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Northwest Property Rights Conference - April 29, 2006
Early Registration Expires April 15th

Dear ,

PFUSA Grange is holding a property rights conference in Phoenix, Oregon on Saturday, April 29th, titled "My Land, My Home, My Business!” One of the featured speakers is Fred Kelly Grant, Litigation Chairman with Stewards of the Range.

The early registration discount rate of $35 per person (including lunch) expires April 15th. To hold your seat at this price call Kathy Bergeron at (530) 842-4400 today. Cost of the program will be $50 after this date.

Along with Fred, Timothy Sandefur from Pacific Legal Foundation and Russell Walker from Freedomworks, will round out the program covering the threat of eminent domain to landowners.

Timothy Sandefur will discuss eminent domain; it's original use as recognized by our Constitution, the gradual degradation of the term "public use," and efforts underway today to rein in overreaching government and restore private property rights.

Tim is the lead attorney for the Economic Liberty Project at the Pacific Legal Foundation, which is devoted to restoring constitutional protections for the right to earn a living. In addition, Mr. Sandefur works on eminent domain reform, and has participated in many cases at the state and local levels to fight the abuse of eminent domain.

Fred Kelly Grant will discuss conservations easements; the potential benefits and pitfalls, as well as the dangers within the model conservation easement.

Fred is a Director and the Litigation Chairman at Stewards of the Range where he works closely with the member’s specific issues. He also critiques and analyzes property rights issues as they occur across the nation, and writes many of the organizations policy papers and articles while teaching the in-house seminar program.

Fred is also consultant to Owyhee County Land Use Planning Committee and to the Board of County Commissioners regarding Land Use Planning for the federally managed lands in the county.

Russ Walker will show you how to get involved with and affect the decision-making process of government, especially at the local and state levels.

Russ is the former State Director for Citizens for a Sound Economy, which merged with Empower America in 2004, creating FreedomWorks. He serves as the Regional Director for an area that includes Oregon, working towards lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

Registration will open at 9:00am. The conference will take place at the Phoenix Grange Hall and will begin at 11:00am running until 4:00pm. For further information, contact Kathy Lehman at (541) 482-4096.


[email protected]




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