Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

Land Rights Network
American Land Rights Association
PO Box 400 - Battle Ground, WA 98604
Phone: 360-687-3087 - Fax: 360-687-2973
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Web Address: http://www.landrights.org
Legislative Office: 507 Seward Square SE - Washington, DC 20003

Don't Miss This Conference In Reno

5th Annual Freedom 21 National Conference
July 21-24, 2004
John Ascuaga's Nugget Hotel
Reno, Nevada Freedom 21 Co-sponsors

Call 1-800-648-1177 For Reservations or go to:


Eagle Forum
American Policy Center

American Land Rights Association

League of Private Property Voters
Heartland Institute Sovereignty International
Paragon Foundation
Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow
Environmental Conservation Organization

Wednesday, July 21
  1:00 pm - Opening ceremonies and welcome - David Rothbard
  1:15 pm - Session 1 - One Nation Under God

           Judge Roy Moore - refused to remove a monument containing the Ten
          Commandments in defiance of a federal court order which he believed to
          be an unlawful intrusion of the federal government into state
          sovereignty. He lost his elected position a Chief Justice of Alabama's
          Supreme Court, but won the admiration of millions. Hear this powerful
          speaker proclaim that America is - One Nation Under God!

  2:00 - 5:30 pm - Session 2 - Advancing Freedom at Home, and Around the World

           David Rothbard - is President of the Committee for a Constructive
          Tomorrow, and will lead this power-packed segment featuring the people
          who are in the forefront of the Freedom 21 Campaign. These speakers
          are on the front lines, developing the strategies and organizing the
          efforts at home and around the world.

           Dr. Michael Coffman - developed the maps that were crucial to the
          defeat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Author of several
          books, and the Freedom 21 Alternative to Agenda 21, Dr. Coffman will
          lay the philosophical foundation for the choice between freedom, and

           Henry Lamb - will provide an overview of how international
          organizations and agencies work together to influence domestic policy.
          His research and participation in U.N. meetings around the world
          results in vivid insights into the machinery that is systematically
          eroding freedom in America.

           Paul Driessen - author of Eco-Imperialism: green power; black death,
          will discuss what happens when freedom is lacking. His observations at
          home, and abroad, helped shape the ideas he offers for advancing the
          principles of freedom as the solution to many of the world's problems.

           Niger Innis - is the national spokesman for the Congress of Racial
          Equality (CORE), and will focus on rhe dastardly effects of
          anti-freedom policies on the poorest people in the U.S. and the
          developing world. He helped to organize the 600-person demonstration
          in Johannesburg, South Africa to announce to the delegates at the
          U.N's World Summit on Sustainable Development, that the people wanted
          Freedom 21, rather than Agenda 21.

           Floy Lilley, - founding member of the board of Sovereignty
          International, and former Program Director of the Murchison Chair of
          Free Enterprise at the University of Texas, will discuss Freedom's
          Possibilities: What Can Freedom Do for People and the Planet.

           Craig Rucker -Freedom on the Move: Stories of Victory by Pro-Freedom
          Forces? - Uplifting victories, with overhead photos, including defeat
          of Biodiversity Treaty on Senate Floor, forcing debate of science in
          Kyoto, 600 member Freedom 21 march in South Africa, food distribution
          by students in impoverished village in Mexico, and any other
          appropriate stories

  7:00 - 8:30 pm - Get Acquainted Reception Wednesday, July 21 Thursday,
        July 22Friday July 23Saturday July 24

Thursday, July 22
  8:30 am - Session 3 - The Big Picture - Reorganizing Society
           Dr. Michael Coffman - will review the programs and projects being
          used to achieve the goals of the Wildlands Project, which seek to
          "restore" half the land in the United States to "core wilderness."
           Henry Lamb - will review the progams and projects being used to
          achieve the goals of Agenda 21, which proposes "sustainable
          communities" as the alternative to people living where they choose.

  10:30 am - Session 4 - The Impacts of Societal Transformation
          G.B. Oliver, III - is the Executive Director of the Paragon
          Foundation, who will discuss how the ranching industry is affected by
          domestic and international policies, and how land use constraints pose
          real threats to the continued existence of the livestock industry.
          Larry Pratt - is the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America.
          Disarming Americans has been a major goal of the "sustainable
          development" movement for years. Larry's organization has developed
          strategies and tactics that can be effective in responding to all
          threats against Constitutional values.

  Noon - Lunch on your own
  2:00 pm Session 5 - Developing an Appropriate Response: Securing your property

          Wayne Hage - will share his years of experience battling for his
          property through the courts. Decisions in his case may be
          precedent-setting for other ranchers whose property rights have been
          "taken" by the federal government.

          Helen Chenoweth-Hage - brings her unique perspective as a former
          member of Congress, and now an educator on procedures for protecting
          private property rights.

  4:30 pm Session 6 - Congressman Ron Paul
           Congressman Ron Paul - Champion of all who cherish the U.S.
          Constituion will tell us about the important issues he is working to

    8:00 pm. Michael Martin Murphey Concert (Optional)
            Michael Martin Murphey is widely know as America's #1 cowboy singer.
            He has long been a champion of the western lifestyle, and has helped
            focus national attention on the issues faced by ranchers. He
            recently performed a benefit for Kit and Sherry Laney that drew
            nearly a thousand people to western New Mexico. Don't miss this
            outstanding opportunity.

Friday, July 23
  8:30 am - Session 7 - What "Sustainable Development" is Doing to Freedom

           Tom DeWeese - President of the American Policy Center, will lead this
          session, which analyzes just how sustainable development is eroding
          the principles of freedom in local communities throughout the country.
          His recently released DVD, "Liberty in the Balance" is a must for
          every organization. Tom is one of the most dynamic speakers in the
          country on Constitutional issues. Don't miss this session.

           Michael Chapman - Find out how the sustainable development agenda is
          embedded in your children's curriculum and now mandated by federal
          law. His work with EdWatch has helped reject the "sustainable
          development" curriculum mandated by the "No Child Left Behind"
          program. Learn how his organization was able to influence the
          Minnesota State legislature to rewrite the state's curriculum to
          include education in the principles of freedom, instead of the
          principles of sustainable development.

           Michael Shaw - is a founder of Freedom 21 Santa Cruz. His experience
          with the first Local Agenda 21 program in the nation has equipped him
          to provide outstanding leadership in developing organizational
          strategies to counter the impact of sustainable development.

  10:30 - Noon - Session 8, Developing an effective response

          Jim Burling - has litigated many important cases that establish case
          law in private property rights issues. His knowledge can help
          attendees avoid legal pitfalls and find strategies that may help keep
          private property in the hands of private individuals..

          Chuck Cushman - is known by opponents as "Mr. Rent-a-Riot," because
          his response techniques have been especially effective. Learn how
          local grassroots actions can provide the impetus necessary to advance
          the principles of freedom in local, state, and national policy
decisions.   He trains emerging grassroots groups giving them the necessary skills to compete in their local issues.   Mr. Cushman has been Executive Director of the American Land Rights Association for 26 years.  Headquartered in Battle Ground, Washington, ALRA also has an office in Washington, DC and is represented by  Mike Hardiman.  ALRA is the publisher of the Land Rights Network.

  Noon - Lunch on your own
  2: pm - Session 8 - Reports from the field

           Lori Waters - is the Executive Director of Eagle Forum's Washington
          office. As a resident of Loudoun County, Virginia, she saw the
          consequences of sustainable development, and became a successful
          candidate for the County Commission. She has led her county to reverse
          many of the sustainable development programs imposed by her

           Sylvia Allen - Founder of Arizona's People for the West in 1992, and
          now founding President of Freedom for America League, will report on
          events before and after the devastating Rodeo/Chediski fire that
          burned 500,000 acres - right up to her back door.

           Clarice Ryan - will report on events and activities in Montana, where
          she works with Montanans for Multiple Use, and serves on the Bigfork
          land use advisory committee for the Flathead County Planning and
          Zoning Office.

Saturday, July 24
  8:30 am - Session 9 - Reports from Washington & Organizational Workshop

           Kent Snyder - is the Executive Director of the Liberty Committee, the
          Congressional Caucus founded by Congressman Ron Paul. Kent will
          discuss the pending legislation of concern to the caucus, which
          affects the Constitution, and, therefore, the principles of freedom.

           Michael Shaw and Brent Duncan - will lead attendees through a
          detailed organizational process that can be used by any organization
          in any community to make your organization more effective in advancing
          the principles of freedom in public policy. These people are doing it
          in their community, and have much to offer.

  10:30 am - House Resources Committee Report

    Kathy Benedetto - will bring us an up-to-the-minute report from field
    hearings in Klamath Falls, and a full report of the good things Chairman
    Pombo's Resources Committee is trying to do.

  11:15 am - Presidential Candidates
        Michael Peroutka (left), Constitution Party candidate. President Bush,
        or his representative, has been invited, but the campaign will not
        announce its intententions until a few days before the conference.

Lunch on your own

  2:00 - 4:00 pm - Presentation of the Freedom 21 Platform and Action Plan
    For months, Freedom 21 Santa Cruz has been collecting suggestions and ideas
    from individuals and organizations across the country. They have
    consolidated and condensed your ideas into the Freedom 21 Platform and
    Action Plan you received in your registration package. During this session
    we will review and discuss your ideas which will become the foundation for
    coordinated action by hundreds of organizations.

  6:30 pm - Final Banquet
    C.J. Hadley has been editor and publisher of Range Magazine since 1989. Her
    magazine and special reports have been a leading force in efforts to protect
    western culture. She is an outstnding speaker, known for her
    straight-forward, tell-it-like-it-is style. This is the special,
    conference-ending event, and there will likely be a few surprises. Don't
    miss this event.

  Conference Adjourns




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