Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
Action Alert by Oregonians for Food and Shelter: 4/6/07, SB-20. Please see the file below which is a pretty complete overview of SB-20. To put is mildly, it would shut down most pesticide applications across the state (the activist’s intended goal). Please send this it to a many allies as you can and encourage them to at least show up on Tuesday morning. Everyone should also take a few minutes to contact each of the Legislators listed below with a short e-mail message asking them to OPPOSE SB-20. Numbers do count and your help would be appreciated. Senate Environment & Natural Resources Committee members: Sen. Brad Avakian, Chair [email protected] 503-986-1717 Sen. Jason Atkinson [email protected] 503-986-1702 Sen. Alan Bates [email protected] 503-986-1703 Sen. Roger Beyer [email protected] 503-986-1709 Sen. Floyd Prozanski [email protected] 503-986-1704 Also Email: Rep. Brian Clem [email protected] 503-986-1421 Rep. Mike Schaufler [email protected] 503-986-1448 Rep. Deborah Boone [email protected] 503-986-1432 Rep. Arnie Roblan [email protected] 503-986-1409 Rep. Paul Holvey [email protected] 503-986-1408 Sen. Vicki Walker [email protected] 503-986-1707 If you have any questions or comments, please contact Terry or Paulette on their cell phones:
Terry Witt: 503-569-3300 Oregonians for Food & Shelter
================================================ The Hearing Rooms are on the first floor of the State Capitol in Salem. The address is 900 Court ST NE, Salem. There are six hearing rooms located on the south wall. If you enter from the front of the Capitol, go past the Rotunda and the information desk. HR-D will be the first hearing room on your right. There will no doubt be many folks gathered out in the hall in front of it. We suggest you arrive early. You can park at either the orange or gray colored parking meters within a 2-block radius of the Capitol. Either bring a lot of quarters to "stuff" the meter, or go to Room 51 in the basement and buy a parking pass good for all day. The cost for the parking pass is $6.00. If you plan to testify, PLEASE let me know. Paulette will arrive early on Tuesday and sign everyone up that we know will be there to testify. If you let me know you’re coming, Paulette will have a parking pass available for you. She’ll be in the hallway prior to the hearing, so find her and she’ll provide you with a pass. If you don’t let us know you’re coming, Terry suggests you park, go to Hearing Room D and sign up to testify (if you haven’t already notified us). Then get your parking pass, take it to your vehicle and place it in your rear view mirror. The "parking police" don't start work until 8:00 a.m., so if you arrive early, you should have plenty of time to take care of the parking detail. Thank you for your help. Terry, Paulette and Sandi
Page Updated: Thursday May 07, 2009 09:14 AM Pacific
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