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Subject:  Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan Rulemaking Process
11/19/04  Comments due Feb 10, 2005
This email describes the current rulemaking process underway to adopt an
Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan. The public comment period
recently was extended by one month and will end Feb. 10, 2005.

The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission is seeking public comment in a
formal rulemaking process on a proposal for wolf conservation and
management in Oregon. That process focuses on a rulemaking package which
consists of:

1)    The draft Wolf Conservation and Management Plan developed by a
14-member citizen advisory committee, and
2)    Technical administrative rule language that would implement a
crucial portion of the plan. The technical rule language governs the
harassment and "take" of wolves (defined in Oregon law as "to kill
or obtain possession or control").

The Commission is soliciting public comments on the rulemaking package.
Comments may be submitted in writing and in person at public hearings.
All comments must be received by the close of business Feb. 10, 2005 to
be considered. Although all comments will be considered, the Commission
has encouraged those with written comments to submit them before Feb. 4,
2005 to afford Commission members the maximum amount of time to analyze
the comments before voting on the plan. Public hearings will be held
before the Commission Dec. 10, 2004 and Jan. 6, 2005 at the Oregon
Department of Fish and Wildlife headquarters in Salem. An additional
public hearing will be held Feb. 10, 2005 in Troutdale. The Jan. 6 and
Feb. 10 hearings will occur from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The Commission is scheduled to make a final decision on the rulemaking
package Feb. 11, 2005. The Commission may decide to adopt the package as
proposed, to adopt the package with changes, or to not adopt any portion
of the package.

To assist the public in commenting on the rulemaking package, the
Commission is making available a number of relevant materials. These
materials include the draft plan, draft administrative rules, two
minority reports filed by two members of the citizen advisory committee,
and the formal notice of proposed rulemaking. All the relevant materials
may be found on the ODFW Web page:  http://www.dfw.state.or.us/wolves/main.html

Written comments may be submitted to:
ODFW - Information and Education Division
3406 Cherry Avenue NE, Salem, OR 97303-4924
Fax: 503-947-6009
E-mail: [email protected]

Questions regarding the rulemaking process or the draft plan may be
directed to ODFW by calling Craig Ely at 541-963-2138 or Anne Pressentin
Young at 503-657-2000, Ext. 285.






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