,  and in supporting his loved ones.  I ask these things in Jesus name,

Dear God,

You know that I tend to pray backwards ... thank You for understanding that  my faith is such that it gives the ability to thank You for Your Mighty Word.  Although I don't think that he and I ever met, last year I visited the  area of Oregon that he called home. It is beautiful, but it is vast. God, you have my heartfelt thanks that You are protecting those who know and love Jerry, just as You are carrying them at this time. They see only one set of footprints on the beach, because You are uplifting them through this sad and  hard time. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
                              "From a friend who cares" (Ohio)


If anyone has a prayer to share with us concerning Jerry, please send it to:
[email protected]


Anyone from the Klamath Basin wishing to write an article, poem, or inspiration for the prayer page is encouraged to contact the webmaster for the contact person and guidelines.  We welcome your participation in sharing God�s love.




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