Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

Tropical Storm Isaac
( www.mercychefs.com )
We need your help.
Mercy Chefs is responding to the threat of what will become hurricane Isaac. We plan to load and move the first wave of equipment beginning Monday.

Right now, our immediate needs are for staff transportation, fuel and lodging until Isaac passes. Then, of course, will come the food costs to feed those in need along Isaac's path. We do one thing and one thing well -- we provide hot meals to disaster victims and volunteers. The simple fact is, we cannot continue our work without faithful partners like you. We would be honored if you would consider making a gift to Mercy Chefs as we continue our work in Haiti and prepare for Isaac's arrival in the U.S.

If you would, please make a tax-deductible gift now to help us provide hot meals in these disaster-torn regions.

We will rally our teams in Tuscaloosa AL or Jackson MS Wednesday morning to move in behind the storm as soon as it is safe to travel. Once the immediate response is stabilized we will send the rest of our equipment in with a second Mercy Chef group.
Please send your volunteer information to:
[email protected]




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              Page Updated: Sunday August 26, 2012 02:07 AM  Pacific

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